
shí xiào zhì dù
  • prescription system
  1. 取得时效制度最早始于古罗马法。

    The earliest acquisitive prescription system began in ancient Roman law .

  2. 论消灭时效制度与民法请求权

    Research on Extinctive Prescription System and Right of Claim in Civil Law

  3. 这种新时效制度为:时效温度45±5.5℃,时效时间12h。

    The aging temperature of the new aging technique is 45 ± 5.5 ℃, and the aging time is 12 hours .

  4. 本文研究了主要合金化元素C、Ti和Mo的含量对合金力学性能和显微组织的影响;合金的主要性能及合适的冷加工变形量和时效制度。

    The effect of C , Ti and Mo as main alloying elements on the mechanical properties and the microstructure of this alloy , main properties and suitable cold working deformation and aging heat treatment were investigated in this paper .

  5. 本文研究了晶粒细化、稀土元素Sc、合金元素Si以及时效制度对Al-Mg-Si系常用材料6063铝合金强度的影响,并从内部结构上分析了作用机理。

    The effect of grain refinement , rare earth Sc , alloying element Si and aging system on the strength of 6063 aluminum alloy of Al-Mg-Si system were investigated and their mechanisms were analyzed .

  6. 时效制度对B95(ЛЧ)锻件断裂韧性和抗应力腐蚀性能的影响

    Influence of Ageing on Fracture Toughness and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of B95_ (ЛЧ) Forging

  7. 人工时效制度分别为190℃×4h和190℃×1.5h,而且形变热处理合金的强度高于常规热处理合金的强度。

    Precipitation heat treatment : 190 ℃× 4 h and 190 ℃× 1.5 h. And strength of the alloy after deformation heat treatment is higher than that after conventional heat treatment .

  8. 研究了时效制度对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金(LC4)双悬臂梁(DCB)试样的残余应力分布及其对应力强度因子、腐蚀开裂行为的影响。

    The distribution of residual stress , residual stress indensity factor ( SIF ) and its effect on corrosion cracking behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu ( LC4 ) alloy in double cantilever beam ( DCB ) specimen under various aging temperature have been investigated .

  9. 结果表明,时效制度可明显改变合金的PFZ宽度,而对应于不同宽度的PFZ,合金有不同的性能。

    The results show that the width of the alloy 's PFZ can be obviously changed by the ageing regimes , and there exist various properties corresponding to different width of PFZ .

  10. 物权请求权与诉讼时效制度的适用

    Claim of Right in Rem and the Application of Action Limitation

  11. 关于我国行政诉讼时效制度的一些思考

    Reflection on the Prescription of Action in Administrative Litigation of China

  12. 在古罗马法中,即有取得时效制度的规定。

    In ancient law in Roman , the system existed already .

  13. 深入研究和科学制定我国的行政时效制度具有重要的时代意义。

    The important time significance of modern administrative prescription is multiple .

  14. 试论民事诉讼举证时效制度的理论基础

    On the theoretical basis of the proof limitation system in civil lawsuit

  15. 行政诉讼时效制度研究

    A Research on the Limitation of Action in Administrative Litigation

  16. 所以,取得时效制度具有稳定经济秩序的功能。

    So the usucaption has the function of protect the economy order .

  17. 关于完善诉讼时效制度的几个问题

    Some Issues Concerning the Perfection of System of Limitation of Legal Proceedings

  18. 2024铝合金新人工时效制度的探讨

    A new artificial aging technique exploration of 2024 aluminum alloy

  19. 我国建立取得时效制度基本问题研究

    Fundamental Issues in the Establishment of the Limitation of Acquisition in China

  20. 新型耐热铝合金锻件时效制度研究

    Study of Aging Institutions of New-type Heat-resisting Aluminum Alloy Forging

  21. 民事举证时效制度之分析

    On the prescription system of providing evidence in civil lawsuit

  22. 我国时效制度之借鉴与完善&以《德国债法现代化法》的视点

    On Regulation And Its Apocalypse Of German Law Of Obligation Modernization To Prescription

  23. 时效制度对6063合金导热性能和硬度的影响

    Effect of Aging System on the Heat Conductivity and Hardness of 6063 Alloy

  24. 劳动争议仲裁时效制度的突破及其局限

    On the Breakthroughs and Limitations of the Arbitration Limitation System of Labor Disputes

  25. 略论我国民事时效制度的完善论我国民事时效立法体系

    Brief Discussion about the Perfection of Chinese System of Civil Limitation of Actions

  26. 时效制度最早起源于古罗马法,是对民事权利的一种限制。

    Aging system originated in Roman law is a restriction of civil rights .

  27. 论取得时效制度在中国的建立&法律经济学视野下的初步探讨

    The necessity of establishing positive prescription system in China

  28. 消灭时效制度源自古罗马裁判官法。

    The extinctive prescription system stems from praetor - law of ancient Rome .

  29. 劳动争议仲裁时效制度是我国《劳动法》上的一项重要制度。

    Labor disputed arbitrary prescription system is an important system in labor law .

  30. 劳动仲裁时效制度若干问题思考

    Thoughts on the Problems of Limitation of Labour Arbitration