
  • 网络day trading;day trade;daytrade;Day trader
  1. 下一个促进日内交易的事件是1971年纳斯达克交易所的建立。

    The next important step in facilitating day trading was the founding in1971 of NASDAQ & a virtual stock exchange on which orders were transmitted electronically .

  2. 采用次序probit回归方法研究指令驱动市场中日内交易价格变化的影响因素。

    This paper investigates determinants of intraday price movement in order-driven market using ordered probit regression method .

  3. 隔夜收益、成交量变动与日内交易时段收益

    Overnight Returns , Trading Volume Changes and Intraday Trading Periods Returns

  4. 日内交易可能不一定适合该网站所有用户。

    Daytrading may not be suitable for all users of this site .

  5. 时间的范围包括激进的日内交易和保守的长线投资。

    This ranges from the aggressive day traders to the conservative long-term-investors .

  6. 上海期铜日内交易特征的实证研究

    Study of intraday effects of copper in Shanghai future exchange

  7. 我国权证及标的证券日内交易模式研究&以五粮液为例

    China warrant and target security trading mode research & take Wulian spirits as example

  8. 股票日内交易数据特征和波幅的分析

    An analysis of the Characteristics and amplitude of the stock exchange data within trading day

  9. 去做日内交易,你会发现你要骂的生意人太多了。

    Go into day-trading , and you 'll see more vendors than you can shake a stick at .

  10. 日内交易(当日冲销)的特殊之处在于能带来巨大的潜在回报,但同时也蕴涵巨大的潜在损失可能。

    Daytrading is a unique undertaking that has a large potential for rewords , but also a large potential for losses .

  11. 首先,配对交易策略相对于基差交易策略更灵敏,可以抓住日内交易机会。

    First of all , matching trading strategy relatively poor trading strategy well-alignment with sensitive , you can seize intra-day trading opportunities .

  12. 这些反映股票市场日内交易活动的数据库使得学者们研究股票市场的微观结构成为了可能。

    The availability of detailed databases on intra-day activity in stock markets has opened the possibility of econometric investigations on the microstructure of such markets .

  13. 本文选择在上海证券交易所上市交易的7年期,10年期和20年期国债,利用日内交易数据,实证研究了新券与旧券的流动性问题。

    This paper explores the liquidity difference between on - the-run and off-the-run treasury securities of 7-year and 10-year notes listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange , using intra-day trading data from Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  14. 主要依赖技术分析进行日内短线交易。

    Basically , technical analysis is relied on for me as an intra-day trader .

  15. 风险价值衡量的是在多数交易日内银行交易的可能损失。

    Var measures how much banks could lose on their trading on most days .

  16. 这位经纪人被纽约股票交易所处以$3000的罚款和20日内禁止交易。

    His punishment was a $ 3,000 fine and suspension for20 days from the New York Stock Exchange .

  17. 指在同一交易日内建立交易部位并在当日交易结束前对冲平仓的期货交易者,是交易所交易池内的普通会员。

    Commodity traders , generally members of the exchange on the trading floor , who take positions in commodities and then offset them prior to the close of trading on the same trading day .

  18. 实际上,对日内高频交易数据样本而言,价格离散性是个严重的问题,因为价格变动的观测值仅为有限的几个数值,所以在连续性假定下建立的模型也不再适用。

    In fact , to high frequency transaction data sample , price discreteness is a serious problem , because the observation value of price movements is limited , so in continuity assumption the model also no longer apply .

  19. 本文引入了在非对称信息条件下进行证券日内价格发现的结构模型,利用日内分笔交易高频数据进行研究。

    The structure mode , which researches intraday price discovery under the asymmetry information condition , is introduced and the intraday high frequency transaction data are utilized .

  20. 根据成熟资本市场日内流动性的U-型特征以及我国资本市场的日内流动性模式,本文给出了投资者的日内最优交易策略。

    Based on the U-shape intraday liquidity pattern of mature capital market and the pattern of Chinese stock market derived by empirical analysis , the paper shows the optimal strategy .