
nínɡ ménɡ shuǐ
  • lemonade;lime juice
  1. 她料想他会要一杯苏格兰威士忌,所以当他请她调一杯马提尼酒加柠檬水时,她有点不知所措。

    She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini and lemonade .

  2. 我把柠檬水洒在衣服上了,不知道能否把它洗掉。

    I let some lemonade fall on my clothes , and I 'm not sure if I can wash it off .

  3. 他们带了一瓶柠檬水。

    They had one bottle of lemonade between then .

  4. 研究小组使用无味食物着色剂让真正的柠檬水变成绿色、浑浊和黄色,他们也用LED灯让虚拟柠檬水变成相似的颜色。

    The team used tasteless food coloring agents to make the real lemonades green , cloudy and yellow , and LED lights to color the virtual lemonades similarly .

  5. 然后Emma和我会去摆弄自动电唱机,一边唱歌跳舞,一边用吸管喝著柠檬水。

    Then Emma and I would play on the jukebox , singing and dancing and drinking lemonade from the bottles with straws .

  6. 1996年在亚特兰大,我看到当地居民纷纷走出家门,欢庆“可口可乐(coca-cola)赞助”的“全民参与”接力仪式,孩子们热心地售卖着自制的“全美口味”柠檬水。

    In Atlanta in 1996 I watched the locals come out to cheer a relay built around social inclusiveness , which was " presented by Coca-Cola " , with children eagerly selling home-made lemonade in an All-American mix .

  7. 包装在“柠檬水”的柳条箱中

    To be packed in a crate marked " lemonade . "

  8. 我喜欢这自制的柠檬水,味儿真纯!

    I like this homemade lemonade , it 's real good !

  9. 噢,还有我们再弄点柠檬水。

    Oh , and let 's get some lemonade , too .

  10. 参与者反馈,真正的柠檬水比虚拟的柠檬水更酸一点。

    Participants reported the real lemonade tasted sourer than the virtual .

  11. 客人们正在喝咖啡,柠檬水或冰冻果子露。

    The guests were drinking coffee , lemonade , or sherbet .

  12. 呃,我喜欢薄烤饼,苜蓿芽,柠檬水。

    Well , I like pancakes and alfalfa sprouts and lemonade .

  13. 在晚会上,我们吃了饼干,巧克力和柠檬水。

    At the party we have biscuit , chocolate and lemonade .

  14. 我们可以选择温柠檬水或不含糖的草本茶。

    Opt for warm lemon water or herbal tea without sugar .

  15. 我很抱歉,我只有芒果汁和柠檬水。

    I am sorry , I only have mango juice and lemonade .

  16. 请给我一杯龙舌兰酒加柠檬水。

    I 'd like a tequila and lemonade , please .

  17. 研究人员给13名参与者12种不同的柠檬水(既有真的,也有虚拟的)。

    Researchers gave 12 different real and virtual lemonades to 13 participants .

  18. 小男孩正在用麦管吸柠檬水。

    The little boy is sucking lemonade through a straw .

  19. 他们喝冰茶,我要柠檬水。

    They have iced tea and I have my lemonade .

  20. 小狐狸哼哼着把柠檬水倒进模子里,打算把它做成冰棒。

    Fox hummed as he poured lemonade into molds for ice pops .

  21. 卖柠檬水的小摊,企图和沃尔玛竞争

    a kiddy lemonade stand trying to compete with Wal-mart .

  22. 服务生:我们有柠檬水、冰红茶、可乐和雪碧。

    Waiter : We have Lemonade , lce Tea , Coke and Sprite .

  23. 我想要干马提尼酒和柠檬水。

    I 'd love a dry martini and lemonade .

  24. 我们去喝些柠檬水。

    We 're just heading over for some lemonade .

  25. 可爱的小鸟,备好餐具,冰好柠檬水。

    Dear hummingbird , break out the fine china , chill the lemonade .

  26. 柠檬水大概是美国夏日里最常见的饮品了。

    Lemonade is probably the most common of all American summer time beverages .

  27. 来点柠檬水。我喜欢喝柠檬水。

    Have some lemonade . I love lemonade .

  28. 你往那柠檬水里加点别的东西?

    What else you put into his lemonade ?

  29. 我们必须带上果汁、可乐、柠檬水等。

    We 'll have to bring juice , coke , lemonade and so on .

  30. 上完体育课我想喝瓶柠檬水。

    I 'd like to have a bottle of lemonade after the PE class .