
  • 网络Populus bolleana;Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis;Populus bolleana Lauche
  1. 提高新疆杨扦插成活率途径的研究

    Way to Increase the Survival Ratio of Cuttage of Populus bolleana

  2. 新疆杨元素含量与生物量研究

    A study on nutrient content and biomass of Populus bolleana

  3. 稀土保水剂在新疆杨育苗上的应用研究

    Application of RE Water-Retaining Reagent on Seedlings Growth of Xinjiang Poplar

  4. 对新疆杨扦插生根机理的初探

    A Preliminary Study on Rooting Mechanism of Cutting Xinjiang Poplar

  5. 青杨伐根嫁接新疆杨试验

    Test on Grafting Xinjiang Poplar on Cathay Popular Stumps

  6. 新疆杨高效遗传转化系统的建立

    Establishment of system with high frequency for genetic transformation of Populus alba var. pyramidalis

  7. 新疆杨埋条育苗试验

    Test on Bury stem Seedling-raising of Xinjiang poplar

  8. 新疆杨扦插育苗密度对苗木生长的影响西番莲插穗生根试验

    Effect of Density of Raising Seedlings by Cuttage for Populus bolleana on Stock Growth

  9. 宁夏北部新疆杨不同结构林分抗虫效应的调查

    Research on insect-resistant effect of plantations of different structure of Populus alba var. Pyramidalis in northern ningxia

  10. 结果表明:臭椿、新疆杨混交林对天牛成虫的寄主选择有显著影响,天牛成虫的交尾行为只在新疆杨植株上进行;

    The result showed that the effect of the types of the mixed forests on the beetle 's host choice was significant .

  11. 通过计算提出新疆杨单株耗水量指标及其防护林耗水量指标,这为河套灌区制定计划用水方案提供了基础资料。

    Annually average water consumptions of individual tree and whole shelter belt were provided as basic data for planning water use of Hetao-irrigated region .

  12. 注干液剂中单剂、混剂及其各组分都可对新疆杨叶片造成药害,氧化乐果的症状表现比敌敌畏明显。

    Each components of mixed pesticide can damage the structure of poplar leaves , and the symptoms of omethoate were more obvious than dichlorvos .

  13. 新疆杨一年生枝、多年生枝、心材和边材的离子分布年内动态相似,叶和根有各自独特的特点。

    The dynamic regularity was similar in one year branches , many year branches , heartwood and sapwood , leaves and roots had their own characters .

  14. 1行榆树+2行新疆杨+1行榆树玉米和1行榆树+2行旱柳+1行榆树番茄复合系统中的土壤物理性质明显好于其他复合系统。

    The soil physical properties of a line of elm + 2 lines of poplars + 1 line of elm plus maize and a line of elm + 2 lines of Salix + 1 line of elm plus tomato complex systems are better than those of other composite systems .