
  1. 女王花了一年的时间旅行。

    The queen spent one year travelling .

  2. 在经典科幻电影《时间旅行》(RodTaylor主演)中,主角坐在他的神奇机器中,开始向未来前进。

    In the classic science fiction film , The Time Machine , starring Rod Taylor , the protagonist sits in his wonderful device and begins to move forward in time .

  3. 对于大部分人,短语“时间旅行”会使他们联想到科幻小说:H.G.Wells、StarTrek和某种流行的DeLorean汽车。

    For most people , the words " time travel " bring to mind science fiction : H.G.Wells , Star Trek , and a certain famous DeLorean automobile .

  4. 那是我发明时间旅行的日子。

    That 's the was the date I invented time travel .

  5. 水和金属是时间旅行的关键元素。

    Water and Metal are the key elements of Time Travel .

  6. 人类的时间旅行可不像量子粒子那么简单。

    A quantum particle may not be a human time traveler .

  7. 在你们的过去就有过时间旅行的先例,将来也会有很多。

    Time travel has occurred in both your future and past .

  8. 正是它的神秘感让时间旅行愈发引人入胜。

    Time travel remains as compelling as it is unknowable .

  9. 好了,现在就让我们开始我们的“时间旅行”。

    Now let 's start our " time travel " .

  10. 我没记错的话,时间旅行还没实现。

    If I remember right , time travel is not yet possible .

  11. 这是典型的新手在时间旅行中会犯的错误。

    This is the classic rookie time travel mistake .

  12. 尖峰时间旅行真有点讨厌。

    Traveling during the rush hours can be a bit of a bind .

  13. 你玩过什么时间旅行吗?

    Y-you ever come across anything like time travel ?

  14. 时间旅行是真的!

    " Time travel works !" the note read .

  15. 30.在非高峰季节或时间旅行

    30 . Travel during an off-peak season or time

  16. 如何解决时间旅行和因果关系之间的矛盾

    Resolution of the Contradiction between Time Warp and Causality

  17. 但哈撒韦不准备展示他是如何穿越时间旅行的。

    But Hathaway was not prepared to show how he had traveled through time .

  18. 过去坐火车长时间旅行意味着可以长时间读书或是眺望窗外美景。

    Long train journeys once meant hours reading or hours gazing out the window .

  19. 你第一次作这样的时间旅行,可能会感到有些困难。

    You may find it difficult as this is your first time travel trip .

  20. 因为虫孔不只连接空间的区域他们也会允许时间旅行。

    Because wormholes not only connect spatial locations they would also allow time travel .

  21. 你能解释下你世界里面时间旅行的目的吗?

    Can you explain what the purpose of time travel is on your worldline ?

  22. 母亲教我什么是时间旅行:

    My mother taught me about time travel :

  23. 就是它,使时间旅行成为可能。

    Which what make time travel possible .

  24. 商务词汇:时差反应乘飞机长时间旅行后,你有可能会有时差反应。

    After a long journey between places by air you may suffer from jet lag .

  25. 那么时间旅行真的是可能的么?

    Is time travel even possible ?

  26. 时间旅行也许是不可感知的。

    Time travel may be imperceptible .

  27. 时间旅行可能吗?

    Is Time Travel Possible ?

  28. 某个魔法装置可用来做时间旅行,但它的使用者会受到严格的约束。

    Certain magical devices are usable for time travel , but access to them is strictly controlled .

  29. 人们可能会问:时间旅行是属于哲学范畴,数学科学,还是一种科学假设。

    When people aske : Is time travel just a philosophical structure or hypothetic or mathimatically show .

  30. 如果你需要这么做,可以关闭时间旅行,参阅下文。

    If you need to do that , you can turn off time travel as shown below .