
  1. 论我国宣传性新闻失实

    Analysis on the Propagandist Unreal News in Our Country

  2. 新闻失实原因探析

    Analyse The Cause Of False News

  3. 与之相关的新闻失实、新闻侵权、媒体审判等一度是案件报道中的重要伦理问题。

    There are some ethical problems related cases reports , like inaccurate news , media trial , and infringement .

  4. 造成新闻失实的原因很多,主要是主观原因。

    There are a lot of reasons for causing news to be inconsistent with facts , most are subjective reasons .

  5. 由于文化历史原因,新闻失实现象一直存在着,只是不同的时代表现出了不同的特点。

    Because of historical reasons , the news inaccurate have existed phenomenon , just different time show the different features .

  6. 本文就中国传媒严重的新闻失实问题进行了论证。文章分析了造成这种情况的原因,强调坚持新闻客观性的职业理念,以保障新闻真实。

    The thesis analyses the reasons which cause inconsistency with the facts in the press , and stresses the professional idea of news objectivity to ensure news truth .

  7. 文幸分析了网络新闻失实产生的原因,提出了解决网络新闻真实性问题的方法,并对网络新闻真实性的发展前景作了乐观展望。

    This article analyses the reasons causing false news , puts forward some methods to solve this problem , and prospects the development of the reality of online news optimistically .

  8. 从新闻来源失实看媒体承担的有限法律责任

    Limited Law Responsibility Which Media Should Afford From False News Resource

  9. 掌握事件的全部材料,从而避免新闻写作失实;不回避敏感问题,采访要深入;

    Grasps the event the complete material , thus avoids news writing not being in accordance with the facts ;

  10. 美国新闻史中的失实新闻

    The False News in the History of American Press

  11. 综观我国新闻界,新闻报道失实已经严重威胁到了新闻媒体的公信力。

    Viewing comprehensively on the Chinese journalism , the problem of false news reports has been the most frequently occurred malady , which is severely threatening the public credibility of our mass media .

  12. 新闻应当真实是全世界新闻界的共识,然而,在实际新闻工作中,中西方都出现了新闻失实的现象。

    The fact that news report should be true is the common sense of the whole world press fields .