
dànɡ àn bǎo ɡuǎn
  • archive keeping
  1. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。

    At some institutions , such as BNP Paribas , HSBC and Barclays , archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives ' reflections on events .

  2. 磁性录音、录像档案保管的新方法

    A New Method to Keep the Magnetism Record and Video Archives

  3. 对改进文书档案保管期限表的几点建议

    Some Suggestions to Improve Retention Schedule of Administrative Archival Documents

  4. 中国档案保管模式的多元化

    Research on the diversified archives preserving patterns of China

  5. 谈档案保管过程中的保密

    Keeping in Secrecy in Course of Archives Preservation

  6. 帕特里克:你需要创建一个基本的档案保管制度。

    Patrick : Create a basic filing system .

  7. 关于科技档案保管单位概念的思考

    A thought on the " custody unit " concept of scientific and technology archives

  8. 关于执行《机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限规定》的几个问题

    Some Problems in Carrying out Regulations on Filing Range of Agency Documents and Their Retention Period

  9. 为档案保管部门防治档案害虫提供了有力的参考依据。

    Which offers an effective reference for department of archives preservation to prevent against and kill file pests .

  10. 但在路易斯安那的蒙哥马利,一名档案保管员曾当面呼他为“来自哈佛的黑鬼”。

    But in Montgomery , Louisiana , the archivist called him a " Harvard nigger " to his face .

  11. 我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。

    I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level .

  12. 对农业科研单位文件材料归档范围和档案保管期限的几点思考

    Some Ideas on Filing Range and Archival Retention Period of Records and Materials in Units of Agricultural Science and Research

  13. 档案保管人,负责规划以及检查展览安排,是一份比其他工作更悠闲,轻松的工作。

    Archivists , who plan and oversee the arrangement of exhibitions , have a more leisurely pace of work than many other professions .

  14. 出纳人员不得兼管稽核、计档案保管和收入、用、权债务帐目的登记工作。

    Cashiers may not concurrently hold responsibility for checking accounts , keeping accounting files and casting accounts of revenue , expenditure , credits or debits .

  15. 已经在这里生活超过50年的基布兹档案保管员多夫·哈特威表示这次冲突与以往大不相同。

    Dov Hartuv , the kibbutz archivist , has lived here for more than 50 years . He says the conflict was different this time .

  16. 这些例外有时是模糊和难以解释的。多数档案保管人在存在疑问的情况下倾向于不予公开。

    These exemptions are sometimes vague and difficult to interpret , and the tendency for most records custodians is to withhold the record if there is any doubt .

  17. 一旦“被访人”开始被当作合著者,而民族志学者既是抄写员、档案保管员也是进行阐释的观察者,我们就能够对所有的民族志提出新的批评性问题。

    Once'informants'begin to be considered as co-authors , and the ethnographer as scribe and archivist as well as interpreting observer , we can ask new , critical questions of all ethnographies .

  18. 该文介绍了一种应用于档案保管领域的智能型密集架系统,阐述了整个控制系统硬件部分和软件部分的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces a kind of Intelligent mobile rack , which is used in the area of archives storage . The software and hardware design and implementation of the control system are discussed .

  19. 出纳人员在早年称作司库,直接治理一个单位的钱款进出,所以对稽核、会计档案保管和记账等几个岗位不能兼职。

    Cashier personnel calls treasurer in one 's early years , manage the debt pass in and out of an unit directly , to audit , accountant so archives keeps and a few post such as charge to an account cannot hold two or more posts concurrently .

  20. 社会保险业务档案定期保管期限为最低保管期限。

    Social insurance files regularly kept for a period of a minimum storage period .

  21. 根据《规定》,社会保险业务档案的保管期限分为永久和定期两类。

    According to " require " social insurance file storage shall be divided into permanent and regular categories .

  22. 社会保险业务档案的保管期限,自形成之日的次年1月1日开始计算。

    Social insurance file storage period , from the date of the formation of 1 January the following year begins . 2 .

  23. 会计档案的保管期限和销毁办法,由国务院财政部门会同有关部门制定。

    The time limit for keeping the accounting archives and the procedures for their destruction shall be formulated by the financial department of the State Council jointly with relevant departments .

  24. 甲历档案分类保管,按出身、官阶和资历等等列分开,便于每年度铨选的查阅和统计。

    Occupy first place over the calendar classification of documents storage , part according to columns such as family background , official rank and experience , easy to spend steelyard selections every year looking up and statistics .

  25. 对本课题的研究,目的是在前人对档案后保管理论与实践分析的基础上,对我国高校的档案保管模式进行创新性研究,为高校档案馆的可持续发展提供了一个新的对策。

    Based on the exist theories and practical analysis , this thesis is expected to provide an innovative research on archives storage mode of higher learning institution , a new strategy for a sustainable development of archives storage .

  26. 文章从会计人员的分工与职能、会计档案的保管形式、会计信息系统处理数据的方式和会计部门内部控制方法与控制技术等几个方面分析了会计电算化对企业财务工作的影响。

    This paper analyses the influence of computerized accounting to daily financial affairs , including the function and division of labour of accountants , the keeping form of accounting archives , the form of data processing and the inner control method and control technology .

  27. 进一步分析了这一数量庞大的群体产生的原因和后果,主要包括:人事档案管理保管与利用收费过高;违规重新建档现象普遍;用人单位、流动人员对人事档案意识淡薄等方面。

    Further analysis of the causes and consequences , the huge number of groups generated mainly includes : the management of personnel archives management and using excessive charges ; illegal " to file " phenomenon ; the employer , the flow of personnel archives consciousness etc. .

  28. 负责会计凭证、会计印章及公司档案的妥善保管。

    Be responsible for properly keeping accounting voucher , finance stamp and company files .

  29. 浅谈医院照片档案的收集保管与利用

    Discussion on photo file collecting and utilization

  30. 电子档案的安全保管涉及到多方面因素,它有赖于信息技术的进步、管理水平的提高以及建立并执行一整套科学、合理、严密的管理制度,确保电子档案的安全保管。

    Safety care of the electronic files involves many factors . It relays on the progress of information technology , improvement of management level , establishment and enforcement of a complete set of scientific , reasonable and tight system of management to sure safety care of the electronic files .