
gēn duān
  • root apex;butt
根端 [gēn duān]
  • (1) [butt]

  • (2) 植物的端部,根须由此伸出(如树干底部);木材的大头

  • (3) 木条、片、杆、板或瓦的厚的一端

  • (4) 梯子的沉重的一端或底端

  • (5) 主茎或细枝与开花一端相对的一端

  • 芦笋的根端

根端[gēn duān]
  1. 外源胆固醇对水稻根端线粒体ATP酶活力的影响

    Effects of exogenous cholesterol on the ATPase activity of mitochondria in rice root apex

  2. 结果看到玉米根端线粒体ATP酶在8~32℃范围内活化能在15.5℃处出现了一个折点。

    It was observed that from 8 ° to 32 ℃, the activation energy of ATPase in mitochondria in the corn root apex had a break at 15.5 ℃ .

  3. 细胞角蛋白及其mRNA在根端囊肿上皮衬里中的表达

    Expression of cytokeratins ( CKs ) and their mRNA in epithelial linings of radicular cysts

  4. 用冷冻断裂法在扫描电镜下研究了洋葱(Alliumcepa)根端分生组织细胞内部的三维结构。

    Three-dimensional structures of meristematic cells of Allium cepa were studied using fre - eze-fracture method under the scanning electron microscope .

  5. 运用Bernhard染色方法研究了小麦根端分生组织细胞核仁在细胞周期中的变化。

    The changes of the nucleolus during cell cycle in Triticum aestivum were studied by Bernhard staining method .

  6. CK18和CK13在含有纤毛柱状细胞的根端囊肿衬里上皮中的表达

    Expression of Cytokeratin 18 and 13 in Ciliated Epithelia of Radicular Cyst Epithelium Lining

  7. 方法免疫组织化学方法检测20例角化囊肿(10例原发和10例复发)、10例含牙囊肿和10例根端囊肿中survivin、bcl-2、cas-pase-3的表达。

    Methods Immunohistochemical assay was used to detect the expressions of survivin , bcl-2 and caspase-3 protein in 20 cases of OKC ( including 10 primary OKC , 10 recurrent OKC ), and in 10 cases of dentigerous cyst , and 10 cases of radicular cyst .

  8. 根端囊肿继发于牙髓感染,因慢性炎症刺激引起Malassez上皮剩余增生而形成的一种炎症性牙源性囊肿。

    Radicular cyst is a kind of infective odontogenic cyst originated from Malassez epithelial rest proliferation , which stimulated by chronic periapical inflammation .

  9. 采用原位杂交法检测24例上颌根端囊肿和13例下颌根端囊肿CK-mRNA表达;采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)法检测24例上颌囊肿。

    Methods CK expression in 52 radicular cysts obtained from 32 maxillary and 20 mandibular lesions was examined by immunohistochemical staining and CK-mRNA expression in 24 maxillary and 13 mandibular cysts by in situ hybridization and in 24 maxillary cysts by reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) .

  10. 杜梨根端结构及其初生组织分化

    The roots-apex structure of Pyrus betulaefolia and its differentiation of primary tissue

  11. 甜菜根端细胞微核诱变的研究

    A Study on the Micronucleus Induced in the Root Tip Cells of Sugarbeet

  12. 大鼠磨牙牙根根端组织异体移植实验

    Allograft of the apical tissue of rat molar

  13. 发育期根端复合体是牙根牙周发育的生长调控中心

    Developing apical complex is the growth regulating center of tooth root and periodontium development

  14. 关于蚕豆根端分生组织细胞核中类胀泡结构的研究

    Study on the Puff - like Structure in Nuclei of Meristematic Cells of Vicia faba

  15. 目的:比较角化囊肿、根端囊肿、含牙囊肿等三型牙源性颌骨囊肿的临床特点。

    Objective : To study the clinical features of the odontogenic jaw cysts ( OJC ) .

  16. 水平井筒内的压力呈不均匀分布,从指端到根端压力逐渐降低;

    Pressure in horizontal borehole is in non-uniform distribution with pressure declining from tip to end .

  17. 对于角化囊肿和根端囊肿的组织学研究可帮助探索其发生、发展机制。

    The historical research of OKC and radicular cyst elucidated the original and developing mechanism of them .

  18. 鼠切牙根端牙源性上皮细胞的体外培养及生物学特征

    In vitro culture and characterization of dental epithelial cells derived from the apical end of rat incisor

  19. 在第四或第五天,距根端大约4或5厘米处发出次生根。

    Secondary roots emerge on the 4th or 5th day about 4 or 5 cm from the root apex .

  20. 采用机械破碎和蔗糖梯度离心方法从洋葱根端分生组织中分离出细胞核并制备出核骨架。

    The nuclei were isolated from the root meristematic cells of Allium cepa and the nuclear matrices were prepared .

  21. 本文对蚕豆根端分生组织细胞核中类胀泡结构的超微结构变化和细胞化学特点进行了研究。

    Studies were carried out on the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the puff-like structure ( PLS ) of Vicia faba .

  22. 目的:探讨大鼠磨牙牙根根端组织发育牙根和牙周组织的能力。

    Objective : To evaluate the capability of the apical tissue of rat molar to grow tooth root and periodontal tissue .

  23. 对照组30例,阻生齿27例,根端囊肿3例,骨创不植入材料。

    Contrasting group , 30 patients including 27 of impacted tooth and 9 of periapical cyst , in which no material was put into bone wounds .

  24. 方法原代体外培养成釉细胞瘤细胞、牙源性角化囊肿、根端囊肿及口腔粘膜的上皮细胞和成纤维细胞,倒置光相差显微镜观察。

    Methods Epithelial cells and fibroblast from ameloblastoma , keratocyst , dentigerous cyst , radicular cyst and oral mucosa were cultured and observed by phase contrast microscope .

  25. 术前,依据根端形态将患牙分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型,观察其疗效并对其相关因素进行分析。

    Before the treatment , the teeth were divided into type ⅰ、ⅱ and ⅲ according to the shapes of apical foramen . Different curative effects were observed , and their relative causes were analysed .

  26. 认为可以划分为两个阶段:原胚&成熟种子胚阶段,以苗端发育先于根端和胚芽节生根原基并快于胚根原基为特点;

    Two stages were divided : proembryo-mature seed embryo stage is characterized by the development of shoot apex being earlier than root apex , and plumular nodal root primodium , and being faster than radicle primodium ;

  27. 本文就大型风力机玻璃钢叶片设计中若干问题进行讨论,包括气动设计、叶片剖面和根端设计、荷载工况、强度和疲劳分析、空腹叶片屈曲分析、叶片动态特性评价。

    This paper discusses the topic about design of large GRP wind turbine blades , including design of aerodynamics , blade sections and root joints , analysis of load cases , strength , fatigue , buckling and evaluation of structural dynamic performance .

  28. 结果表明:阻生智齿龋发生率为10.2%,第二磨牙远中邻面龋34.1%,第二磨牙远中牙槽骨吸收3.7%,智齿根端病变3.2%,第二磨牙牙根吸收4.0%。

    The results showed that incidence of caries in wisdom tooth was 10 . 2 % . distal caries in second molar was 34.1 % , alveolar bone resorption of second molar 38 . 9 % . ( 2 ) The rate was different in 4 impact types .

  29. 当水平井产量极高时,受水平井筒管流影响,见水部位将向水平井根端偏移。(4)不考虑井筒管流影响下,底水驱替效率伴随着水平井长度的增加而增加。

    If the horizontal well has very high output , the affect of borehole tube current are larger , the place of breakthrough will deviate to heel . ( 4 ) With horizontal well length increasing , displacement efficiency function will add ( not think about borehole tube current ) .

  30. 异氰酸根封端的聚氨酯离子聚合物与乙酸木质素交联合成了一种水凝胶。

    Hydrogels were synthesized by the crosslinking between acetic acid lignin and isocyanate ( NCO ) terminated polyurethane ionomers ( IPUI ) .