
  • 网络news selection
  1. 论传媒组织对新闻选择的影响

    Media Organizations ' Effect on News Selection

  2. 现实的新闻选择过程,实质上是新闻从业者的新闻价值取向和受众需求共同作用的结合。

    The news selection actually is a combination of journalists ' news value and acceptors ' demand .

  3. 更加平衡的新闻选择和叙述应受到重视。

    A more balanced news choice and narration should be stressed .

  4. 从《经济半小时》节目生产流程看电视新闻选择

    The Procedure of Selecting TV News for the Program of " Economic 30 "

  5. 增加新闻选择功能和更多细节

    Adding story selection and more detail

  6. 在大多数国家里,消费者有许多新闻选择,他们可以拒绝那些不够标准的新闻。

    And in most countries , the consumer has many news choices and can reject those whose standards fall short .

  7. 因此,都市报纸的新闻选择研究成为十分重要的课题。

    Therefore , it becomes a significant subject to be studied and discussed on the news selection of metropolitan newspapers .

  8. 同时,新华社伦敦奥运会的图片报道中在项目选择、新闻选择以及运动表现力方面有非常典型的特点。

    Meanwhile , the Xinhua News Agency has a very typical feature in project selection , press select and expressive aspects of sport .

  9. 新闻选择是新闻理论和新闻实践中的核心问题之一,也是新闻从业者和新闻学界研究的重要课题之一。

    The selection of news is not only a core problem of news theory and practice , but also an important issue under discussion of journalists and the world of journalism .

  10. 媒介运作方式的变化给媒介的内部及外部组织结构带来了巨大的变化,同时也直接影响到媒介新闻选择的过程。

    Changes in the Chinese media 's operational behaviors during the current social transition have created nontrivial shift not only in media 's internal and external structures , but more directly , their news selection process .

  11. 模型还返回用户的新闻类型选择(//rss/userinput/newstype)和检索的新闻标题及URL(//rss/headlinelist/headline)。

    The model also returns the user 's news type choice ( / / rss / userinput / newstype ) and the retrieved news headlines and URLs ( / / rss / headlinelist / headline ) .

  12. 对传播技术革新中体育新闻价值选择的思考

    Selection of sports news value in the innovation of propagating technology

  13. 新闻报道选择叙述视角的艺术

    The Skills of Choosing Narrative Respective on News Report

  14. 而且值得一提的是,有一些其他的社会书签和社会新闻'选择'的选择。

    And it 's worth mentioning that there are some other social bookmarking and social news'options'to choose from .

  15. 在及物性方面通过对两篇新闻所选择的不同的过程类型进行分析找出其所隐含的意图:对女性的歧视。

    In terms transitivity , the present study unearths the hidden ideology of gender discrimination through the analysis of processes selection .

  16. 依据文化相近性原理以及文化的稳定性、独特性特点,日本高等新闻教育选择了德国古典大学的新闻教育理念和模式作为样板。

    According to the principle of cultural proximity and the culture being stable and unique , Japan takes German higher educational idea as its model , following the ideas of journalism as adopted in German classic universities .

  17. 新闻事实的选择不可忽视道德评价

    Choosing Newsworthy Facts Must Not Overlook Moral Evaluation

  18. 传播主体对新闻事实的选择,是最终形成报道的关键。

    Communication subject choosing newsworthy facts is the key to form a news repot finally .

  19. 受众的选择性心理,促使科技新闻濒于被选择的地步。

    Selective audience reception , leading technology news on the brink of " selected " state .

  20. (二)文化引导功能:现代生活和工作方式决定了读者对新闻只能有选择的获取,而这种选择一般是通过新闻标题来实现的。

    Culture : leading function : Modern living and working style decide that readers obtain news optional .

  21. 玩家只能从新闻栏中选择一个俱乐部为关联俱乐部。

    User can now only select one team as their feeder club at any one time from the news item .

  22. 然而实际上,新闻语料的选择的背后隐藏着某种价值和意识形态特征。

    But actually , there are hidden values and ideologies behind the paraphrasing and selection of information in the reporting .

  23. 其独特之处,更多的在于其新闻和新闻选择方面非西方的“南方”视角。

    Its distinctiveness lies more in its non-western , " southern " perspective on , and choice of , the news .

  24. 他们对国家要闻和国内新闻故事进行选择、编辑、和存档。

    They select , edit and file the news , write national roundups and direct coverage for stories of national interest .

  25. 在这种形势下,党报的新闻宣传战略选择应当是:内容要体现整合性;

    Under such a situation , the Party newspapers should adopt the following strategies : the content of the newspapers should concern itself with people 's livelihood ;

  26. 第四章讨论了如果通过认知语境来更好的理解新闻英语并选择适当的翻译策略。

    Chapter Four focuses on some concrete translating strategies concerning news English and provides many examples to discuss how to get a better understanding of news English in terms of cognitive context and choose appropriate strategies .

  27. 没有选择就没有新闻,新闻选择的好与坏,直接影响受众对报纸的喜爱程度,进而影响报纸的发行量,最终的结果便是报纸的发展趋势。

    No selection , no news . Whether the news selection is good or not , it directly affects the preference of media audience objectives , so as to the circulation , and finally affects the development trend of newspaper .

  28. 抱着离开中国赴美的想法,李小加申请了几所美国大学的新闻专业,最终选择阿拉巴马大学(alabama),因为这所学校同时答应为他妻子提供教研助学金。

    Wanting to leave China for the US , Mr Li applied to study journalism at several US universities , ultimately choosing Alabama because it also accepted his wife for a teaching and research assistantship .

  29. 输入新闻组名称并选择访问权限级别。

    Enter the newsgroup name and select the level of access rights .

  30. 练习说明:阅读下面的新闻报道,并选择最佳答案。

    Directions : read the news report below and choose the best answer to each question .