
tiáo xínɡ mǎ sǎo miáo qì
  • bar-code scanner
  1. 在生产流程中,仪表就是指可编程的逻辑控制器、传送带、分流器(diverter)等设备,以及RFID和条形码扫描器。

    In manufacturing , instrumentation refers to devices such as programmable logic controllers , conveyors , diverters , and also RFID and barcode readers .

  2. 霍尼韦尔的业务范围广泛,从空运到条形码扫描器无所不包。

    It has tentacles in everything from air transportation to barcode scanners .

  3. 这个高科技手推车上面安装了显示屏和一个条形码扫描器。

    The high-tech model will be fitted with a computer screen and barcode scanner .

  4. 条形码扫描器的运用缩短了超市结账台前的等候时间。

    Waiting times at supermarket checkouts have been reduced by the introduction of bar code scanners .

  5. 介绍了激光条形码扫描器的现状和发展,分析了它的技术特性和应用前景。

    This paper introduces the situation and development of the laser barcode scanner , and analyses its technique feature and application prospect .

  6. 在携带出入时候用条形码扫描器逐一扫描每本图书档案的方式记录及统计信息。

    In each time a book is carried in or out , a bar code scanner scans the book for record and statistics .

  7. 试衣间中还有条形码扫描器来识别店内的商品,如果顾客需要其他的尺码或颜色,她自己就能看到库存情况,并让店员送进来。

    They will also be equipped with barcode scanning to identify what is in the store so if a customer needs an item in another size or color , she can see for herself if it is in stock and instruct the associate to bring it .

  8. 根据条码识别装置的特点,利用全息扫描技术设计条形码扫描器及相应的辅助部件,从而使学生对全息照相及扫描技术有进一步的理解,掌握物理实验设计的一般要求。

    In order to have a better understanding of the holographic technology and to learn the method of physical experiment design , the holographic scanner and its auxiliary components , which are used in the strip-code recognizing device , are designed according to the characteristics of strip-code recognizing device .

  9. 条形码需要职员使用条形码扫描器对每个病人进行扫描,增加了重复的流程。

    Bar coding will require staff to use a bar code scanner with each patient , adding repetitive steps to workflow .

  10. 介绍一种利用单片机进行条形码数据采集的方法,讨论了条形码扫描器与单片机的硬件接口设计和软件编程。

    The method of using SCM to collect the barcode data was introduced , then the hardware interface designing and software programming between the SCM and barcode scanner was discussed .

  11. 介绍了1种新型的基于条形码技术的学生考勤系统,重点阐述了单片机与条形码扫描器的硬件接口设计和软件编程,同时对条形码数据的显示和无线传送进行了简要的叙述。

    This article introduces a new-style check on work attendance systems of students based on barcode technology , emphatically expatiates the hardware interface design and soft programming concerning the single-chip microcomputer and the barcode scanner , and depicts the display and wireless transmission of barcode data simultaneously .