
  1. 株洲市第十八中学,在规范+特色的特色学校创办概念架构下,提出了臻和至美的理念。

    The eighteenth Middle School of Zhuzhou City , in the " standard + characteristics " of the characteristics of the school founded a conceptual framework , put forward " rise and the United States to " concept .

  2. 株洲市第十八中学通过金子塔的教学模式建构、师资队伍建设、校园环境建设等具体措施,为美术特色高中的建设实践取得了一系列成果与经验,这是值得积极肯定的。

    The eighteenth Middle School of Zhuzhou city through " pyramid " teaching model , teaching staff construction , the construction of campus environment and specific measures for fine arts , features high school construction practice has obtained a series of achievements and experience , it is worth positive .