
  • 网络Knitting
  1. 志愿者身穿一件羊毛裙,上面扣着饰针,这大概就是回到陆地上的维京女人的打扮,她一边招呼着访客,一边手上还干着针织活,这种北欧式的单针环织是比棒针环织更古老的技艺。

    Clad in a woolen dress fastened with brooches that approximated what a Viking woman would have worn once she was back on dry land , the volunteer divided her time between welcoming visitors to the site and doing a bit of nalebinding , a Nordic form of needlework that predates knitting .

  2. 钩针编织品用钩针钩线成环而制成的编织物钩针及棒针手编毛衫

    Needlework made by looping thread with a hooked needle . hand-crocheted and knitted sweater

  3. 钩针及棒针手编毛衫

    Hand-crocheted and knitted sweater

  4. 在一次干劲十足的整理当中,我们为自己制作了这套棒针收纳袋来整理和储备我们的针。

    In a moment of energized organizing , we made ourselves these knitting-needle cases to arrange and store knitting needles .

  5. 有了理论依据之后,本文将对棒针编织在室内装饰织物的应用现状进行详细分析,具体从应用类别和特点等方面着手。

    Once you have a theoretical basis , then it focus on knitting in the application status of upholstery fabrics for detailed analysis , in terms of specific categories and characteristics of the application to proceed .

  6. 相关研究将具体从材质、造型、组织结构、色彩、图案等方面着手,并结合案例深入分析,以全面展现棒针编织在室内装饰织物设计中的艺术创造性及应用可能性。

    From research to specific material , shape , structure , color , pattern and other aspects , combined with in-depth analysis of the case in order to fully demonstrate knitting fabric interior design artistic creativity and application possibilities .