
  • 网络an average woman;ordinary woman;A Common Woman;everywoman
  1. 因为我是一个普通女人。

    Because I am an ordinary woman .

  2. 她当时卧病在床,起初以为看到的是一个清洁并照顾她的普通女人。

    The young woman was ill in bed . At first she saw an ordinary woman who had tidied up and taken care of her .

  3. 她不能像普通女人那样生活。

    She couldn 't Iive Iike other normai women .

  4. 普通女人绝对激发不起想象力。

    Ordinary women never appeal to one 's imagination .

  5. 如今,它也是普通女人的纪念碑。

    Nowadays , the common woman goes too .

  6. 她绝对不是普通女人咦?

    She is absolutely not a common people ?

  7. 如果像尼克那样的男人都能跟模特约会,那普通女人还有什么机会呢?

    If men like Nick are dating models , what chance do ordinary women have ?

  8. 所以,普通女人&像世界上其它数百万人一样,对男人来说有巨大的价值。

    So this " ordinary " woman-one like millions others in the world-has great value to this man .

  9. 它能迫使正派男人做出最邪恶的事,或者促使普通女人寻找隐藏的真相。

    It can force decent men to commit the darkest deeds or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths .

  10. 对不起,我不是你期望的完美女人,我是个普通女人。

    I 'm sorry I 'm not the perfect young woman that you want me to be . I 'm just ordinary .

  11. 普通女人宁要美貌不要头脑,因为普通男人看要比想在行。

    The average woman would rather have beauty than brains , because the average man can see better than he can think .

  12. 和普通女人一样,我也喜欢超短裙和超长裙&它们通常讨人喜欢,易于穿着。

    I like a miniskirt and maxi-dress as much as the next woman ; they are , generally , flattering and easy to wear .

  13. 死后第二天的夜间,她的头突然被换为一个普通女人的头,可是她的身体却仍然是原样没有丝毫变形。

    The next night , her head was suddenly exchanged with a homely looking woman 's head , while the body remained in original condition as if nothing untoward had happened .

  14. 穿着极为普通的女人;枯燥的小说。

    Women dressed in nondescript clothes ; a nondescript novel .

  15. 或者促使普通的女人……寻找隐藏的真相。

    or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths ...

  16. 拉里希望能找到一个普通的女人,大约30岁左右,愿意成为他的妻子,并且能够做到一个温柔可人的妻子和母亲。

    Larry wants a normal girl whos in her thirties who wants to be his wife , who will be a sweet and loving wife and mom .

  17. 另外,为使大使馆的官员相信她只是一个来美国购物的普通中国女人,她又把许多关于酒店预订和美国著名景点的细节背了滚瓜烂熟。

    She memorized a host of details about her hotel booking and about famous sight-seeing spots so as to convince the Embassy officer that she was just another Chinese woman going shopping in the States .

  18. 先前一项涵盖了2000名美国人的研究显示,随着人类一代又一代的更替,女性会变得越来越漂亮,因为漂亮女人比长相普通的女人生的孩子更多,而且在她们的后代中女孩占的比例更大。

    A previous study of 2000 Americans suggested that women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have more children than plain ones - and a higher proportion of their offspring are girls .

  19. 单身女孩总是抱怨英俊的男人很难找。也许现在已经找到了它的科学根据,因为一项研究称,漂亮女人比相貌普通的女人更容易生女孩。

    Single girls have always grumbled that good-looking men are difficult to find.But science may have just proved them right - because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts , according to a study .

  20. 人们一定会以为米拉蒂会像普通胆小怕事的女人那样竭力劝阻这场争吵。

    One would certainly have thought that Milady , timid as women are generally , would have tried to stop the quarrel .

  21. 没有光彩夺目的外貌去满足我公主的虚荣,也没有惊天动地的才华去指点江山。我是如此普通的一个女人。

    No shining appearance to satisfy my princess vanity ; no amazing talent to build up my own business . I 'm such a plain woman .

  22. 因为一直以来我都想演一个非常普通的人,普通的女人。

    I want to do very normal , ordinary person , ordinary woman .