
  • Prussian;Prussia
  1. 东普鲁士和德国的其他地区于1919年被波兰走廊分隔。

    East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated , in 1919 , by the Polish corridor .

  2. 汉诺威市于1886年并入普鲁士。

    Hanover was incorporated into Prussia in 1886 .

  3. 普鲁士驻沙勒罗瓦的部队正在撤退。

    The Prussian garrison at Charleroi was falling back .

  4. 普鲁士蓝染色证实为含铁之色素

    These opacities are prooved to be iron-containing substances by Prussian blue stain .

  5. 普鲁士蓝/多壁碳纳米管修饰电极测定维生素C

    Determination of vitamin C with a prussian blue / multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified electrode

  6. 普鲁士兰修饰电极的现场X射线衍射研究

    In situ X-ray diffraction electrochemical measurement of Prussian Blue Modified Electrode

  7. 普鲁士蓝对钒电池中V(Ⅴ)/V(Ⅳ)的电催化

    Electrocatalysis of Prussian Blue for V (ⅴ) / V (ⅳ) in vanadium redox cell

  8. 基于普鲁士蓝(PB)膜修饰铂电极的葡萄糖传感器的研究

    Study of glucose biosensor based on platinium electrode modified by Prussian blue

  9. 模拟的普鲁士兰(pb)修饰电极与文献相符很好。

    The simulated results of Prussian blue modified electrode were well agreed with that reported in literature .

  10. 发现x射线的德国物理学家、贝尔奖获得者威廉··琴出生于普鲁士的伦内普。

    Wilhelm von Rontgen , German physicist who discovered X-rays and Nobel Prize winner . Was born at Lennep in Prussia .

  11. 他的行为终止了普鲁士历史上最有希望的改革时期(戈登A.克雷格)

    His action terminated the most hopeful period of reform in Prussian history ( Gordon A. Craig )

  12. 由UV-vis和FTIR光谱证明该粒子确实是由普鲁士蓝和吡咯组成的。

    UV-vis spectroscopy and FTIR studies confirm that they are composed of Prussian blue and polypyrrole .

  13. 类普鲁士蓝为前驱体制备纳米NiO及其电化学电容行为

    Preparation and Electrochemical Capacitance of Nickel Oxide with Prussian Blue Analogue as Precursor

  14. 本实验考察了普鲁士蓝膜厚度、还原电位、电解质对Cr(Ⅵ)还原响应电流大小的影响。

    The effects of PB film thickness , applied potential and electrolyte solution on the current response of Cr ( VI ) reduction were thoroughly studied .

  15. 普鲁士蓝(PB)可以作为许多生物化学物质的人工酶来修饰惰性电极,用来催化它们的氧化还原。

    Prussian Blue ( PB ) can be modified on inert electrodes acting as artificial enzyme of many biological or chemical substances to catalyse their redox reactions .

  16. 首先,本论文一个重要内容是醋酸纤维素/普鲁士蓝复合膜H2O2传感器的研制。

    In this paper , the cellulose acetate / Prussian blue composite film biosensor for determination of hydrogen peroxide was described .

  17. 法国单位是在蓝色,Anglo荷兰单位在红色,普鲁士人在黑色。

    French units are in blue , Anglo-Dutch units in red , Prussian in black .

  18. 每逢星期日,在懒洋洋的维尔默斯多夫(Wilmersdorf),规模巨大的东南亚露天食品市场“泰国公园”(ThaiPark),会在枝繁叶茂的普鲁士公园(PrussianPark)内徐徐展开。

    Every Sunday , in the sleepy western district of Wilmersdorf , a giant open-air Southeast Asian food market known as Thai Park unfurls across leafy Prussian Park .

  19. 爱因斯坦1915年向普鲁士科学院(PrussianAcademyofSciences)提交了广义相对论的论文,不过正式发表是在第二年。

    Einstein presented his theory of general relativity to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1915 , though it wasn 't officially published until the following year .

  20. 通过对细胞T2弛豫的评价、磁共振影像的分析及用普鲁士蓝染色法检测铁含量评估细胞的标记效果。

    Cellular labeling was evaluated with T2 relaxometry , MR imaging of labeled cell suspensions , and Prussian blue staining for iron assessment .

  21. 通过SEM、BET、IR、XRD以及ICP等技术对电极进行表征,证明电极表面形成了普鲁士蓝膜,并且电极具有较大的比表面积。

    Characterized by SEM , BET , IR , XRD , and ICP , it was showed that PB film had formed on the surface of electrode and the surface area was large .

  22. 普鲁士的FrederickI采取制约进口商品的政策,在1704年对巧克力征税。

    The policy of restricting the importation of foreign produce leads Frederick I of Prussia to impose a tax on chocolate in1704 .

  23. 在化学法制得普鲁士蓝(PB)粉末的基础上,用固体石蜡作粘合剂,将PB粉末和石墨粉按一定比例充分混合,制得掺杂PB的碳糊电极(PBCPE)。

    The PB-doped carbon paste electrode ( PBCPE ) was prepared by thoroughly mixing chemically synthesized Prussian blue powder , graphite and solid paraffin in an appropriate proportion .

  24. 普鲁士蓝膜电化学行为的EQCM研究

    Study on the Electrochemical Behaviors of Prussian Blue Film Using Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance

  25. 方法通过透射电镜(TEM)与普鲁士兰染色法观察SPC-A1细胞对GSSG修饰的纳米Fe3O4的内吞作用。

    Methods The uptake of GSSG-modified Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles by SPC-A1 cell was observed by transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) and Prussian blue staining .

  26. 普鲁士蓝和腾氏蓝反应证实含铁化合物的沉积。皮层及杏仁体氯化亚铁注射部位、实验侧海马CA3区神经元减少,核固缩,胶质增生明显。

    Deposition of iron-containing compounds into cortex and amygdaloid body were observed by Prussian blue and Turnbull blue stainings .

  27. 结果MSCs的Fe2O3-PLL标记率近100%,普鲁士蓝染色显示蓝色铁颗粒位于MSCs胞质内。

    Results Rat MSCs were successfully labeled , and labeling efficiency was almost 100 % . Prussian blue staining of Fe_2O_3-PLL labeled cells revealed the presence of iron-containing vesicles or endosomes in the cytoplasm .

  28. 广告家住宾夕法尼亚州普鲁士王市的投资分析师弗兰克•乔休(FrankGiaccio)最近在意大利旅行时就选择了火车。

    Frank Giaccio , a60-year-old investment analyst from King of Prussia , Pa. , did the latter during a recent trip to Italy .

  29. 正常组实验动物在SPIO一2增强前后分别行骨髓穿刺术,所取标本行病理学检查(包括常规切片HE染色、普鲁士蓝铁染色和骨髓涂片铁染色);

    Bone marrow biopsy were performed in normal group pre - and post-SPIO-2 enhanced MR imaging , and the bone marrow were processed for the pathological study .

  30. 比如说,现在为俄罗斯飞地的加里宁格勒,曾经叫柯尼斯堡,是普鲁士的首都,也是伟大的德国哲学家伊曼纽尔康德(ImmanuelKant)的故乡。

    The area that is now the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad , for example , was once K ö nigsberg – capital of Prussia and home of the great German philosopher , Immanuel Kant .