
suō yú
  • Barracuda;pike;mullet;torpedo fish;barra cuda;mulle;redeye mullet
梭鱼 [suō yú]
  • [redeye mullet;torpedo fish;barra cuda] 鱼,体细长,头短而宽,有大鳞,两侧有黑色竖纹。生活在咸淡水交界处

梭鱼[suō yú]
  1. 梭鱼人工养殖群体与自然群体的随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分析

    Genetic variation analysis of two mullet populations through randomly amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) method

  2. 体重为100g的梭鱼每日可消耗环境中332mg氮有机质。

    A young mullet , weighted 100g , can consume 332 mg N of organic matter in aquaculture environment .

  3. 梭鱼是一种淡水鱼。

    The pike is a kind of freshwater fish .

  4. 总DP浓度的最高值出现在梭鱼脑组织中(208.73ng/g1w),最低值出现在虾虎鱼的肌肉组织中(8.7ng/g1w)。

    The highest concentrations of total DP appeared in brain samples of barracuda ( 208.73ng / g1w ), while the lowest concentrations of total DP appeared in muscle samples of goby ( 8.7ng / g1w ) .

  5. 大厨细野贤(KenHosono)的十道厨师帮办菜单包括十分丝滑的鱿鱼,还有梭鱼、多脂金枪鱼、海胆以及美味的黄油扇贝等。

    The chef Ken Hosono 's 10-course omakase menu featured an exceptionally silky-smooth squid , along with barracuda , fatty tuna , uni and a wonderfully buttery scallop , among other pieces .

  6. 从梭鱼人工繁殖育苗池,取得不同日龄、不同体长的梭鱼苗种。

    The fries in different length were obtained from artificial propagation .

  7. 小船活像一条开了水皮的打跳的梭鱼。

    The boat looked like a pike gliding on the river .

  8. 予科的唯一的模式属;梭鱼。

    Type and sole genus of the sphyraenidae : barracuda .

  9. 这里有一位,是用大鲈鱼来钓梭鱼的。

    Here is one fishing for pickerel with grown perch for bait .

  10. 如果你不是大梭鱼就做一尾鲈鱼吧

    If you can 't be a muskie then just be a bass

  11. 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。

    Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity .

  12. 渤海梭鱼的年龄与生长

    The age and growth of mullet in Bohai Sea

  13. 北梭鱼科的一个唯一的模式属。

    Type and sole genus of the family albulidae .

  14. 梭鱼幼鱼选择温度的研究

    Temperature selection for Larva of Liza haematocheila ( Temminck et Schlegel ) Mullet

  15. 物理方法快速鉴别冰鲜和解冻鲢鱼及梭鱼的研究

    Drying the Ice Physical methods differentiates unfrozen from frozen-thawed silver carp and barracuda

  16. 这只小鱵只是这只饥饿梭鱼用来塞牙缝的。

    This small ballyhoo fish is a mere snack for this hungry barracuda .

  17. 热带或次热带水域大型活跃鱼类的单型科;梭鱼。

    Monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters : barracuda .

  18. 我在床上无法入眠,幻想着海中的石斑鱼和梭鱼。

    I can not sleep in bed , imagine the sea grouper and barracuda .

  19. 梭鱼中-腺垂体及其组织化学研究(四)反应系统。缢蛏性腺和消化腺的生化组成与组化反应

    Studies on biochemical composition and histochemical reactions of gonad and digestive gland of Sinonovacula constricta

  20. 水下生活着很多梭鱼,越往下可视性越差。

    Barracuda also populate the area , and visibility is very poor as one descends .

  21. 过度捕捞一些特定的鱼类和贝壳类,像是鲷鱼、梭鱼,甚至是龙虾……

    Overfishing certain species of fish and shellfish like snappers , barracudas and even lobsters ...

  22. 梭鱼鱼苗池的饵料生物组成和鱼苗食性及生长的研究

    A study on food organisms in fry ponds and food habits , growth of mullet fry

  23. 我走下海滩,立刻就用它钓到了一条北梭鱼。

    I went down to the beach and right away I caught a bonefish with it .

  24. 梭鱼通常被称为国王鱼或火树,这种鱼相当卑鄙下流。

    Often called a King Fish or a Wahoo , this fish is a decidedly nasty customer .

  25. 虽然梭鱼也会成群结队进行狩猎,但一些成年梭鱼会单干,自己寻找食物。

    Although they do hunt in groups , sometimes adults branch off and prowl for food on their own .

  26. 在水中,这种假饵看起来就像是小鱼一样,我当时就意识到北梭鱼一定喜欢吃小鱼。

    In the water the fly looked like a minnow , so I realised that bonefish must like minnows .

  27. 别误解我,我喜欢北梭鱼,如果吃的时候可以去除鱼刺就更好了。

    Don 't get me wrong , I like northern pike , except for removing the bones while eating !

  28. 本文报导了在半咸水池塘中梭鱼仔幼鱼的摄食习性。

    Results on feeding habits of mullet fry in brackish water ponds applied withmunures for producing natural feed is obtaind .

  29. 当潜泳的观光客吐著气泡经过时,整群的小梭鱼和鲷鱼,从阴暗锈蚀的战舰残骸中窜出。

    Shoals of jackfish and snapper emerge from the gloom of the scuttled , rusting warship as visitors snorkel past .

  30. 来自世界各地的竞争者将会出现,这里有世界上的大部分鱼类,数目达到28种。包括尖尖的梭鱼和危险的鲨鱼!

    You will be able to catch up to28 different species of fish , including toothy barracuda and dangerous sharks !