
zhì lì shuāi tuì
  • dementia;intellectual deterioration
  1. 不仅他们不包含任何营养物,一位香港中国大学教授警告明矾的长期的消耗能引起智力衰退。

    Not only do they not contain any nutrients , a Hong Kong Chinese University professor warned that long-term consumption of alum could cause dementia .

  2. 医生们只有通过排除其他可能诱发智力衰退的因素后才能诊断为老年性痴呆。

    Doctors can diagnose Alzheimer 's only by eliminating other possible causes of mental decline .

  3. 他的智力衰退令人沮丧。

    His mental decay is distressing .

  4. 艾伦还发现掌握多种语言还有助于防治阿尔茨海默氏症、痴呆等与年龄相关的智力衰退。

    She also found that multilingualism may help protect against age-related mental decline , such as Alzheimers and dementia .

  5. 关于剥夺睡眠的研究表明因为痴迷于电子产品而造成的智力衰退相当于一夜失眠。

    Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by electronic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night .

  6. 然而,科菲指出,在没有智力衰退迹象的人中有很明显的大脑萎缩现象。

    There is , however , a " remarkable range " of shrinkage among people who show no signs of mental decline , Coffey noted .

  7. 科菲认为,接下来要解决的热门话题是接受较晚的教育是否具有防止智力衰退的攻效。

    " A hot topic down the road ," Coffey said , will be whether education even late in life has a protective effect against mental decline .

  8. 明确记忆力、推理能力和理解力在哪个岁数开始衰退很重要,因为人们在开始感到智力衰退时便服药,药效最好。

    Pinpointing the age at which memory , reasoning and comprehension skills start to deteriorate is important because drugs are most likely to work if given when people first start to experience mental impairment .

  9. 在50岁以上的人中,有近一半的人“不清楚导致智力衰退的主要原因”。蒂莫西称,研究发现,对于身体健康,受过教育的成年人来说,与年龄有关的一些认知衰退症状在二三十岁时就开始了。

    Almost half of over 50s ' unaware of leading cause of blindness ' " Results converge on a conclusion that some aspects of age-related cognitive decline begin in healthy , educated adults when they are in their 20s and 30s , " he said .

  10. 他随着年纪增长,智力逐渐衰退。

    Ageing is accompanied by a slow degeneration of his mental faculties .

  11. 在不定期地暴露于100ppm浓度的一氧化碳的瓦斯检验员中,发现了这种智力行为的衰退。

    These decrements in intellectual behavior were found in firemen exposed to carbon monoxide at 100 ppm for varying periods of time .

  12. 人都会衰老,包括体力的衰老和智力、记忆力的衰退。

    All mankind would grow old , including physically , intellectually and memory decay .

  13. 类似的测试常被用于诊断智力残疾和包括痴呆症在内的智力衰退等。

    Similar tests are often used to diagnose mental disabilities and declines , including dementia .