
  • 网络Label Switched Path;Label Switch Path;Lsp
  1. 与目前实用的WDM光网络路由算法的性能仿真对比表明,DIRA在提高网络总的吞吐量,降低有时延约束标记交换路径的阻塞率方面,性能更优。

    The comparison of DIRA with the representative optical routing algorithms via simulation shows that it can reduce the blocking probability of delay-constraint LSP and improve the network throughput .

  2. 该工具集最近得到进一步的扩展,目前包括标记交换路径(LSP)、流量工程(TE)隧道和伪线的数据平面现场检查。

    This toolset has been expanded recently to include data plane liveliness check for Label Switched Path ( LSP ), Traffic Engineered ( TE ) tunnels and pseudo wires .

  3. MPLSoverWDM光互联网中多优先级标记交换路径路由算法研究

    The Study on Routing Algorithms of Multi-priority Label Switch Path in MPLS over WDM Mesh Networks

  4. 讨论了在链路失效与链路恢复时,MPLS组播树的维护方法,研究了组播标记交换路径的动态处理机制;

    2 ) To study the MPLS multicast tree ( m-LSP ) dynamic maintain mechanism under the link failure and recovery .

  5. 最后,给出了利用RSVP协议建立标记交换路径(LSP)的步骤。

    Finally the process of establishing a label switch path ( LSP ) using RSVP is provided .

  6. 另外,触发标记交换路径建立的方式、生存期、标记的保留方式和IPVPN隧道等议题是使IP适应MPLS的需要所必须的。

    Other topics are necessary for the attempt to adapt IP to MPLS , such as the establishment of label switching route , time to live , label reservation mode , and IP VPN channel .

  7. MPLS网络不可避免地存在着形成标记交换路径(LSP)环路的可能,而ATM技术特点又使MPLS网络环路控制机制的应用受到一些限制。

    There is an inevitable possibility of an LSP forming loops in MPLS networks , and the application of MPLS 's loop control mechanisms is restricted by the ATM technological traits .

  8. 标记交换路径(LSP)的保护与恢复是MPLS流量工程(TE)技术的一项重要应用,文中描述了LSP保护与恢复的工作原理,以及它在ATM交换机中的实现方法。

    LSP Protection and Restoration is one of the important applications for MPLS traffic engineering . This paper describes the principles of LSP protection , and proposes implementation methods on ATM switch .

  9. 此外,论文还立足于对区分服务感知的流量工程(DS-TE)技术的研究,针对带宽资源受限时的资源抢占,提出了一种新的标记交换路径(LSP)抢占策略。

    Besides this , a new LSP policy for resource preemption was proposed based on the research of DS-TE while the resources were limited .

  10. 首先分析并解决了其中两个关键问题,即IP组播树与组播标记交换路径(LSP),以及组播LSP与光树间的映射问题;

    Firstly , this paper discusses two most important problems ( i.e. , the mapping between IP multicast tree , multicast label switching path , and light-tree based optical multicast tree ), and gives some feasible solutions to them .

  11. 基于无线MPLS协议体系,结合无线移动Ad-hoc网特点,提出了一种采用扩展CR-LDP信令建立标记交换路径的Ad-hoc网QoS路由协议-AMPLS。

    Based on framework of Wireless Multi-Protocol Label Switching protocol and characteristic of Mobile Ad hoc Network , we propose a kind of QoS routing protocol-AMPLS ( Ad-hoc MPLS ) for MANET using extended CR-LDP signaling protocol to establish Label Switched Path .

  12. 研究了在基于GMPLS的WDM网络中,当节点不具备波长变换能力并且配备有限个光收发器对时,如何为到达的业务请求建立标记交换路径(LSP)的问题。

    In a WDM mesh network based on GMPLS , the issue how to setup LSPs for arriving traffic requests was investigated while nodes in the network have no capacity of wavelength change and only have limited pairs of optical transceiver .

  13. 文章分析了在MPLS(多协议标记交换)网络中实现组播时采用数据流驱动机制建立组播标记交换路径的必要性,以及相关的问题与解决方案。

    This paper analyzes the necessity of Traffic-Driven Mechanism in constructing multicast label switch path ( LSP ) to deploy multicast in Multi-protocol label switching ( MPLS ) networks , and the issues related to Traffic-Driven Mechanism are discussed , then the solutions are presented .