
  1. 金融危机救助方案及其效果评价&基于美国新金融危机与大萧条历史比较的视角

    The Governmental Relief Programs of Financial Crisis and Its Effect Evaluation

  2. 近些年来,鉴于对以信贷危机为核心的新金融危机的防范,商业银行加强了风险管理,尤其是信贷风险管理。

    In order to prevent a new financial crisis with credit risk as its core , commercial banks have enhanced risk management in recent years , especially credit risk management .

  3. 亚洲开发银行(adb)本周警告说,亚洲国家在外汇市场广泛干预,试图保持相对于中国的竞争力,这种做法可能引发新的金融危机。

    The Asian Development Bank warned this week that widespread intervention in foreign exchange markets by Asian countries seeking to maintain competitiveness with China risked sparking a new financial crisis .

  4. 种种迹象表明即将爆发新的金融危机。

    There are various indications that another financial crisis is coming soon .

  5. 2010年新的金融危机制度强迫银行结束自营交易柜台。

    Back in 2010 , new post-financial crisis regulation forced banks to break up proprietary trading desks .

  6. 到2010年春季,希腊开始走向破产,这预示了新的金融危机的爆发。

    By the spring of 2010 , it was veering toward bankruptcy , which threatened to set off a new financial crisis .

  7. 此外,大量企业同时陷入财务危机时,将有可能引发新的金融危机。

    Besides , when many enterprises run into FD at the same time , it may cause a new financial crisis in capital market .

  8. 其次,失衡加剧本身可能会播下新的金融危机的种子,正如它们帮助播下上次危机的种子一样。

    Second , the higher imbalances themselves could sow the seeds of a new financial crisis just as they helped sow the seeds of the last crisis .

  9. 新的金融危机将为中国经济增长带来压力,但中国资金也面临“走出去”彻底整合并购相应企业的好时机。

    New financial crisis will put pressure on China 's economic growth , but China is also facing money " going out " to integrate acquisitions and complete the corresponding enterprises a good opportunity .

  10. 为了防止新的金融危机的爆发,应对世界范围内区域货币一体化潮流的强烈挑战,开展有效的地区货币合作。

    In order to prevent a new financial crisis from breaking out and meet the blazing challenge of a worldwide tide of regional monetary integration , effective regional currency cooperation are necessary to be developed .

  11. 当务之急是避免新一轮金融危机和经济二次衰退。

    The immediate priority is to avoid renewed financial stress and a second economic downturn .

  12. 如今全球正面临着新世纪的金融危机,而此次金融危机正是由于银行次贷危机引发的。

    Now the world is facing a new financial crisis , the financial crisis triggered by the crisis bank .

  13. 浅议我国企业财务管理发展的新趋势浅议金融危机下煤炭企业的财务管理

    On the Trend of Financial Management Development in China ; On financial management in coal mines in midst of financial crisis

  14. 随着新一轮金融危机的爆发,世界各国对于金融危机产生的原因、影响及预防越来越关注。

    Increasing concerns are paid on the causes , effects and prevention of financial crisis with the outbreak of the subprime crisis .

  15. 在最新的全球性金融危机中,系统风险问题和对金融机构的救助决策成为了关注的焦点。

    During the latest global financial crisis , the problem of systemic risk and rescue strategies for financial institutions have come into focus .

  16. 但如果根本不实施这些措施,全球经济陷入双底衰退、新一轮金融危机卷土重来的风险就会显著上升。

    But if they are not undertaken at all , the risk of a global double dip , and a new financial crisis , will grow sharply .

  17. 首先,全球收支模式能否平稳调整,而不至于在几年后激发新一轮金融危机(可能是在新兴经济体)。

    The first is whether the pattern of global payments can or will adjust smoothly , without triggering another round of financial crises , probably in emerging economies , some years hence .

  18. 新自由主义、金融危机与我国的战略选择

    Neoliberalism , Financial and Economic Situation Surging and Our Choice

  19. 当代发达国家对发展中国家的新掠夺&东南亚金融危机的再思考

    The new robbing by developed countries of developing countries : international monopoly capital

  20. 后危机时代,全球经济发展呈现出了新的特点,金融危机对中美贸易产生了冲击并对贸易失衡影响因素产生了影响。

    Financial crisis has impacting on China-US trade and influences the factors of bilateral-trade imbalance .

  21. 因此,不应该过多的把新自由主义和金融危机爆发的原因混在一起,新自由主义思想的广泛传播和危机的爆发之间没有必然的联系。

    Therefore , there is no relationship between the outbreak financial crisis and the Neo-liberalism .

  22. 这个消息引发了人们的担忧,认为花旗银行没有充足的资金抵御新一轮的金融危机。

    That raised concern that the bank did not have enough capital to survive another financial crisis .

  23. 所有证据表明,我们得出这样一个事实:人们正渐渐度过这新世纪的首场金融危机。

    All this only reinforces the fact that overcoming the first global financial crisis is uncharted territory .

  24. 除去日本所面临的种种危机之外,这会给全世界带来一个新的危机&金融危机的蔓延。

    That would add another international risk financial contagion to all the other dangers looming over Japan .

  25. 除去日本所面临的种种危机之外,这会给全世界带来一个新的危机—金融危机的蔓延。

    That would add another international risk - financial contagion - to all the other dangers looming over Japan .

  26. 在五家主要央行宣布采取新的措施应对金融危机之后,全球金融市场已作出积极回应。

    Financial markets around the world have responded positively after five leading central banks said they are taking new steps to tackle the financial crisis .

  27. 第六,综合了我国金融租赁的最新情况,在金融危机背景下,以新的视角重新审视中国金融租赁。

    Showing the latest situation of financial lease in China , examining the financial lease in China with a new view under the background of financial crisis .

  28. 本文还结合21世纪国际银行监管新趋势与当前金融危机原因分析,阐述其为我国银行监管所带来的启示。

    This article also combines the new trends in international banking supervision and analysis of the reasons of the current financial crisis , and brings some enlightenment to the Chinese banking supervision system .

  29. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)上周宣布,将对128家银行进行新的压力测试,看它们手头是否有必要的资金以应对新的金融危机。

    The European Central Bank announced last week it would be conducting new stress tests on 128 banks to see if they have the necessary capital on hand to deal with another financial crisis .

  30. 如今,这些最新数据让人们更加担心,欧洲正面临着一场新的金融和经济危机。

    Now , the latest data is adding concerns that Europe is headed for a new financial and economic crisis .