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  1. 为此,出版社要确立自己的发展愿景,让每个编辑都朝之共同努力;

    Therefore , publishing houses should establish a developing goal that every editor will strive for .

  2. 在魏晋南北朝之世,敦煌即已成为一座佛教名城。

    During the Wei-Jin-Northern and Southern Dynasties ( 220 & 589A . D. ), Dunhuang had been transformed into a famous Buddhist town .

  3. 南北朝文学之交流

    The Exchange of Literature between the Southern and Northern Dynasties

  4. 南北朝形神之辩与先秦道家

    The Debating of the Relation between Shape and Spirit and Taoism in Pre-Qin in South-North Dynasties

  5. 美国宣布扩大对朝制裁之际,美韩两军正准备在本周末举行海上联合演习。

    The sanctions announcement comes ahead of a combined US and South Korean naval exercise that starts this weekend .

  6. 大地下面,普路托是阴朝地府之王;那儿,总是黑沉沉、阴森森的。

    Below the Earth , Pluto was king of the underworld , where it was always dark and gloomy .

  7. 洛阳历史悠久,素有九朝古都之称。

    Luoyang enjoys a long history and has always been well known as the ancient capital of nine dynasties .

  8. 人的自觉与文的自觉&魏晋南北朝时期之艺术形而上学论略

    Self-Consciousness of Human Being and Awareness of Art & On Art Metaphysics of the Periods of Wei-Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties

  9. 成功没有任何托辞。要么成功,要么失败。寻找托辞不朝成功之路再迈进一步之时便是你不再获得成功之日。

    You either get it or you don 't. The minute you find a reason not to take another step towards success is the moment you stop being successful .

  10. 关中有13朝古都之称,但帝陵遗存主要是周秦汉唐等帝陵。

    Central Shaanxi Plain is entitled as the capital of thirteen ancient dynasties , but the emperors ' mausoleums are mainly the mausoleums of the Zhou , Qin , Han and Tang dynasties .

  11. 徐干生活于东汉末期,自上继承了两汉时期语言特点,向下尤可窥得魏晋南北朝语言之发展趋势。

    Xu Gan living in the late Eastern Han Dynasty , since the language of the Han Dynasty inherited the features , down to see a particular language of the Wei and Jin trends .

  12. 魏晋南北朝文体理论之特色

    The Style of the Article Theory in Six Dynasty

  13. 然后将重端朝上平衡之,会发现它变的稳定多了。

    Balance it with the weighted on top , and it becomes more stable .

  14. 朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英。

    The morning drink magnolia dew , for dinner autumn chrysanthemum so was borne .

  15. 电场计算的边界配点法和边界元法及其比较初唐边塞乐府与南北朝边塞乐府之比较

    The Point-matching Method and the Boundary Element Methods in Calculating Electric Field and Comparison Between Two Methods

  16. 第三部分问题之二,对魏晋南北朝时期正统之争进行论述。

    The third part , Second of question , describe the orthodox battle of Wei Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties period .

  17. 魏晋南北朝什伍之制与乡村社会控制完美伍配

    On the Control of the Countryside through " Shiwu System " in the Wei , Jin and South and North Dynasties Perfect Mulli & matching

  18. 意大利文艺复兴时期与中国魏晋南北朝宗教雕塑之发展基础比较

    A Comparison of the Religious Sculptures Development Base between in the Period of the Italian Renaissance and the Chinese Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

  19. 而魏晋南北朝时期模拟之风最为盛行,伴随着文人自觉和诗歌的兴起,拟诗大量出现,所拟对象也种类繁多。

    But wind of the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties time simulation most is in vogue , is following the writer determination and poetry starting , plans the poem to appear massively , plans the object also great variety .

  20. 朝圣委员会秘书长穆尔塔克.皮亚拉(MushtaqPyara)神父表示,关注朝圣者准备前往旁遮普省参与第六十二届默里亚巴德全国圣母朝圣地的朝圣之旅。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara , secretary of the pilgrimage committee , expressed concern as devotees prepare for the62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad , Punjab province .

  21. 从脚气病论魏晋南北朝时期印度医学之传入

    Introduction of Indian Medicine into China in the Wei-Jin-Southern-Northern Dynasties As Interpreted by Beriberi

  22. 是中国古代明、清两朝历代皇帝祭天之地。

    China 's ancient Ming and Qing emperor worship of heaven past two Koreas land .

  23. 新月带来了事业上一个积极而且重要的开始,所以鼓足勇气朝自己的梦想之星前进。

    The New Moon signals that there are positive , important career changes underfoot , so do not be afraid to take a risk and follow your own star .

  24. 文章先大概地介绍了这一时期之前的食玉发展,说明了魏晋南北朝时期食玉之风盛行的历史背景和社会思想基础。

    At first , this article probably introduced the development of eating jade in this time before Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties , explaining the historical background and social ideological basis .