
  1. ICS将完全改变传统的教学方法并为未来的教学工作提供更多的便利。

    The model will completely change traditional teaching mode and provide future teaching more and more convenience .

  2. 并展望未来的教学研究。

    And the prospect of teaching research .

  3. 但是网络下的阅读教学也显示出其局限性,须在未来的教学实践中加以改良。

    However , some limitations can still be found in the English reading teaching under the network-based environment , which should be future improved .

  4. 在未来的教学和研究当中,研究者还将采取其它如描述、语言切换等交际策略来帮助学生,以提高他们的交流能力。

    The researcher will adopt other communicative strategies , such as description , language switch in helping the students to improve their communicative competence during the future teaching and study .

  5. 并且分析了教学实践成功的原因以及不足之处,为未来的教学改革指出了方向。

    The reason of the success on MCAI of " Physics Pedagogy " and the insufficiency are analyzed , which point out the direction for the instruction reform in the future .

  6. 随着当前社会信息技术的迅猛发展以及信息技术在教学中的广泛应用,数字化教学在未来的教学中必然有广阔的发展及应用。

    Along with the rapid development of computer technology and the widely application of computer technology in teaching , the development of digital teaching will become the inevitable trend in the future .

  7. 在未来的教学中,笔者将继续加强理论的学习和研究,努力提高自己的教学水平,把所学的理论应用到实践当中,进一步进行该实验研究。

    In the future study , the author will continue to strengthen the theoretical learning and research , improve the teaching level and apply it to practical work to further the study .

  8. 为了能够全面促进和实现小学生的全面发展,人们对未来的教学模式进行了很多有益的研究,为信息技术与教学方式和教学设备的结合提供了很多可借鉴的经验。

    To promote and realize students overall balanced development , investigators have carried on a series of beneficial explorations , provide a lot of experience for the integration of information technique and future education .

  9. 教师个人实践知识是教师发展的基础,它来自于教师过去的教学经验,指导着他们的日常教学,也影响着他们未来的教学。

    Personal knowledge of teaching practice is the basis of teacher development . It has its root in teachers ' previous teaching and learning experience , guides their daily teaching , and influences their prospective teaching .

  10. 高校体育与全民健身计划纲要的基本精神相一致,所以在高校体育中落实全民健身计划,既是其面向未来的教学目标之一,也符合培养人才这一基本要求。

    The basic principles of college physical education accord with those of Plan of Fitness for All . So one of teaching targets of college physical education facing future is to implement the Plan of Fitness for All in colleges and universities , which satisfies the demand of cultivating talents .

  11. 论文最后还给未来的听力教学中的元认知策略培训提出了几点有用建议。

    At last the thesis gives some useful implications for future college English listening teaching .

  12. 最后对光学教学中的一些问题进行了思考,并展望未来的光学教学。

    Finally the text provides several considerations about some problems of optics teaching and brings forward expectations to further research .

  13. 作者希望更多一线教师与教学研究者能做进一步的实验,以便为未来的英语教学提供更有效的方法。

    The author hopes that more teachers and researchers can do further experiments in order to provide more effective teaching methods .

  14. 相信目前的研究将对未来的英语教学,尤其是高职高专院校的非英语专业教学产生一定的启示意义。

    Findings of the present study will shed light on the future EFL teaching for non-English majors , especially in vocational colleges .

  15. 随着教育节目内容的丰富、网络带宽技术和视频编码技术的发展,校园网络电视必将在未来的教育教学中发挥更大的作用。

    The campus IPTV will be playing a great role in future education with the development of internet technology and the diversity of educational content .

  16. 未来教育中的教学管理系统&基于Web方式的信息中心在未来教学中的应用

    Education Management System on the Future Campus ── The Application of the Web-based Information Center in the Future Education

  17. 它将改善未来数十年的教学水平

    will ensure a better educated workforce for decades to come ,

  18. 挑战和机遇:研究型大学与未来的世界一流教学型跨国大学(公司)一体化模式

    Challenges and Opportunities of Research Institutions : Multinational Universities that Provide World First Class Education

  19. 该课题在实践中对更新体操教学观念,扭转被动体操状态,促进我国体育学院函授体育教育专业体操教学的发展有着重要意义,对现在与未来的体操课程教学改革具有重要的参考价值。

    By correspondence is of great urgency and a foreseeing and practical task which will refresh our gymnastics teaching ideas , turn the scale of passive gymnastics , promote the development of gymnastics teaching in the major of correspondence P.E.

  20. 由于研究的局限性,还存在许多现实问题,这有待于教师和研究人员的进一步研究和努力,以便为未来的英语写作教学提供更有效的方法。

    Due to the limitations of the study , there still exist many practical problems , which deserve teachers ' and researchers ' attention and endeavor for further research so that more effective methods will be brought in for teaching of English writing in the future .

  21. 未来手工课的教学将更宽泛,更贴近生活,更具人性化,表现形式更为多样,可应用的资源也将越来越多,手工将成为学生们青睐的制作活动课程。

    The manual teaching in the next will be broader and more possible to approach to life . And it will be more humane , with more diverse forms and more resources available . So the manual section will be chosen as the favorite subject by students .

  22. 第三章介绍了改革中学语文口语交际教学的对策与方法,例如演讲、辩论、表演、朗诵等,应在未来的口语交际教学中得到落实与创新。

    The third chapter introduces the countermeasures and methods for the reform of Chinese oral communication teaching in middle school , such as speech , debate , acting , recitation , and it should be implemented and the innovation in the teaching of oral communication in the future .

  23. 同时,本文为更好的解读财经新闻语言提供了一个科学的依据,从而对未来的进一步研究,教学,阅读都有一定的指导意义。

    Meanwhile , this thesis provides a scientific foundation for exploring the financial language , so as to provide some instructions for further studying , teaching and reading .

  24. 论文的最后总结了目前存在的不足及可能的改良方法,并展望未来计算机支持下的教学发展趋势。

    At the end of this thesis , summarizes the existing deficiencies and possible improvements , meanwhile looks forward to trend of instruction under computer supported environment in future .