
  • 网络elasticity of substitution;substitution elasticity;CES
  1. 然后本文在标准化CES生产函数框架下,运用供给面系统估计方法建立了包含替代弹性与有偏技术进步设定的模型,运用联立方程估计方法,得到参数的估计值。

    Thirdly , with the normalized CES production function framework ; we will use supply-side system estimation approach to establish a system model including the elasticity of substitution with biased technical progress and system estimation method to estimated value of the parameters .

  2. 研究结果表明,工业各行业的要素替代弹性和有偏技术进步存在较大差异。

    The results show that the elasticity of substitution and biased technical progress there are different .

  3. 经振磨处理的纳米CaC仇替代弹性体增韧剂CPE制得的PVC异型材的拉伸强度提高了gMPa,模量提高,尺寸稳定性得到改善。

    The PVC profiles were manufactured with vibro-milling treated nano-particles in place of elastomer CPE . The tensile strength of the PVC profiles increased by 9 MPa and modulus and the size stabilization get also improved .

  4. 出口商品结构竞争力国际比较&基于传统差别化与替代弹性视角的实证研究

    A Comparative Study on the Competitive Power of the International Export Structure

  5. 土地-资本替代弹性指数的增加意味着价格影响土地开发密度。

    The latter rises , implying the price effect on land development density .

  6. 农业灌溉投资与灌溉用水的替代弹性分析

    Analysis of Substitute Relation Between Farmland Irrigation Water and Irrigation Investment in China

  7. 消费的跨时替代弹性与经济增长

    Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution for Consumption and Economic Growth

  8. 当替代弹性大于1时,情况正好相反;

    When the substitution elasticity exceeds 1 , it will have the opposite effect .

  9. 弹性-粘性理论认为,资本对能源的替代弹性具有粘性。

    In Putty-clay theory , the substitution of capital to energy isn 't quick enough .

  10. 劳动供给的替代弹性越大,会增强工资变动的劳动供给效应。

    If labor supply intertemporal elasticity of substitution is bigger , wage labor supply effect increases .

  11. 考虑要素替代弹性时技术进步影响劳动生产率变动的测定

    The Determination of Alterations between Production Rate and the Improvement of Technology in Considering Elasticity of Substitution

  12. 本文首先回顾了已有的关于替代弹性与有偏技术进步等变量的文献研究。

    Firstly , this paper will review the existing literatures on the elasticity of substitution with biased technical progress .

  13. 然后进行了简单的实证计算,影响投资比重的主要因素是风险规避系数和跨期替代弹性。

    Then simple calculations find that the factors influencing the investment weight include the risk aversion and intertemporal substitution .

  14. 自发性乡城迁移式农民地域市民化的阶段性中止受到运输成本和商品替代弹性的影响。

    Transportation cost and substitute elasticity of goods influence voluntary rural – urban migration typed peasants ' regional citizenization .

  15. 影响股票价格波动的情绪波动分别是主观贴现因子、跨期替代弹性和风险规避系数的波动。这些结果可以帮助我们理解股票价格的波动性和债券价格的平滑性。

    These results can help us understand the excess volatility of equity prices and the smoothness of bond prices .

  16. 最后讨论了模型中替代弹性变化、劳动力增加以及累积循环过程所体现的特征。

    By discussing elasticity of substitution , labor increase and cumulative causation of this model , we present characteristics of this model .

  17. 实证分析还显示地租曲线的斜率和土地-资本替代弹性系数都随着时间的推移而变化。

    Finally , it shows that the slope of the land rent curve and the elasticity of land-capital substitution change over time .

  18. 当替代弹性等于1时,劳资收入份额不随要素投入量的相对变化而变化。

    When the substitution elasticity equals 1 , the share of labor will not be changed with the amount of elements input comparatively changes .

  19. 在关于生产函数的很一般的假定下,证明了消费的跨时替代弹性对于经济增长轨道的形态有决定性影响。

    It has been proved that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution for consumption exerts a tremendous influence for the shape of economic growth orbit .

  20. 但是,如果本国有一个高的消费替代弹性时,外国军事花费的大的扰动也可导致本国经济的增长。

    But , more volatility in foreign military spending can lead to higher economic growth in the home country when its intertemporal substitution elasticity large .

  21. 本文通过校正模型的方法,利用不变替代弹性效用函数从社会福利最大化的角度,对中国轿车行业最佳贸易和产业政策进行经验分析。

    This paper investigates applicability of trade and industrial policy in chinese car market from social welfare and put up empirical analysis , using CES utility function .

  22. 本文的研究重点就是通过测算河北省跨期消费替代弹性,从而模拟出河北省最优的消费路径。

    The core of this research is to simulate the optimal consumption path of Hebei province through the forecasting of intertemporal elasticity of substitution about Hebei province .

  23. 当产品的产出技能替代弹性大于0时,产业内贸易将会扩大相对工资差距;反之,将会缩小相对工资差距。

    If the output elasticity of substitution is positive , intra-industry trade will expand the relative wage gap ; otherwise , intra-industry trade will reduce the relative wage gap .

  24. 可以用要素结构进化率法和要素替代弹性法将技术进步作为一个独立变量予以测度,并放之于经济增长模型中进行分析。

    Technical progress is measured as a standing alone variable by the method of improved proportion in elemental structure and the rate of growth elasticity in capital substituting for labor .

  25. 在跨时替代弹性σ<1,利率变动影响个人消费的收入效应大于替代效应的前提下,储蓄和利率存在负向关系。

    When σ < 1 , the income effect that change of the interest rate affects personal consumption exceeds supplementary effect , deposit has a negative relationship with the interest rate .

  26. 第三,在此基础上,利用理论模型及对回弹效应的估计结果,分析能源价格、能源替代弹性等因素对我国能源使用效率的影响,以及对能源消费量的影响。

    Third , on this basis , we study the impact of energy elasticity of substitution and other factors on the efficiency of energy use and energy consumption in our country .

  27. 并证明了许多模型参数对福利和经济增长的影响与跨时替代弹性而不是风险厌恶系数有关。

    This paper also proves that the effects of many parameters in the model on the welfare and economic growth are related to the intertemporal elasticity of substitution rather than risk aversion .

  28. 从企业行为的微观动力机制分析入手,指出资源替代弹性与实施可持续发展动力不足是企业短期行为的根本原因。

    This paper points out that elasticity of resource replacement and insufficient motive force of sustainable development are the root cause of enterprise short-term behavior by analysing micro - dynamic-mechanism of enterprise behavior .

  29. 从要素替代弹性的角度推导了技术进步影响劳动生产率变动的不同测定模型,并在此基础上进行了模型的应用及比较分析。

    This article arrives at different models determining the influence of improvement of technology on production rate when considering elasticity of substitution . The application and comparative analysis of the model is also made .

  30. 之后本文通过面板数据回归分析方法研究了经济发展水平、产业结构、对外开放程度、环境污染水平和能源禀赋五个因素对不同模式地区的能源消费比例和能源消费替代弹性的作用程度。

    Then this paper uses panel data to research the effect of economy development level , industry structure , degree of opening to outside , environmental pollution and energy endowments to energy consumption structure .