
  • 网络by Cao Xueqin;xueqin
  1. 前者是曹雪芹合乎事体情理的原创;后者当是程本系统续作者篡改妄拟的荒诞叙事。

    The former view is reasonably proposed by Cao Xueqin , the author of The Dream of Red Mansions , while the latter is falsified by later people .

  2. 《红楼梦》,原称《石头记》,是中国古典长篇章回小说,为曹雪芹所作。这部巨著虽然虚构朝代、地点,而且假借了女娲补天的神话。

    The Dream of the Red Chamber is also called " The story of the Stone ( Shitouji )", this novel written by Cao Xueqin ( d.1763 ) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction .

  3. 第一章论述了曹雪芹前八十回《红楼梦》的立意本旨。

    Chapter One discusses the leitmotiv of the former eighty chapters .

  4. 20世纪曹雪芹家世研究综述

    Overview on CAO Xue-qin 's Family Research in the 20th Century

  5. 曹雪芹的《红楼梦》是中华文化的瑰宝。

    A Dream of Red Mansions is the gem of Chinese culture .

  6. 曹雪芹生辰新说

    A New View on the Birthday of CAO Xue-qin

  7. 从《红楼梦》第一回看曹雪芹的小说观

    See Cao Xue-qin 's Viewpoint of Nevel-creating from Chapter One of Red Chamber Dreams

  8. 反认他乡是故乡&论曹雪芹的文化反思与终极关怀

    Mistaking An Alien land for Homeland & On CAO Xue-qin 's Cultural Reflection and Ultimate Concern

  9. 曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中所塑造的女改革家是谁?她就是人称“玫瑰花”的贾探春。

    Who is the woman reformer as , portrayed by Cao Xueqin in his " Red Chamber Dream "?

  10. 曹雪芹和他的作品主人公,均当被视为充斥悲情的文化英雄。

    Cao Xueqin together with the heroes in the story could be regarded as cultural ones with full pathos .

  11. 曹雪芹不可能看到康熙帝的第六次南巡。

    It was impossible for Cao Xue - Qin to see the sixth southern patrol of Emperor Kang Xi .

  12. 作者文康有着与曹雪芹大体相同的身世和感慨,其作品受《红楼梦》的影响也较深。

    Wen Kang who wrote this novel has more or less the same life experience and feeling with Cao Xueqin .

  13. 曹雪芹(1716~1763),字梦阮,号雪芹、芹溪居士,祖籍辽阳。

    Cao Xueqin ( 1716 ~ 1763 ) , styled Mengruan , had the literary names Xueqin and Qinxi Jushi .

  14. 曹雪芹立即上升到名利与他与众不同“红楼梦”,富有想象力的小说启发了他的经验。

    Cao Xueqin instantly rose to fame with his distinctive " Red Mansion ", an imaginative novel inspired by his experience .

  15. 贾蔷是《红楼梦》中的一个复杂人物,他体现了曹雪芹“正邪两赋”的创作原则。

    Jia Qiang is a complex character in A Dream of Red Mansions He manifests the creation principle of Cao Xueqin .

  16. 曹雪芹或许把自己的生活经验加诸在贾宝玉身上,但是只有红学专家才会看穿这点。

    Cao Xueqin might have woven his own life experiences into Jia Baoyubut no one except the scholar would have noticed .

  17. 从《红楼梦》中的已婚妇女形象看曹雪芹的女性观关于高校如何调动女教职工积极性的思考

    CAO Xue-qin 's View of the Female Sex Reflected in the Images of Married Women Characters in A Dream of Red Mansions

  18. 曹雪芹了解读者的阅读需求,尊重读者的阅读选择,能和读者平等相待。

    Cao xue-qin fully understands the demand of the reader in reading , respects the reader 's taste , and treats them equally .

  19. 曹雪芹的父亲到底是曹颙还是曹頫,红学界迄今无解。

    Cao Xueqin s father is Cao Yong or Cao Fu , the Hong studies up to now did not have the solution .

  20. 曹雪芹作为语言艺术大师,他在《红楼梦》中通过人物对话直接揭示人物的思想性格。

    As a great master of linguistic art , Cao Xueqin reveals directly the main characters characteristics through dialogues in his well-known novel .

  21. 再说,曹雪芹作为清代旗人作家,作品里带入了丰富多彩的满族饮食文化与满族语言特色。

    Moreover , as the Qing Dynasty Manchu writer , Cao Xueqin writings into a variety of food culture and the Manchu language Manchu characteristics .

  22. 第三章简要介绍了曹雪芹的家世背景和佛门的关系,曹雪芹本人的经历与他佛学思想的关系。

    Chapter Three briefly discusses the relation between the extraction of Cao Xueqin and the Buddhism , and the relation between his experience and his ideas .

  23. 曹雪芹晚年皈依佛门,佛家思想占其主流,道、儒思想淡出。

    His later years'convension to Buddhism , the mainstream of his thought at that time , in the meanwhile the Taoist and Confucian thinking fading out .

  24. 在雪意象的营构过程中,我们还可以窥见曹雪芹对中国传统咏雪文化的继承。

    In the author 's composition of the image of snow , we could also detect an inheritance from Chinese literary tradition of the song of snow .

  25. 古典文献与实际调查表明,南京江宁与曹雪芹家族及《红楼梦》创作有着密切关系。

    Classical bibliography and practical investigation show that Jiangning in Nanjing has a close relationship with Cao 's family and the creation of A Dream of Red Mansions .

  26. 曹雪芹从繁华坠人贫困,一生历尽坎坷与苦难,饱尝了人世的辛酸与悲痛。

    Living in such a family , Cao Xueqin endured all kinds of frustrations and tribulations in his lifetime , getting a full taste of misery and bitterness .

  27. 本文对曹雪芹借小说人物的创作与议论所表现出来的文学创作观和接受观作了认真的发掘和研究。

    The present paper is an in-depth study of Cao Xueqin 's concepts of literary writing and reception as expressed via his characters practice and viewpoints in the novel .

  28. 曹雪芹的自由观具有独特、鲜明的历史文化内涵,决不是此前任何文人学士的自由观的翻版。

    The author 's understanding of freedom is unique and distinctive , which contains deep meaning of history and culture , and is never a copy from his former literators .

  29. 《红楼梦》中曹雪芹的女性美学观主要见于前80回里贾宝玉对待女性的态度及所塑造的女性形象两方面。

    The female aesthetic attitude of Cao Xue-qin is mainly seen from the figures of female themselves in Dream of red chamber and the Jia Bao-yu 's attitude to them .

  30. 对曹雪芹和《红楼梦》的研究已成为一门专门学问,称为“红学”。

    The study of Cao Xueqin and A Dream of Red Mansions has already become a renowned cosmopolitan school called the Hongloumeng ( A Dream of Red Mansions ) scholarship .