
zuì xiǎo èr chénɡ fǎ
  • least square method
  1. 用加速贮存试验得到X弹头B部件装药在高温条件下的失效时间,再利用最小二乘法和阿伦尼乌斯公式推出该装药在常温下的贮存寿命。

    Failure time of explosive part B in X warhead has been obtained under condition of high temperature through accelerated storage test , then deducing the storage life under normal temperature by using the least square method and Arrhenius formula .

  2. 最小二乘法在尘埃粒子计数器中的应用

    Application of Least Square Method in the Airborne Particle Counter

  3. 应用最小二乘法原理计算平面滑坡岩石C、■值

    Principle of least square method applied to calculating the value C and of plane landslip rock mass

  4. 综合最近邻法和最小二乘法,定义了β、g和σ2的估计量,在适当的条件下证明了σ2的估计量的渐进正态性。

    As a result , the asymptotic normality of σ 2 is obtained under some suitable conditions .

  5. 变阶式递推最小二乘法与AR模型在线辨识器

    Variable-order recursive least squares method and ar-models on-line identifier

  6. 富镧Ni-MH电池阴极材料性能的偏最小二乘法-人工神经网络研究

    PLS BPN Method Applied to Materials Properties of Ni MH Battery Materials

  7. 将最小二乘法应用于解算GPS定位方程,并对其进行精度估计,提出了一种新的星座选择算法。

    We apply the least squares estimate to calculate GPS single point positioning equation and precision estimate , and put forward the new satellites ′ constellation choice algorithm .

  8. 利用偏最小二乘法-人工神经网络方法,对富镧Ni-MH电池阴极材料的放电曲线、初始容量、比容量等性能进行研究。

    He PLS BPN method is applied to study the discharge curves , initial capacities and capacity ratios of Ni-MH battery materials .

  9. 阐述GPS测姿基本原理和采用多天线测姿方法,针对影响GPS测姿精度因素进行分析,提出应用最小二乘法进行载体姿态参数计算和动态模糊度解算的方法。

    The basic principle of attitude determination by multi-antenna GPS technology is described . The least square algorithm for calculating the attitude parameters and the dynamic ambiguity is presented .

  10. 最小二乘法(Least-Squares,LS)作为最基本的、应用最广泛的数据处理方法之一,一直受到测量学者的重视。

    The Least-Squares ( LS ) method is one of the most basic and widely method for data processing .

  11. 采用对数最小二乘法对AHP法中的判断矩阵进行计算,有效地确定了决策矢量。

    The way of logarithmic least squares is used to calculate the judgment matrix in AHP theory , so the decision vector is decided efficiently .

  12. 实测数据的建模结果表明,该方法拟合误差较小,性能优于传统GP方法和最小二乘法。

    Modeling results show that the fitting error is smaller , and the performance exceeds traditional GP and least-squares algorithm .

  13. 采用最小二乘法对归化后的p-y曲线进行拟合。

    P-y curves are back fit by nonlinear least squares approach .

  14. 结合改进的免疫算法和最小二乘法,提出了一种设计径向基函数(RBF)网络的两级学习方法。

    A two-level learning method combining improved immune algorithm and least square method was proposed to design a radial basis function ( RBF ) network .

  15. 方法引用流行病学数学模型SI,用非线性最小二乘法把HIV感染者的数据与数学模型进行曲线拟合。

    Method The epidemiological patterns of HIV infection in HongKong were analyzed with a mathematic model SI by changing its initial condition , which was used to test the related data .

  16. 在实验的基础上,通过对大量实验数据的综合分析,推导出稳态条件下COD降解动力学,以最小二乘法确定了动力学参数k。

    On the base of the experience , through analysing a large of experiment data , deduce the COD degradation dynamics on the steady condition , define the dynamics parameter , k.

  17. 土壤天然放射性NaI(TI)γ能谱的逐道最小二乘法分析

    The use of one by one channel least square method for the analysis of natural radioactivity Nal ( Tl ) - spectrum in soil

  18. 多项式拟合,即利用最小二乘法或GramSchmidt正交化方法进行拟合。

    The polynomial fitting & methods of wavefront fitting using Zernike polynomial are described : least square method and Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method .

  19. 本文用加权最小二乘法给出Kalman滤波公式一个简易的证明,避免了原证明中冗长而复杂的推导。

    This paper gives a simple and easy proof of Kalman filtering with the weighted method of least squares , and avoids the complex and long deduction in original proof .

  20. 同时,介绍了用最小二乘法批处理确定卫星轨道。最后对广义Kalman滤波定轨方法进行了仿真验证分析。

    A batch algorithm based on least square method also was introduced . In the end , the orbit determination algorithm basing on generalized kalman filter was validated and analyzed by simulation .

  21. 采用最小二乘法实时补偿了温度对光纤陀螺零位的影响,通过BP神经网络补偿了温度对陀螺标度因数的影响。

    Least error square algorithm is used to compensate the temperature influence on the zero offset of the FOG , and the temperature influence on the scale factor is compensated by the BP neural network arithmetic .

  22. 本文基于系统辨识的最小二乘法,介绍一种用Basic语言编程的SISO线性系统系统辨识软件包及其原理、结构、功能与特点。

    Based on the Least Squares Method , this paper introduces a sort of System Identification software package for SISO system in Basic Language as well as its principles , components , functions and characteristics .

  23. 本文结合实例利用VB语言编程,介绍了处理物理实验图象时,用最小二乘法作参数估计的计算机辅助分析。

    In this article , combining example with VB language programming , we introduce computer analyses in method of the least squares as parameter estimating when we deal with physics experiment image .

  24. 根据CFX计算结果,用最小二乘法参数辨识方法辨识出定常滑翔运动的水动力参数。

    The hydrodynamic parameters of constant gliding motion are identified with least square method based on CFX calculation results .

  25. 通过实验获得的数据,通过Matlab计算软件利用最小二乘法进行拟合得到最适合的曲线。这条曲线将会被输入到嵌入式系统中用于灰度到温度的转换。

    The data obtained in the experiment will be fitted into the most proper curve through Matlab software and least square method and this curve will be imputed into the embedded system for the switching from grayscale to temperature .

  26. 将递归最小二乘法用于增强型Adaline神经网络模型,提高了收敛速度。

    Recursive least square algorithm was used to enhanced Adaline neural network , that could improve the convergence speed .

  27. 采用加权最小二乘法参数估计方法,得到应用于电力系统日负荷预测和月负荷预测的ARMA模型。

    In this paper , the method of weighted least square estimate is proposed to construct ARMA model , which can be applied in power system load forecasting .

  28. 在灰色GM(1,1)模型的基础上,建立了时变参数灰色GM(1,1)模型,其模型中的参数用多项式逼近,并采用最小二乘法确定多项式中的待定系数。

    The time dependent parameter model was developed on basis of the grey model GM ( 1,1 ), and the functions of the parameters are polynomials whose coefficients are solved by the principle of least squares .

  29. 本文用偏最小二乘法(PLS)方法来解析荧光的激发发射矩阵(EEM),直接定量分析荧光混合物试样。

    An excitation-emission matrix ( EEM ) and partial least squares method ( PLS ) were used to quantitatively determine fluorescent mixed samples .

  30. 在此基础上采用最小二乘法对N-S方程进行了MUSCL有限体积法的非结构网格的粘性求解,提出了带约束边界条件的最小二乘法的处理办法。

    Viscous flow is simulated using MUSCL finite volume unstructured Cartesian grid , least square method of constrained boundary condition is presented .