
  • 网络New look;new face;new appearance
  1. 这位年轻的艺术家真的为中国古代文化赋予了新面貌。

    The young artist really gave the ancient Chinese culture a new look .

  2. 我已经打定了主意,让我的自行车哈雷胖男孩FLSTF新面貌。

    I have made up my mind to give my bike Harley-Davidson Fat Boy FLSTF a new look .

  3. 化妆品魅力涵盖的浴缸,E的野生电子地形设计让您的浴室浴缸的新面貌的一生。

    Covered in cosmetic charm , the Tub-E electronic bathtub by Wild Terrain Designs gives your bathroom the face-lift of a lifetime .

  4. HOUSE99发展全面,将传统英式理发店风格和创新性的头发、皮肤、胡子、纹身等护理融合起来,为男性打造新面貌。

    HOUSE 99 takes a holistic approach to grooming , merging British barbershop culture and style with hair , skin , beard and tattoo creativity to build a home for every man 's next look .

  5. 我们正处在历史文化和人口特征的变化中,而奥巴马既是这种象征,在某些方面也是美国新面貌的构建者,瑞克斯坦格尔,《时代》杂志编辑,昨天宣布这一选择时他告诉NBC。

    We are in the midst of historic cultural and demographic changes , and Obama is both the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America , Rick Stengel , Time 's editor , told NBC where he announced the selection yesterday .

  6. 河南有色金属环保型经济新面貌

    New development of environment protection economy of Henan nonferrous metals industry

  7. 这家老厂已呈现出一派新面貌。

    The old factory has taken on a new look .

  8. 你觉得这个生日女孩的新面貌怎么样呢?

    What do you think of the birthday girl 's new look ?

  9. 桑托斯将加入公园楚杨在我们的新面貌名单。

    Santos will join Park Chu-Young in our new-look squad .

  10. 她的新面貌是从传统的印度文化借鉴来的。

    The singer 's new look even borrows from traditional Indian culture .

  11. 这座城市骄傲地展现它的新面貌。

    The city was proud to display its new images .

  12. 这些设施会为维多利亚港换上新面貌。

    These will bring about a new look to the Victoria harbour .

  13. 这是美国银行业的新面貌。

    This is the new face of banking in america .

  14. 这座城市有了新面貌。

    The city has taken on a new look .

  15. 大规模报复战略是美国艾森豪威尔政府时期提出的新面貌安全政策的核心,也是进入核时代后美国提出的第一项核战略。

    Massive retaliation is the core of Eisenhower 's New-Look National Security Policy .

  16. 我们的网站正呈现出一幅新面貌。

    Our website is taking on a new look .

  17. 许多高楼建造起来后,这座城市呈现一派新面貌。

    The city takes on a new look with many high buildings built .

  18. 结果非常好,她喜欢炫耀她的新面貌。

    It turns out very well and she enjoys showing off her new look .

  19. 这个公司呈现出了新面貌。

    The company took on a new look .

  20. 他完成了对唐人尚“法”思想的反叛,建立了自己独特的审美艺术观,开辟了宋书的新面貌。

    SU Shi 's distinctive aesthetic conceptions start the brand-new calligraphy of the Song Dynasty .

  21. 但是卡尔普没有什么,但对于那些谁赞美她新面貌可能。

    But Culp had nothing but praise for those who made her new face possible .

  22. 让世界看到了中国竞技网球的新面貌。

    Let the world to see a Chinese game of tennis with the new shape .

  23. 基础设施呈现新面貌。

    Infrastructure development demonstrated new positive signs .

  24. 土星及其卫星的新面貌

    New Look of Saturn and Titan

  25. 真实电视&电视新面貌

    Reality TV-The New Face of Television

  26. 他伸手摸一下脸,想熟悉自己的新面貌。

    He ran a hand over his face , trying to familiarize himself with the new shape .

  27. 黑龙江大学图书馆在21世纪向人们展现了它的新面貌、新感觉、新形象。

    In 21 st century Heilongjiang university library gives people new look , new feeling and new image .

  28. 全球化的新面貌不但威胁到西方的制造业岗位,也威胁到了许多服务业岗位。

    The new face of globalisation does not just threaten western manufacturing jobs , but many service jobs too .

  29. 浦东的发展代表了上海乃至中国城市发展的最新面貌。

    The development of Pudong represents the new face of urban development in Shanghai and even the whole country .

  30. 主办方称,博览会上提供的服务将包括离婚规划、反跟踪协助以及“新面貌”(美容)建议。

    The services include divorce planning , anti-stalking help , and " new look " tips , the organisers said .