
jī hui zhǔ yì
  • opportunism
机会主义 [jī huì zhǔ yì]
  • [opportunism] 利用机会或情况的技巧、策略或实践,特别是很少顾及原则或最后结果

机会主义[jī hui zhǔ yì]
  1. 能源部长回应说,反对派对环境问题的关切是政治上的机会主义。

    The Energy Minister responded by saying that the opposition 's concern for the environment was political opportunism .

  2. 专用性投资对机会主义的影响&以汽车行业4S专营店为例

    The Impact of Specific Investments on Opportunism & Take the Case of 4S Shop in Automobile Industry

  3. 但伦敦咨询公司EnergyAspects的阿姆里塔森(AmritaSen)表示,这种机会主义的购买在未来可能减弱力度。

    But such opportunistic buying could be weaker in future , said Amrita Sen at London-based consultancy Energy Aspects .

  4. 对菊花脑D.为了防范生产外包中存在的承包企业的机会主义行为,可以采取契约和产权的措施。

    Meiosis behaviors of D. There are several contractual and property right ways to deal with opportunism behaviors in production outsourcing .

  5. 移动传感网中一种基于RSSI的机会主义路由设计

    An Opportunistic Routing for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Based on RSSI

  6. 正在研究与英美资源集团(angloamerican)进行对等合并的瑞士矿业公司斯特拉塔(xstrata),是一个十足的机会主义者。

    Xstrata , the Swiss miner now exploring a merger of equals with Anglo American , is nothing if not opportunistic .

  7. 通过设立共同愿景、增加机会主义防范机制、提升合作收益等途径构建了B2B公共平台与3PL企业基于信任关系的合作机制。

    A cooperation mechanism based on trust relationship is established by setting up common vision , appending Mechanisms Safeguarding against opportunism , and promoting cooperation income .

  8. 提出了在机会主义路由的环境下,转发节点群中的某些节点无需等待ACK确认消息,可先行退出的路由策略。

    In opportunistic routing environment , some nodes in the forwarding group without waiting for ACK message may quit MORE timely .

  9. 他们在建立(继而迅速出售)YouTube中表现出来的实用主义与机会主义,突出表明了一种更实际的、更具时代特色的作风。

    The mix of pragmatism and opportunism they showed in building - then quickly selling - YouTube highlights a more down-to-earth style more in keeping with the times .

  10. 其二,构造以EVA为基础的奖金计划,在原有奖金计划的指标、标准和模式上加以创新,来抑制经理人的机会主义倾向,降低代理成本,调动经理人积极性从而完善经理人报酬激励机制。

    Second , establish EVA bonus plan which is better than the old in the index , standard and pattern in order to control executive 's opportunism , reducing the agent cost , stimulate the enthusiasm .

  11. 首先,在文献梳理基础上综合利益相关者理论和产权理论(交易成本经济学),构建起权利非对称机会主义行为CoPS创新风险这一风险生成机理模型。

    First , integrating stakeholder theories and property right theories ( transaction cost economics ) based on literature organization , and building a risk formation mechanism model as " Interest-Power Asymmetry opportunistic behavior CoPS innovation risk " .

  12. Alchian和Demsetz提出的团队生产理论,采用监督机制来控制团队成员的机会主义行为。

    Alchian and Demsetz put forward team production theory , which adopted monitoring mechanism to control opportunistic behavior of team members .

  13. 专门研究私人股本的哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)教授乔希勒纳(joshlerner)表示:“交易活动的上升,部分原因在于流动性的持续变化,但一定程度上也是利用时机的机会主义行为。”

    Josh Lerner , a Harvard Business School professor specialising in private equity , said : " part of the reason for the increase in activity is a secular shift in liquidity , but part of it is an opportunistic taking advantage of the time . "

  14. 当宏观社会资本足以使人们产生普遍信任时,资产专用性也要求契约双方采用关系缔约,因为资产专用性的诱惑是如此之大,以至于普遍信任也不足以阻止敲竹杠(hold-up)的机会主义行为。

    Even if macro social capital is enough to produce general trust , relational contracting is indispensable to both parties because the lure from asset specificity is so big that general trust cannot prohibit the hold-up opportunist behavior .

  15. 虽然如此,也有一些交易看起来有些机会主义,9月份日本银行三菱UFJ金融集团出价90亿美元获得苦苦支撑的摩根斯坦利21%的股权。

    Even so , some deals are opportunistic : in September Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group , a Japanese bank , paid $ 9 billion for a21 % stake in Morgan Stanley , a struggling American bank .

  16. creditsights的亚当森表示,涉足像“管道”那样的管理投资基金的举动,似乎“带有机会主义色彩,并依赖于以短期票据为高评级资产融资所产生的收入,而非满足基本的业务需求”。

    The move into managing investment funds , like the conduits , seems " opportunistic and based on revenue generation from funding highly rated assets with short-term paper , rather than fulfilling an essential business need , " says Mr Adamson of CreditSights .

  17. 内部监督的收益是机会主义行为的减少。

    The income of internal supervision is to reduce the opportunism .

  18. 正如所有的重大机遇一样,这也会吸引有实力的机会主义者。

    Like all big opportunities , it will attract big opportunists .

  19. 克服上述机会主义需要相应的规制安排。

    To overcome the above opportunisms calls for corresponding regulation arrangements .

  20. 就这样他犯了左倾机会主义的错误。

    Thus he committed the error of " left " opportunism .

  21. 国有商业银行经营中的机会主义行为

    An Analysis of Opportunism Behaviors on State-owned Commercial Banks in Their Management

  22. 股票期权激励计划的披露与经理的机会主义行为

    The Disclosure of Stock Option Incentive Plans and the Opportunism of Executives

  23. 这种战略是价值驱动和机会主义的,而且注重管理风险。

    It is value driven , opportunistic and manages risk .

  24. 专用性投资交易存在机会主义行为的可能性。

    The special investment trade has the possibility of the opportunism behavior .

  25. 偏好、信用与机会主义:个体私营经济结算工具选择

    Preference , Credit and Opportunism : The Settlement Instruments for Private Business

  26. 谁要是忽视或轻视了这一点,谁就要犯右倾机会主义的错误。

    Whoever overlooks or belittles this point will commit Right opportunist mistakes .

  27. 英国传媒所期望的那种愤世嫉俗的机会主义。

    The sort of cynical opportunism the British media expected .

  28. 将管理层奖励与股东回报挂钩强化了这种机会主义。

    Aligning managerial rewards to shareholder returns reinforces the opportunism .

  29. 他如今的抱怨是一种机会主义做法,并带有政治议程的意味。

    His complaints today are opportunistic and smack of a political agenda .

  30. 国际合资企业中机会主义行为的演化博弈

    Evolutionary game analysis on opportunistic behavior in international joint venture