
  • 网络Gresham's Law;Gresham Law
  1. 格雷欣法则,即劣币驱逐良币规律。

    Gresham 's Law means the law of bad money driving out good money .

  2. 格雷欣法则在公共管理组织中的危害及其消解

    The Harm of " Gresham 's Law " in Public Administration and Ways to Dispel

  3. 货币区理论的先驱罗伯特蒙代尔(robertmundell)解释了格雷欣法则的正确现代推论“如果‘廉币’和‘贵币’按照同样的价格兑换,则前者驱逐后者”。

    Robert Mundell , the doyen of the theory of currency areas , has explained the correct modern generalisation " cheap money drives out dear , if they exchange for the same price " .

  4. 当前高校教师科研业绩评价中的格雷欣法则现象及其消解

    Phenomenon of " Greshams Law " and its Strategies on Present Academic Research Achievement by College Teachers

  5. 逆格雷欣法则的提出将使人们重新审视在信用纸币制度下的货币竞争问题。

    The proposition of " Anti-Gresham 's Law " makes people reexamine the competition of the currency in the credit system of paper currency .

  6. 在信用纸币制度和自由开放的国际经济环境中,货币竞争遵循良币驱逐劣币的逆格雷欣法则;

    Currency competition abides by the law of " Anti-Gresham 's Law ", good money drives out bad , in the credit system of paper currency and the freely open international economic environment ;