
  • 网络xinjiang cotton
  1. 介绍了早期和近期新疆棉的特性并分别用早期和近期新疆棉纺JC18。

    This paper introduces the performance of early and recent Xinjiang cotton and the spinning processes for100 % JC18 .

  2. 新疆棉的性能变异及纺纱工艺研究

    The Performance Variation of Xinjiang Cotton and Research of Spinning Processes

  3. 基于计算机视觉的新疆棉种颜色分选系统设计

    Xinjiang Cotton Seed Color Separation System Based on Computer Vision

  4. 加快新疆棉纺织企业发展的对策研究

    Research on Accelerating the Development of Textile Enterprises in Xinjiang

  5. 新疆棉苗大量死亡原因及其防治研究

    Study on the Cause of Cotton Seedlings Death in Xinjiang and Corresponding Control Measures

  6. 新疆棉产业可持续发展面临的挑战与科技对策浅谈新疆科技情报业面临的困惑与出路

    Some Problems and Their Scientific and Technological Countermeasures for Sustainable Development of Cotton Production in Xinjiang ; Talking about the Perplexity and Outlet Faced by Xinjiang Sci-tech Information Industry

  7. 介绍了在使用新疆棉时,防止生产过程中的“三绕”现象,减少产生棉结和防止成纱色差的经验。

    This paper introduced the experiences in using xinjiang cotton , i.e , preventing the cotton from three winding in production , decreasing the neps and preventing the yarn from color deviating .

  8. 改进棉花供应办法,允许价格浮动百分之六,用新疆棉顶进口棉出口的产品实行零税率。

    Fourthly , to improve cotton supply methods , and to allow prices to fluctuate 6 % , and for exporting products using Xinjiang cotton to replace imported cotton , a zero tax rate will be implemented .