
  • 网络Campus Agent
  1. 作为《21世纪英文报》的忠实读者,刘希丹申请成为该周报的校园代理并成功应聘为该团队的组长。

    The fan of 21st Century applied to be a campus sales agent for the weekly and was employed as the team leader .

  2. 尽管品牌大使对于高校营销圈来说不再是什么新鲜事了,但社交媒体正在改变着这些校园代理们与他们同龄人之间的交流方式以及他们传播信息的有效程度。

    Though the brand ambassador is no stranger to the college marketing scene , social media are changing how these representatives interact with their peers and how effectively their message is communicated .

  3. 用ISASERVER轻松打造校园网代理服务器

    Making Surrogate Server of Campus Network with ISA Server Easily

  4. 校园网代理服务器和计费系统

    Campus Network Proxy Server and Accounting System

  5. 在校园网中私设代理服务和NAT服务的问题长期困扰着网络管理人员,一直没有一个高效、全局的技术方案对上述问题进行有效遏制。

    Illegal setups of the proxy service and NAT service in campus network have been bothering the network administrators for a long time . None high-efficient , technological scheme of the overall situation has been adopted to restrict such kinds of problems .

  6. 校园网内非法代理服务器的检测控制与研究

    The Check Control And Research of Illegal Proxy Server for Campus Network