
  1. 我的同事黄益平教授以及清华大学的李稻葵教授都认为,过去几年间家庭消费在GDP中所占比重有所上升。

    My colleague Yiping Huang and David Li , professor at Tsinghua University , both believe that the share of household consumption in GDP has increased in the past several years .

  2. 李稻葵,清华大学经济学教授

    Li Daokui , an economics professor at Tsinghua University

  3. 央行顾问李稻葵也表示,人民币汇率已接近合理值。

    Li Daokui , a central bank adviser , also said the currency was close to its fair value .

  4. 原央行货币政策委员会委员李稻葵在会上称,余额宝等基金产品应留出额外资金用于防范风险。

    A former adviser to China 's central bank , Li Daokui , said at the same event that Yu'E Bao and similar funds should allocate additional capital to protect against risks .

  5. 李稻葵在接受采访时表示,中国住房市场的问题实际上比西方金融危机之前美国、英国住房市场的问题根本得多,也大得多。

    The housing market problem in China is actually much , much more fundamental , much bigger than the housing market problem in the US and UK before your financial crisis , he said in an interview .

  6. 全国政协委员、清华大学的经济学家李稻葵表示,随着政府推进城市化,中等收入群体在2035年将扩大一倍,中国将成为全世界最大的消费市场。

    The number is likely to double by 2035 amid government efforts to push urbanization , making China the biggest consumption market in the world , said Li Daokui , an economist with Tsinghua University and a national political adviser .

  7. 李稻葵教授表示,中国人之所以储蓄这么多,是因为家庭收入相对偏低,这意味着,要减少储蓄,抑制贸易顺差,真正的关键是加大财政支出力度,实行减税措施,以增加人们的收入。

    Prof Li says the Chinese save so much because household incomes are relatively low , which means that the real key to reducing savings and reining in the trade surplus is more aggressive fiscal spending and tax cuts aimed at boosting incomes .

  8. 中国央行顾问李稻葵也在上述论坛上表示,此次汇改“和2005年的汇改不一样”,2005年汇改后人民币兑美元逐步升值,如今人民币兑美元则可能“双边”浮动。

    Li Daokui , an adviser to the central bank , told the same forum in Shanghai that this " is different from the reform in 2005 " , after which the renminbi appreciated gradually against the dollar ; today , there could be " two-way " movement .

  9. 余额宝的背后实际上是高风险信用产品,而这些风险并未披露给个体购买者,李稻葵在接受中央电视台采访时表示,如果一些投资者对余额宝失去信心,就可能导致资金缩水。

    High-risk credit products are the supporting asset of Yu ' ebao . These risks are not revealed to individual investors , he said during an interview on CCTV . This may result in a squeeze of investment if some investors lose confidence in Yu ' ebao , he added .