
  1. 晏几道词的意境狭、深、曲。

    Similarities of the mood of the word narrow , deep song .

  2. 晏几道词意象的特点是主观性、唯我性,体现出幽怨、感伤之情。

    Similarities word image is characterized by subjectivity , CD-I , reflecting the feelings of sorrow , sadness .

  3. 然而仔细分析晏几道的诗文词以及新发现的材料中有关他与新党的不少交往,我们完全可以肯定晏几道其实是一个看破世事的“忘名之士”,他对政治属于比较超脱的逍遥派。

    If we analyse Yan Jidao s poems and articles carefully , we will find that Yan Jidao was a man who saw through affairs of human life and he was indifferent to politics .

  4. 二晏是北宋时期著名的词人晏殊和其子晏几道,他们的词作在北宋令词的发展中占据重要的位置。

    Two Yan Yan of the famous poet of the Northern Song Dynasty andhis son Similarities their word , to occupy an important position in thedevelopment of word order in the Northern Song Dynasty .