
  1. 贾澜(音译)是租车服务门户网站“易到用车网”的招聘主管,她更喜欢应聘者能够直截了当的讨论薪资问题。

    Jia Lan , a recruiting manager from Yongche.com , a car-renting service portal , prefers candidates to lay the cards on the table .

  2. 另一家叫车应用易到用车(YidaoYongche)的高管们上月表示,他们“卷入了烧钱的漩涡”。

    Executives from another rival carhailing app , Yidao Yongche , said last month that they are " entrapped in a cash burning vortex . "

  3. 这让我感到难过,29岁的雒海超说,他为网约车公司滴滴出行和易到用车工作,为了让自己的乘客能更可靠地乘车,他刚花25万元买了一辆新的大众帕萨特。

    It makes me feel sad , said Mr Luo , 29 , who works for the ride-hailing companies Didi Chuxing and Yidao Yongche and had just spent about $ 36000 on a new Volkswagen Passat to give his passengers a more reliable ride .