
bào lì
  • violence;force;ravage;strong-arm
暴力 [bào lì]
  • (1) [violence]

  • (2) 政治学名词。不同政治利益的团体,如不能用和平方法协调彼此的利益时,常会用强制手段以达到自己的目的,称为暴力

  • (3) 泛指侵害他人人身、财产的强暴行为

  • 暴力罪

  • (4) [force]∶国家的强制力量,如军队、警察、法庭

  • 暴力完全失效时,调解有可能成功

暴力[bào lì]
  1. 影片中的暴力程度实在让我反感。

    The level of violence in the film really disgusted me .

  2. 那次暴力是政治与种族冲突的结果。

    The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts .

  3. 你未遭暴力抢劫,可以算是万幸了。

    You can think yourself lucky you didn 't get mugged .

  4. 现在是结束这场暴力活动的时候了。

    It is time to put a stop to the violence .

  5. 裁判的裁决引起群众怒吼着要暴力相向。

    The referee 's decision left the crowd baying for blood .

  6. 我们现在看到暴力犯罪空前增多。

    We are now witnessing an unprecedented increase in violent crime .

  7. 他的最新小说充斥着极端的恐怖和暴力。

    His latest novel plumbs the depths of horror and violence .

  8. 影片中的暴力程度实在让我反感。

    The level of violence in the movie really disgusted me .

  9. 警察将一些暴力抗议者赶出了会议厅。

    Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall .

  10. 这些孩子在暴力和无安全感的环境中长大。

    The children grew up in an atmosphere of violence and insecurity .

  11. 首相带头谴责暴力行为。

    The Prime Minister was foremost among those who condemned the violence .

  12. 在某些家庭中,家庭暴力是常事。

    Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families .

  13. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的声明。

    The terrorists replied to the government 's statement with more violence .

  14. 我不赞成任何形式的暴力行为。

    I don 't approve of violence in any shape or form .

  15. 电视上有太多的色情和暴力吗?

    Is there too much sex and violence on TV ?

  16. 这部影片因无谓的暴力受到评论家的强烈指责。

    The film was damned by the critics for its mindless violence .

  17. 这部电影因明显地美化暴力而受到了指责。

    The movie has been criticized for apparently legitimizing violence .

  18. 不应允许儿童看暴力电影。

    Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies .

  19. 大众对电视上的暴力镜头越来越麻木了。

    People are increasingly becoming desensitized to violence on television .

  20. 恐怖分子已经停止了他们凶残的暴力活动。

    The terrorists have halted their bloody campaign of violence .

  21. 我们通过说服会比使用暴力获得更多的成果。

    We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force .

  22. 他谴责抗议者对警察使用暴力。

    He condemned the protesters ' use of violence against the police .

  23. 暴力犯罪的增长必须加以制止。

    The rise in violent crime must not go unchecked .

  24. 警方决心消灭该城镇的暴力犯罪。

    The police are determined to free the town of violent crime .

  25. 为什么他们总是非要诉诸暴力不可呢?

    Why do they always have to resort to violence ?

  26. 该团体不支持使用暴力。

    The group does not advocate the use of violence .

  27. 竟有这样的暴力行为发生在这一地区,邻居们大为惊骇。

    Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area .

  28. 暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。

    Violent crime is not limited to big cities .

  29. 人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。

    There is growing concern about violence on television .

  30. 他们平静的生活中再度爆发了暴力冲突。

    Violence once again irrupted into their peaceful lives .