
jī qì rén jì shù
  • robotics;robot technology;robotology
  1. 西蒙的书简明扼要地概括了人工智能及其在机器人技术方面的应用。

    Simon 's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics .

  2. 这款EOSmartConnecting2电动汽车是由德国不来梅机器人技术创新中心研发的,该团队由软件开发者、设计师、电子和结构工程师组成,他们最近三年都在改进这款智能微型车。

    The EO Smart Connecting Car 2 is an innovative design from DFKI Robotics Innovation Center , based in Bremen , Germany , where a team of software developers and designers , as well as electronics and construction engineers , have been refining the smart micro car project for the last three years .

  3. 这是最新的机器人技术。

    This is the latest in robot technology .

  4. •富士康推行机器人技术【第一财经日报(CBNDaily)】

    • a shift to robotic production by Foxconn ( CBN daily )

  5. 它与CAD/CAM、机器人技术一起被誉为当代工业自动化的三大支柱之一。

    It is named as one of the three mainstay of up-to-date industrial automatization with CAD / CAM and robot technology .

  6. 由于Create已经被建造好,而且驱动机制也已经就位,所以我想这将是学习机器人技术的一条最简单的路径。

    Since the Create was already built , with the drive system in place , I thought it would be the easiest way to start learning about robotics .

  7. 通过利用Internet技术和机器人技术实现了基于Ethernet网络的机器人在线切割系统。

    The real time and on line cutting system of robot based on Ethernet Network have been developed using the techniques of Internet and robot .

  8. 并联机床PMT(ParallelMachineTool)是上个世纪90年代中期问世的新型制造装备,它是机构学理论、机器人技术和数控技术结合的产物。

    Parallel Machine Tool ( PMT ) is a new kind of manufacture equipment came forth in the middle of 90s . It combines mechanics theory , robot technique and numerical technique .

  9. 世界经济论坛的一份新报告--《2018年就业前景》预测,人工智能(AI)、机器人技术和自动化将取代7500万个工作岗位。

    A new WEF report , The Future of Jobs 2018 , predicts that 75 million jobs will be displaced by artificial intelligence ( AI ) , robotics and automation .

  10. 将遥操作机器人技术与MIS技术结合,所开发的遥操作机器人微创外科手术系统(TMIS)可克服传统MIS技术的主要缺点,且能用作训练工具。

    TMIS which is the tele-manipulation robot system combined with MIS technology can overcome the flaws of traditional MIS technology , and can be used as training tools .

  11. 我最喜欢的例子是由一位机器人技术工程学专业的NealHumphrey(WPI'09)提出的。

    My favorite example of this academic approach , was by a robotics engineering major , Neal Humphrey ( WPI '09 ) .

  12. 与此同时,人工智能(AI)、机器人技术和自动化将会使劳动力结构会发生巨大调整,根据世界经济论坛调查,最大的转变是以关注生产率为着眼点,很多岗位从全职模式转向基于合同灵活就业模式。

    Meanwhile , there could be a huge change in the structure of the workforce , with the executives surveyed by WEF expecting a shift away from full-time work and towards flexible , contract-based gig economy employment with a focus on productivity .

  13. 如果您还不确定孩子们是否对机器人技术的机械、电子或者软件方面感兴趣的话,那么Lego系统可以有助您解决这个疑惑。

    If you 're not sure whether the kids might be more interested in the mechanical , electrical , or software aspects of robotics , the Lego system is the right place to start .

  14. NXT的处理器是相对于原始Mindstorms开发平台的一个主要的升级,它能够执行更加复杂的机器人技术软件应用程序。

    The NXT 's processor is a major upgrade over the original Mindstorms platform , making it possible to implement much more sophisticated robotics software applications .

  15. 嵌入式控制在机器人技术上的应用的研究是十分有意义的。

    Embedded control in robot technology application research is very meaningful .

  16. 摩托车焊接专机及焊接机器人技术经济浅析

    A Techno-Economical Analysis of Special Welding Machine and Robot for Motorcycle

  17. 机器人技术是当前各国的研究重点。

    Robot technology is the current research focus of all countries .

  18. 机器人技术是实现战车无人化的一项重要技术。

    Robot technology is an important technology for unmanned combat vehicle .

  19. 基于机器人技术的智能化入出库系统研究

    Research of Intelligent Storage and Retrieval System Based on Robot Technology

  20. 此系统融合了嵌入式系统技术、机器人技术和控制技术。

    This system combined embedded system technology , robotics and control technology .

  21. 网控机器人技术及其控制系统的研究状况

    Status of study on Internet robotics and its control system

  22. 我们有整个一个编码语言,还有机器人技术。

    There 's a whole programming language and robotics tool .

  23. 机器人技术在中餐菜肴生产中的发展和应用研究

    Investigation into the development and application about robot in cooking Chinese food

  24. 油罐检测爬壁机器人技术及系统研究

    Study on Technology and System of Oilcan Testing Wall-Climbing Robot

  25. 机器人技术在农业上的开发与应用现状

    Development and Application Status of Robot Technology in Agriculture

  26. 仿生控制的研究对于机器人技术的进展有着重大的意义。

    Bionic control is of great significance for the progress of robot technology .

  27. 机器人技术的一个重要应用领域是在娱乐方面。

    Amusement is an important field for robotics application .

  28. 他们还将涉及机器人技术竞赛。

    They can also get involved with robotics competitions like the FIRST competition .

  29. 种盘秧苗生产中图像处理与机器人技术

    Image processing and robotic techniques in plug seedling production

  30. 轮式移动宜人机器人技术研究

    The research on the humanoid with orthogonal wheel mobile