
  • 网络texture depth;structure depth;SMTD
  1. 沥青路面SPRR技术有效的改善了铺装层的摩擦系数、构造深度及渗水系数,施工后较施工前均匀,从而改善了桥面行驶的性能。

    It can effectively improve the surfacing of the friction coefficient , texture depth and water creep coefficient , what is more uniformity than before construction . Thus , it improves the performance of the bridge deck driving .

  2. 在各种构造深度测试方法中,以激光断面仪最为有效快速。

    Several methods for measuring the texture depth are compared , Laser Surface Texture Measurement is the most useful and rapid .

  3. 采用的技术指标主要有:PCI、抗滑摆值、构造深度、渗水系数。

    Technical indicators are mainly used : PCI , put the value of anti-sliding , tectonic depth , seepage coefficient .

  4. 针对稀疏采样,特别是crossline方向稀疏采样的三维地震数据,提出了一个基于波动方程方法的陡角度构造深度偏移成像方法。

    We propose a wave equation based migration scheme for imaging the steep dipping structures with 3-D sparsely sampling dataset , especially sparsely sampled in the crossline direction .

  5. 数字化技术评价沥青路面构造深度研究

    Study on Evaluating Texture Depth of Asphalt Pavement with Digital Technology

  6. 采用刻槽工艺提高水泥砼路面抗滑构造深度

    Using Notch Groove Technology to Improve Cement Concrete Pavement Anti-skid Structure Depth

  7. 应用构造深度评价沥青混合料离析

    Application of Texture Depth to Evaluate Segregation in Asphalt Mixture

  8. 应用构造深度表征沥青路面的离析

    Study on Segregation of Asphalt Pavement Indicated with Texture Depth

  9. 相同级配下,路面现场空隙率越大,表面构造深度越大,路面越易渗水;

    Increasing in place air void and surface structure can cause larger permeability ;

  10. 用数字图像技术评价和测量沥青路表面构造深度

    Evaluation and Measurement of Asphalt Pavement Surface Texture Depth with Digital Image Technique

  11. 数字图像和激光构造深度离析分析方法在开阳高速公路的应用

    Application of Segregation Analyzing Approach by Digital Pattern and Laser Surface Texture Depth to Kai-Yang Expressway

  12. 通过对检测路段的合理选择,系统检测了路面破损状况、摩擦系数、宏观构造深度、渗水系数等。

    The damage condition , friction parameters , construction layer depths and permeability coefficients of the slurry-sealing pavements have been investigated .

  13. 通过大量室内试验研究了沥青混凝土矿料级配、沥青用量等因素对其体积性能(空隙率)和表面特性(构造深度)的影响。

    Through lots of experiments for the factors that gravel grading and asphalt amount in asphalt concrete influences their porosity and structure depth .

  14. 构造深度试验、无损密度检测试验及芯样空隙率试验表明,沥青上面层离析严重;

    Sand patch testing , non-destruction density detection and air voids of cores experiment indicate that surfacing course of asphalt pavement has serious segregation .

  15. 为了解决目前国内缺乏离析评价方法与评价指标的问题,在大量调查国内外资料基础上,分析运用构造深度来评价沥青混合料离析的可能性。

    On the conditions the evaluation method and evaluation index of segregation are lacked in China , trial of texture depth is made to evaluate segregation .

  16. 同时,对比研究了橡胶颗粒的加入对于微表处构造深度及摩擦系数的影响。

    At the same time , analyzed the effect on the texture depth and friction coefficient of the micro-surfacing by adding rubber particles in the micro-surfacing mixtures .

  17. 采用离析区域构造深度与均匀区域构造深度比值作为离析评价指标,得出了不同程度离析的评价标准。

    The texture ratio between segregated area and non-segregated area is used as the evaluation index of segregation , the evaluation criteria of different level segregation is obtained .

  18. 之后为了判别离析,提出以表面特性指标&构造深度分析离析的方法,并分析了路面检测构造深度数据的概率分布函数,证明其符合正态分布。

    The method of distinguishing segregation with texture depth was suggested . And it is proved that the distribution function of texture depth is in line with normal distribution .

  19. 试验结果表明,养护与试验温度越高构造深度和摩擦系数的初期变化越明显,最后都趋于某固定值,终值主要由碎石种类决定。

    Test results show that , the tectonic depth and friction change more obviously when the maintenance and test in higher temperature , finally all tend to a fixed value .

  20. 试验路完工后进行了压实度、构造深度、抗滑系数渗水系数等工后检测,各项指标均达到了验收标准,并很好的达到了预期的目的。

    Road test after completion of the degree of compaction , the structure , depth , and the coefficient of seepage water of sliding coefficient work after testing , and all the indexes to acceptance .

  21. 路面构造深度与路面的抗滑性能紧密相关,而现阶段路面构造深度的检测存在着误差大、受人为因素影响大且效率不高的问题。

    The texture depth of the pavement have a closely link with its skid-resistance , but the current detection method of texture depth which have big error is inefficient and the detection result is easily affected by the human factors .

  22. 通过对三条在建高速公路沥青路面渗水系数的测试,分析得出沥青路面渗水性能与沥青混合料的类型、路面现场空隙率、结构层厚度及路面表面构造深度有关。

    Permeability test was done at three expressways in 2001 . Based on the test data , it is concluded that permeability of asphalt pavement is affected by mixture type , in place air void , thickness of layer and surface structure ;

  23. 路用性能测试主要针对抗滑性能和防渗水性能进行了构造深度和渗水系数的测定。最后,采用确定的级配和最佳改性乳化沥青用量,研究微表处与原路面的层间剪切性能。

    Aiming at anti-slide performance and anti-seepage performance in pavement performance we measured the texture depth and water permeability coefficient . Finally , we researched on interlaminar shear strength between the micro surfacing and pavement using the determined gradation and the optimum emulsified asphalt content .

  24. 简要分析我国城市交通噪声的现状及趋势,重点从沥青路面材料、沥青路面构造深度和沥青混合料粒径大小三个方面来讨论低噪声沥青路面缓解交通噪声的原理和效果。

    Recounting the present situation and developing tendency of the city 's traffic noise . The key is in discussing the principle and effects of relaxing the traffic noise of Low-noise asphalt pavement from the material and the structures of depth and the stones size .

  25. 分析了影响淮北煤田煤与瓦斯突出的地质因素主要为区域构造、深度、围岩性质、断层、煤层厚度变化、煤层结构变化;

    The paper analyzed the geological factors of the coal and gas outburst in Huaibei Coal Field . The geological factors were including the area structures , depth , surrounding rock properties , faults , variation of seam thickness and seam structure variation .

  26. 次缝位于主缝上盘,具有北倾北降的正断裂性质,并与主缝断裂呈丫字型构造,在深度300~500m处的第四系内与主缝汇合。

    The secondary fissure , located on the upfaulted block of the major fissure , has the normal fault property with north dip and north downthrown , and merges into the major fissure with Y-shaped distribution at depth 300-500m in Quaternary system .

  27. 断裂构造岩沿深度的变化

    On the change of tectonite stain feature along with depth

  28. 用中点细分内插方法构造了递归深度为6时的不同分形维数的曲线。

    Curves of different fractal dimensions with a regression depth of 6 were constructed by a mid-point interpolation method .

  29. 指出区内的地震活动范围、位置、强度和深度受前寒武纪结晶基底的起伏构造形态和深度的影响与制约。

    The study shows that the range , location , intensity and depth of earthquakes are effected and restricted by the rolling topography of Precambrian crystal basement .

  30. 断裂二元结构的划分可以提高对断裂构造研究的深度与精度,对于全面综合分析、研究工程地质问题具有重要意义。

    The division of fracture binary structure could enhance the depth and accuracy of the study on fracture structure , which has important significance for overall analysis and study on engineering geology .