
  • 网络standardization principle
  1. 此外他还提出了工作定额原理、标准化原理等众多具体的管理措施。

    In addition , he also put forward many specific management measures , the work principle , standardization principle , and so on .

  2. 基于标准化原理的HLA规范分析,对于加快HLA技术的推广和应用,加快我国的大型军事仿真系统的建立等,具有非常重要的意义。

    The analysis of HLA criterion based on standardization theory have an extraordinary important meaning to expedite the extension and application of HLA and the foundation of great military affairs simulation systems .

  3. 本文探讨了如何建立可满足各类相关方要求的一体化管理体系(IMS)的理论基础,分别阐述了融入大质量观的系统方法,拓展的八项质量管理原则和管理标准化原理。

    This paper explores the theoretical foundation for establishing the IMS that can satisfy the multiple requirements of parties concerned , in three aspects of Systematic method based on Big Quality Concept , expanded eight quality management principles and managerial standardization .

  4. 初探标准化原理

    Preliminary Study on the Principle of Standardization

  5. 方法原理是标准化原理在农产品物流标准具体应用嫁接而成的。

    The methodological principles are abstracted from concrete application of standard principles in farm products logistics .

  6. 这里详细介绍了各种测井数据标准化的方法原理,并给出了相应的实例。

    Some normalization methods are discussed in detail , including histogram method , expectation-variance method and trend surface analysis .

  7. 文章借鉴标准化的基本原理,结合市场经济条件下养老保险的特点与趋势,提出了压力缓释和基金积累并举的可持续发展制度模式建设目标。

    The paper puts forward the theory of pressure-release and fund accumulation to achieve the goal of sustainable development system .

  8. 通过对住宅产业组织结构的分析,运用标准化的方法和原理,得出在住宅产业化过程中住宅产业标准化的一些结论。

    At last , it arrived at some conclusions of standardization in housing industrialization through analyzing the structure of housing industry .

  9. 本文在较系统地研究国内外农产品物流标准资料的基础上,结合我国农产品物流的实践,提出了农产品物流标准化基本原理和方法原理。

    Analyzing the documents of standardization in farm products logistics and based on practice of farm products logistics in China , basic principles and methodological principles are showed in this paper .

  10. 图书营销分类法行业标准的编制与实施应该符合标准本身的定位以及图书营销分类活动的特点,并遵循和运用相关的文献分类、商品分类和标准化活动的原理和方法。

    The compilation and implement of book marketing classification industry standard should be consistent with the book marketing category , combined with principles and methods of relevant literature classification and standardization activities .