
fāng shì
  • alchemist;necromancer
方士 [fāng shì]
  • [alchemist] 炼制丹药以求得道成仙的术士

  • 范君固非方士者流也。--明. 顾炎武《复庵记》

方士[fāng shì]
  1. 此文学形象的演变既形象诠释了方仙道向神仙道教演进的规律,亦集中反映出方士小说与道士小说之间的嬗递关系。

    This literary figure vividly interprets the evolution changing from necromancy to Taoism , and mainly shows the successive change from necromancer novels to Taoist novels .

  2. 而那个方士,便是传说中的徐福?

    But that square private , would be legendary Xu Fu ?

  3. 其一,方士是这一时期小说的主要创作者。

    Firstly , alchemists were the main novel authors in this period .

  4. 接着分析了这些小说中的方士形象。

    Then the images of the alchemists are analyzed in these novels .

  5. 汉代方士对中央与地方政局的影响

    The Influence on the Central and the Local Political Situation Produced by Han Alchemists

  6. 方士徐福东渡日本是自“千童城”启航

    Xu Fu navigated to Japan was form the place named " thousand children city "

  7. 小说从一开始就受到方术文化的深刻影响,方士是最早的小说创作者。

    Fiction was deeply influenced by Alchemy culture at first . Alchemists were the early novel creators .

  8. 对于方士和六朝小说,前人已有很多的研究论著。

    For the alchemists and the Six Dynasties ' novels , previous studies have been on a lot .

  9. 结合文献分析,可知它是我国迄今为止发现的最早的方士的炼丹实物;

    According to ancient Chinese documents , it is the earliest alchemistic material found so far in China .

  10. 战国神仙方士文化本与鬼神无涉,它是如何成为孕育早期道教的文化要素呢?这就要我们注意秦汉神仙方士文化发生的第一个转变&神学化。

    What is the bridge between the culture of supernatural being and alchemist in the Warring states and early Taoism ?

  11. 汉代时,佛教的传入启发了某些神仙方士,刺激了道教进一步发展。

    In Han Dynasty , the introduction of Buddhism inspired some fairy Taoist alchemists and stimulated the further development of Taoism .

  12. 秦汉神仙方士文化是孕育早期道教产生的重要文化要素。

    The culture of supernatural being and alchemist in Qin and Han Dynasties is an important cultural integrant being pregnant with early Taoism .

  13. 魏晋南北朝时期,志怪小说初次以蓬勃的面貌出现在我们面前,方士是其兴盛的一个重要因素。

    During Wei , Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties , supernatural tales began to flourish . Alchemist was an important factor in the flourishing .

  14. 它在文化史上具有重要的意义,甚至影响了方士群体的出现及道教起源,可作更深层次的研究。

    It has important meaning in the cultural history , even affected the emergence of the supernatural being and alchemist and Taoism . The above subjects are worthy of further research .

  15. 东汉也是儒学发展曲折的时代,由于最高统治者对谶纬的倡导,导致儒学神秘化,儒士方士化,士林充斥着虚妄与迷信。

    The Eastern Han Dynasty is the most dirty age of Confucianism too , because the supreme ruler of prophetic-mixed advocacy , lead it to mystification , Confucian scholars are akin to necromancer , scholastic filled with false and superstition .

  16. 另外,王充还批判了“度世不死”、“修炼成仙”的思想以及祭祀、占卜等迷信活动,探讨了迷信存在的根源,批判了形形色色的方士,将无神论思想发展到更高的水平。

    Wang Chong also attacked the pursuit of immortality through practicing alchemy as well as other superstitious practice such as sacrifice offering and soothsaying . By exploring the root of superstition , Wang Chong helped to push the Chinese atheism to a higher level .

  17. 汉代的著名方士并不仅仅从事占卜、祠神、求仙等迷信活动,他们往往精通儒家经典,而且在中央和地方各级政权中任职,对政局产生了重要的影响。

    The famous Alchemists-in the Han dynasty not only went in for divination , offering sacrifice to the gods and superstition activities and so on , they always experted at the Confucianists classics , but also they held a post in the central and the local political power .

  18. 檀君神话的文化内涵有熊、虎图腾文化、方士文化、佛教文化以及其他的汉文化等几个层面,反映了中国古代文化对大同江流域的强烈影响。

    The article holds that culturally " Tangun myth " contains bear and tiger totem culture , alchemist culture , Buddhist culture and other aspects of Han culture , and it reflects the ancient Chinese cultural influence upon the Taedong River reaches as well as its obvious historical consciousness .