
rǎn sè tǐ jī yīn
  • chromosomal gene;chromogene
  1. 结果人类跟老鼠的X染色体基因95%是重合的。

    It turns out that humans and mice share 95 percent of their X genes .

  2. 志贺氏菌属弗氏2a染色体基因文库的构建

    Construction of Genomic Library of Shigella flexneri 2a Chromosome DNA

  3. pBR322-Red介导的E.coli染色体基因敲入、位点及表达研究

    PBR322-Red Mediated Gene Knockin , Sites and Expression in E.coli Chromosome

  4. 目的探讨高促卵泡成熟激素(follicle-stimulatinghormone,FSH)无精子症与Y染色体基因微缺失的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the patients ' high follicle-stimulating hormone ( FSH ) azoospermia and microdeletions in Y chromosome .

  5. 结论:本组p16基因的分析结果为人卵巢上皮癌细胞系第9号染色体基因变异及卵巢上皮癌的形成和发展提供了新理论依据。

    Conclusion : The results indicated the basic gene alteration of chromosome 9 in ovarian epithelial cancer cell lines and provided additional understanding of occurrence and development of ovarian epithelial cancer .

  6. 提出了一种新的基于多层染色体基因表达式程序设计的混合遗传进化算法:M-GEP-GA。

    A new hybrid evolution algorithm named M-GEP-GA was proposed .

  7. 少精及无精症病人生活方式的干预研究特发性无精子症和严重少精子症患者Y染色体基因微缺失研究

    Intervention study on the life style of patients with oligospermia or azoospermia

  8. 人类原发性胃癌相关染色体基因扫描分析

    Genescan Analysis of Related Chromosomes in Human Primary Gastric Cancer

  9. M-GEP:基于多层染色体基因表达式编程的遗传进化算法

    M-GEP : A New Evolution Algorithm Based on Multi-Layer Chromosomes Gene Expression Programming

  10. 山东省原发性高血压2号染色体基因扫描研究

    A search for susceptibility loci to essential hypertension on chromosome 2 in Shandong province

  11. 为了表达加工工件的批量,提出了一种新的染色体基因型,基因型的长度随加工环境的变化而变化。

    A new chromosome representation is also presented for batch process scheduling and its length is variable .

  12. 结论:原发性肺癌存在广泛的遗传物质不平衡现象,不同病理分型的染色体基因扩增和缺失可能是其发生、发展的基础。

    The extension and deletion of chromatosome are the base of the occurrence of different lung cancer .

  13. 山东省2型糖尿病2号染色体基因扫描研究

    The screen for association with type 2 diabetes on Chromosome 2 in the population of Shandong Province

  14. 本文就染色体基因位点与非综合征性唇腭裂致病机制的关系作一综述。

    This review will briefly summarize the relation between gene locus in chromosomes and mechanism of pathopoiesis of NSCLP .

  15. 目的:研究Y染色体基因微缺失与特发性无精子症和严重少精子症的关系,及探讨Y染色体基因微缺失的位点、缺失率有无民族间的差异性。

    Objective : To investigate the relation between Y chromosome deletion and idiopathic azoospermia , severe oligozoospermia ; and investigate variability of Y chromosome deletion situs and rate in the nations .

  16. 由此,作者认为,泽蛙单倍体问工酶基因的表达异常是由于缺少另一套染色体基因的相互作用。

    With these results , we are of the opinion that the abnormal expression of the isozyme genes of the haploid genome is due to lack of the interaction through another genome .

  17. 由此我们建立了这样一个比较两条染色体基因序列的相似程度问题的数学模型:假设两条待比较的染色体上所含的基因种类是相同的。

    Therefore , we establish the mathematical model that compares the similarity of gene sequences of the two chromosomes , which assumes that two chromosomes , which have not been compared , contain the same gene types .

  18. 同源重组在染色体DNA基因克隆中的应用方法

    The Application of Homologous Recombination Method in Chromosomal Engineering

  19. 小鼠Y染色体编码基因mRNA在成熟精子中保留情况的研究

    Retention Situation of Y-encoded mRNA in the Matured Mouse Sperm

  20. 患儿母亲为X染色体突变基因杂合子携带者。

    The patient ′ s mother was the carrier of the heterozygosis mutation in X-chromosome .

  21. 荧光定量PCR检测细菌染色体上基因拷贝数

    The copy number of the gene in chromosome of strain detected by the real time quantitative PCR

  22. 航迹由B样条曲线得到,以代表航迹的B样条曲线的控制顶点坐标值作为染色体的基因位进行浮点数编码。

    The flight path is obtained by a B-spline curve whose control vertexes are considered as the genes of chromosome via floating point coding .

  23. 伴随DNA改变的基因损伤会导致基因的点突变、染色体间基因移位和扩增性基因复制。

    Genetic damage with DNA alterations leads to point mutations of genes , translocations of genetic material between chromosomes , and gene reduplication with amplification .

  24. 新石器时代人骨遗骸中古代DNA的提取及X-Y染色体同源基因片段的PCR扩增

    Ancient DNA extraction from Neolithic human skeletal remains and PCR based amplification of the X-Y homologous amelogenin gene

  25. 质粒pBR322介导的变形链球菌染色体DNA基因转化研究

    Genetic transformation of streptococcus mutans chromosomal DNA by plasmid pBR322

  26. 目的:探讨X染色体STR基因座独特的遗传方式在同胞亲缘关系鉴定中的应用。

    Objective : To study the application of specific genetic pattern of X-chromosome STR loci in siblings'identification .

  27. 陕西地区汉族群体Y染色体STR基因座多态性研究

    Study on Y-chromosomal STR polymorphisms from Shaanxi Han population

  28. 用PFGE方法对细菌的染色体进行基因分型。Red重组技术研究进展

    Chromosomal gene patterns were typed by PFGE . Advances in Red Recombination Applied in Knockout of Bacteria Chromosomal Gene

  29. 检测孕妇血浆中游离胎儿DNA常染色体STR基因座,可用于常染色体遗传疾病的产前基因诊断。

    Analysis of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma at autosomal STR loci could be used in prenatal diagnosis of autosomal disorders . 3 .

  30. 目的:探讨常染色体STR基因座检测在二联体亲子鉴定中的应用价值。

    Aim : To study the application of PCR-STR DNA typing in forensic diad paternity testing .