
  • 网络Ecocert;CCOF;USDA Organic;Certified Organic;Organic certificate
  1. 墨西哥的有机认证增值呼叫中心

    The Organic Certification Confirming of Mexico Getting More From Call Centers

  2. 我国农产品认证制度及有机认证产品的发展趋势

    Agro - product Certification System and Organic Food in China

  3. 墨西哥的有机认证第二,版权代理机构。

    The Organic Certification Confirming of Mexico Second is the copyright agency .

  4. 这就是我们为何打造了自己的健康,美容和纺织品有机认证机制。

    This is why we have developed our own organic certification scheme for health , beauty care and textiles products .

  5. 有机认证并不意味这你的食物在包装过程中就免于沙门氏菌的污染。

    Organic certification doesn 't mean your food is any safer from , say , salmonella contamination when it 's packaged .

  6. 中国环境意识弱、守法意识淡薄、重规则的制定而轻规则实施等都加大了有机认证制度实施的成本。

    However , the weak awareness of environment and law , and the emphasis on formulating rules instead of implementing make the cost of organic authentication system rise in China .

  7. 在文献回顾的基础上,明确有机认证制度是市场经济发展的产物,我国东北地区市场化程度低,发展有机食品产业应从有机认证制度层面思考。

    Organic certification institution is the product of the development of market economy . The market in northeast China is not very well developed , so to develop organic food industry , we should first consider the aspects related to the organic certification institution .

  8. 本文从有机认证制度层面,动态观察有机食品产业发展条件:既关注有机认证制度的功能,又重视其如何在经济环境的变迁中演化。

    This paper aims to dynamically observe the conditions for the development of organic food industry from the perspective of organic certification institution , and points out that both the function of the organic certification institution and the changes in its economic environment should be paid enough attention to .

  9. 集团公司企业管理与国际标准接轨,农业公司全部通过ISO14001国际环境管理体系认证、有机食品认证;

    Xinji 's management connects with international , its agriculture branches all passed ISO14001 environment management system certificate and Organic Food Certification ;

  10. 主要原因是,中国的有机农业认证制度及实施机制的不完善。

    The major reason is that organic agricultural identified procedure and implementation mechanism of China is imperfect .

  11. 双方还同意推动实现农产品市场准入、有机产品认证互认对等。

    Both of them have also agreed to promote market access for agricultural products , as well as deals to certify organic products .

  12. 经过半年多的培训和实践工作,本公司部分产品取得有机食品认证资格。

    After training and assessment of over the half a year , some of CHITSURUYA products have been successfully passed the Organic Food Registration .

  13. 公司重视产品质量,进行了有机产品认证,公司对原粮的采购,严把质量关,与农户建立了订单式协。

    Company attaches importance to product quality , the organic product certification , for procurement of crude company , strict quality , and established the covariance studys the farmers .

  14. 其他有机产品认证机构也有自己的机制,但是没有任何规定可以防止一个公司称自己的洗发水是有机的,却在瓶子里装上有害身体健康的垃圾。

    Other organic certification bodies have got schemes , but there is nothing to stop a company from calling a shampoo organic and filling it with rubbish that actually could be damaging to your health .

  15. 中心主任黄焕忠教授建议政府考虑以法例规管在本港售卖的有机产品的认证标签。

    Professor Jonathan Wong , HKORC Director , said the Government should consider regulating the labelling on organic products sold in Hong Kong .

  16. 中国的有机食品开发和认证工作起步于上个世纪末。

    Organic production and certification in China was started in the end of last century .

  17. 有机茶的质量认证研究

    Study on Quality Attestation of organic

  18. 按照有机农业和有机食品认证标准构建有机农业发展的适宜性评价指标体系,并在此基础上进行资源适宜性分等定级。

    The indexes of applicability evaluation are selected according to OFDC organic certification standards , and the applicability of natural resources is classified .

  19. 野生采集在国际上尚无统一的衡量标准,但世界大多数国家的认证机构都在开展有机野生产品的有机认证。

    Although there is not recognized definition of wild collection in the world , many certification bodies are carrying out organic certification with wild collection .

  20. 成立了有机食品认可委员会,先后颁布了《有机食品认证管理办法》和《有机食品技术规范》。

    The Certification Committee of Organic Food was established ; the Measures of Certification Management of Organic Food and the Technology Norms of Organic Food have been issued .

  21. 它们游说监管者:巴西的有机糖生产商GrupoBalbo正与巴西政府合作,建立有机产品的认证系统。

    They lobby regulators : Grupo Balbo , a Brazilian organic-sugar producer , is working with the Brazilian government to establish a certification system for organic products .