
  • 网络The Pulitzer Photography Prize
  1. 2005年的普利策新闻摄影奖被颁发给报道了“狮心手术”的迪安·菲茨莫里斯。

    Pulitzer Prize award winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice won the highly respected award in 2005 for the photographic essay " Operation Lion Heart . "

  2. 2000年,卡罗尔·古齐因拍摄科索沃难民的照片而获普利策新闻摄影奖。是荣获该奖的第一位女性摄影师。

    Carol Guzy , the first woman to receive a Pulitzer Prize for spot news photography , received her most recent Pulitzer in 2000 for her touching photographs of Kosovo refugees .