
dànɡ àn yuán
  • file clerk;filer
  1. 他们情愿去相信一个档案员。

    They 'd rather trust it to a file clerk .

  2. 高校的兼职档案员及其工作

    The Part-time Archivists and Their Job in Colleges and Universities

  3. 他没有打字员,也没有档案员。

    He had no shorthand typist , not even a confidential filing clerk .

  4. 如何深化档案员的继续教育培训

    How to Deepen Continuing Education Training of Archivists

  5. 浅谈高校兼职档案员的作用及队伍建设

    Analysis on the Role and Team Construction of Part-time Archivists in Colleges and Universities

  6. 各部门的受控文件由各部门文件档案员保存,需要使用的人员按4.7借阅。

    The controlled documents shall be kept by the archivists of each department , and borrowed according to4.7 .

  7. 优秀的兼职档案员要具有高度的责任心和较强的档案法律意识,并把这种责任心和意识贯穿到工作的全过程;

    Excellent part-time archivists should have high sense of duty and law awareness of archives , put the sense of duty to the work process ;

  8. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。

    At some institutions , such as BNP Paribas , HSBC and Barclays , archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives ' reflections on events .

  9. 档案资料员负责台帐的建立和管理工作。

    The archive data processor is responsible to establish and manage the account .

  10. 作为委员会的档案记录员你所记录的资料会被代代相�

    As the record keeper for the council , what you write will be passed down through generations .

  11. 但在路易斯安那的蒙哥马利,一名档案保管员曾当面呼他为“来自哈佛的黑鬼”。

    But in Montgomery , Louisiana , the archivist called him a " Harvard nigger " to his face .

  12. 我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。

    I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level .

  13. 已经在这里生活超过50年的基布兹档案保管员多夫·哈特威表示这次冲突与以往大不相同。

    Dov Hartuv , the kibbutz archivist , has lived here for more than 50 years . He says the conflict was different this time .

  14. 一旦“被访人”开始被当作合著者,而民族志学者既是抄写员、档案保管员也是进行阐释的观察者,我们就能够对所有的民族志提出新的批评性问题。

    Once'informants'begin to be considered as co-authors , and the ethnographer as scribe and archivist as well as interpreting observer , we can ask new , critical questions of all ethnographies .

  15. 更大的问题是,当学生用错误的档案名称,批改员就连最后的一段自动工具也用不著,还要主动查找档案的名字等等。

    A bigger problem is , when the student used wrong filename , marker can not even use the last bit of automatic tool , and should find the files manually .

  16. 建设工程竣工档案必须由持证档案员报送。

    Construction projects must be completed by the Archives staff documented files submitted .