
wú xù
  • disorder;unordered;out-of-order
无序[wú xù]
  1. 当前义务教育师资的无序流动和师资质量的良莠不齐导致义务教育师资的非均衡发展。无零序环流三相PWM变流器线路级并联策略

    The out-of-order fluxion of teachers and the unbalance of the qualified teachers cause the unbalanced development of the teachers of compulsory education . Circuit-level Parallel Strategies of Three Phase PWM Converters without Zero Sequence Circulating Current

  2. 在此过程中,国际政治的无序性日渐降低,有序性日趋增强。

    During the process , the out-of-order of international politics decreases and sociality increases .

  3. 在商业世界中,无序状态主宰一切。

    In the business world , entropy rules .

  4. 旅游业的无序发展无异于杀鸡取卵。

    Unregulated tourism can kill the goose that laid their golden egg .

  5. 约翰住在一个新潮而又混乱无序的艺术家的工作室里。

    John lived in a stylishly shambolic artist 's studio .

  6. 你会听到有关美国经济发展无序、后劲乏力的议论。

    You hear talk about American business being flabby .

  7. 州检察官的报告称警方的这次行动混乱无序、毫无章法。

    A report by the state prosecutor described the police action as confused and disorganised

  8. 经济混乱无序。

    The economy is in a shambles .

  9. 他从事研究物质在有序与无序的细微临界处的行为变化。

    He has spent his career studying how matter behaves at the fine edge between order and disorder .

  10. 极度糟糕:指某人或某事极为失败或无序

    hot mess - a person or thing that is spectacularly unsuccessful or disordered

  11. 校外培训不是逐利的风口,不是圈钱的工具,不能无序发展,不能盲目扩张。

    The tutoring industry should not develop for profiteering , and disorderly expansion should be forestalled .

  12. 实验结束后,研究人员根据此前研究中给人类婴儿和狗狗划分的依恋类型对每只小猫进行分类——安全型、矛盾型、回避型和无序型。

    After the experiment , they categorized each kitten by the attachment3 styles assigned to human babies and dogs in previous studies — secure , ambivalent4 , avoidant , and disorganized .

  13. 华北地区的天津市将从明年起禁止企业事业单位等收集个人生物信息。人脸识别如今已被广泛应用于移动支付、考试甚至公共卫生间等场所,这种无序使用状况引发公众担忧。

    North China 's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year , amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition , now employed in mobile payment , test-taking , and even public restrooms .

  14. 见此情景,学生们问道:“老师,山里的大树因无用而活下来,家养的雁却由于不会而丧失性命,我们将采取什么态度来对待这繁复无序的人世?”

    Seeing this , the disciples asked , " Master , the tree in the forest survived due to its uselessness , while the goose lost its life because of its disability . So what kind of attitude shall we take toward this capricious world ? "

  15. 磁场中的K-P模型与准一维无序系统的电阻

    Resistance of a Quasi One Dimensional Disorder System and the Kronig Penney Model Subjected to Magnetic Field

  16. Al含量对Fe-Al无序固溶体性能的影响

    Effect of Aluminum Content on the Properties of Disorder Solid Solutions in Fe-rich Fe-Al Alloys

  17. XML中存在这样的概念:对元素属性采用无序映射,而对嵌套元素使用严格的排序。

    XML has the concept of unordered mapping for element attributes , but strict ordering for nested elements .

  18. 对数据进行多元无序多分类Logistic回归分析。

    Multinomial Logistic Regression was adopted in data analysis .

  19. 在研究无序树包含匹配的基础上,提出一种新的基于XML的软件构件查询匹配算法。

    Based on the research of unordered tree-inclusion matching , a matching algorithm for XML-based component query is proposed .

  20. 微斜长石中Al和Si的有序-无序及其对寄主岩石冷却历史的指示

    The Order-Disorder of Al and Si in Microclines and Its Implication for the Cooling History of the Host Rocks

  21. 该方法使用了有向标记无序树来表示XML文档,从中抽取出频繁子树作为模式,并用树型模式来描述它。

    Firstly , XML document is represented as a directional labeled unordered tree , the schema is a frequent sub-tree extracted from the tree which represents XML document .

  22. 无序材料中的电磁耦合场量子理论及SiO2和GeO2玻璃中光的瑞利散射损耗

    Theory of polaritons in disordered materials and Rayleigh scatterings in SiO_2 and GeO_2 glasses

  23. 无序结构的Voronoi网络

    Compared the actuality of the structure of th The Voronoi Networks of Disordered Structrues

  24. 无序结构的二维Voronoi模型

    Two Dimensional Voronoi Model of Disordered Structures

  25. 分析认为:(1)中国主要烟区推行GAP技术对从根本上解决中国多年来烟叶生产、管理、收购与质量监督的无序与混乱起到良好效果;

    It was considered that ( 1 ) Extending the technology of GAP in main bound we can resolve the confusion in the flue-cured tobacco production , purchase , and the quality oversee ;

  26. 采用无序多元Logistic选择模型确定住房支付能力和住房补贴政策作为影响公务员住房选择的关键指标。

    The result of the Unsorted Multinomial Logistic Model identifies the housing affordability and the housing subsidy standard as the key factors to affect the housing choice of the civil servants .

  27. 无序二元合金(NixCu(1-x))表面CO吸附及对表面偏析的影响

    The chemisorption of CO on a disordered binary alloy ( Ni_xCu_ ( 1-x )) and the mutual influence of chemisorption and surface segregation

  28. 聚晶立方氮化硼是由无数细小、无序排列的立方氮化硼(cBN)烧结而成。

    Polycrystalline cubic boron nitride ( PCBN ) is sintered from innumerable fine and disordered cubic boron nitride ( cBN ) .

  29. 用极限动力学模型研究了C60分子在有序-无序相变和玻璃态相变间的驰豫行为。

    Relaxation behavior of C 60 molecules between order-disorder phase transition and glassy transition is studied by extremal dynamic model .

  30. 与GaAs/Si无序相关的失配位错、线位错及畴区的形貌已用扫描电子显微镜作了观察;

    The morphologies of misfit dislocations , threading dislocations and texture regions , related to disordering at GaAs / Si samples , have been observed by using a scan electron microscope .