
  1. 株洲建宁大桥主体墩大体积承台混凝土浇注工艺

    Cement Casting Techniques of the Large Bearing Platform of Jianning Bridge

  2. 株洲公路大桥加固改造的设计方案和施工工艺

    On Design Plan and Construction Process of Zhuzhou Highway Bridge Strengthening and Transformation

  3. 以株洲建宁大桥主体墩承台施工为背景,介绍大体积混凝土施工的浇注工艺及温度控制措施。

    Based on the case of the large bearing platform of Jianning Bridge of Zhuzhou , cement casting and temperature controlling techniques are introduced .

  4. 株洲湘江公路大桥箱梁梁体加固及裂缝处理施工技术

    Reinforcement and Crack Repair Techniques of Trunk Beam of Zhuzhou Xiang River Bridge

  5. 通过株洲湘江公路大桥预应力箱形梁梁体加固及裂缝处理工程施工实例,简要介绍桥梁梁体加固及裂缝处理施工技术,可供类似加固工程参考。

    By the case study of the Zhuzhou Xiang River Bridge , techniques are introduced to consolidate the prestress trunk beams and repair their cracks for the guidance of construction of the kind .