
  • 网络Pattern Design;schema design;design pattern
  1. 键是关系数据库和XML文档中重要的语义表达,是XML模式设计的基础。

    Keys are the important semantic representation in XML document which play a fundamental role in XML schema design .

  2. 最初,xml消息因为太大而受到指责,但新的模式设计规则已经使消息大小更加合适了。

    The initial XML messages had the rap of being too big but new schema design rules have resulted in more modest message sizes .

  3. Java信息管理系统开发模式设计

    Java information management system developing model design

  4. 实用的的CAT、特别是B/S模式设计的CAT很少;

    Practical CAT , especially designed with B / S pattern is rarely seen .

  5. 但是,若按照多Agent系统(Multi-agentSystem,MAS)模式设计计算机系统,则可以解脱前述困境。

    However , if in accordance with the Multi-Agent System model design computer systems , you can escape the above dilemma .

  6. NET框架下实现了一个基于Web的企业级应用系统,它的体系结构是根据三层服务应用模式设计的,并采用三级分布模式部署应用系统。

    An enterprise application based on Web is implemented according to the layer pattern , it adapts three-layered services application pattern to design system architecture .

  7. 同关系数据库类似,如果XML数据模式设计的不好,同样会引起插入、删除和更新等异常。

    Similar to relational database , if XML schema designing is not good , it will cause abnormity for inserting , deleting and updating data too .

  8. OWL本体关系数据库存储模式设计

    Design of OWL Ontology Storage Schema in Relational Database

  9. 公租房REITs的模式设计。

    Thirdly , Mode designing of REITs . of public rental housing .

  10. 针对ARP攻击的网络防御模式设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Defense System for ARP Attack

  11. THR公司虚拟企业模式设计研究

    Design and Research of THR Company Virtual Enterprise Mode

  12. KMS中的知识仓库模式设计

    Design of knowledge warehouse schema in KMS

  13. 单片机软件采用时间触发模式设计,用C51语言编写。

    The software uses time-triggered patterns written with single chip microcomputer C language .

  14. 本文主要叙述了系统的整体构架设计思想,以及采用的数据序列化、MVC模式设计客户端和消息机制设计功能模块等方法。

    This article describes the main framework for overall system design concepts and the application of the data serialization , MVC patterns to design client and Message mechanisms to design the functional modules .

  15. 系统客户端采用Flex技术开发,应用MVC模式设计客户端架构,将用户显示与前台业务逻辑解耦,提高程序的可维护性和可扩展性。

    The client uses Flex technology to develop . It uses MVC pattern to design the client structure to decouple user interface and business logic , which can improve the maintainability and scalability .

  16. 文中利用一个高分辨率全球海-气耦合环流模式设计两组长期积分试验,揭示了在不同气候背景态下热带太平洋年际变化特征及模式ENSO循环控制机理的差异。

    Differences of characteristics of ENSO variability between two different climatological background states were investigated by means of two numerical experiments with a coupled ocean - atmosphere general circulation model .

  17. 针对现实平面解析几何教学中的实际困难和需要,以积件式的教学模式设计和实现了一个适合平面解析几何教学的CAI积件系统。

    Aiming at the practical difficulty and requirement in the teaching of plane analytical geometry , and an assisted instructional system based on the integrable teaching mode is designed and implemented suitable for the teaching of plane analytic geometry .

  18. 通过对神州电信移动视频电话业务的商业模式设计,最终得出结论:神州电信的CDMA(码分多址)数据网络是其有别于中国移动的优势所在。

    Base on the business model design for mobile video service of Shenzhou Telecom , author drew the following conclusion : CDMA data network is the differentiate advantage with China Mobile , the market dominator in the mobile market .

  19. 平台为B/S结构,采取MVC模式设计,保证了对第三方信息的集中有效的管理,取代了大量的手工操作,减少了各层级的重复劳动,提高稽核的工作效率。

    The platform adopts the B / S structure , and MVC design mode to ensure the effective third-party centralized management of information , replace a large number of manual operations , reduce the duplication of all levels and improve the efficiency of work .

  20. 最后,针对系统需求,运用ASP网络技术、SqlServer2000数据库和B/S模式设计了一套适合我军现代化建设需要的军车管理优化调度系统。

    Finally , for the requirements of the system , a set of military vehicles management and optimal scheduling system , which fit the requirements of our army for the modernization , was designed with ASP network technology , SQL Server 2000 database and B / S mode .

  21. 文中详细介绍了系统的逻辑及功能结构、在线购物模块和登录注册模块的流程及其J2EE设计方法、采用MVC模式设计控制模块的方法,并给出了核心流程代码。

    The logistic and function structure , flow chart and design methods based on J2EE of web shopping , entry and register modules are introduced particularly . The designing method for control module by using MVC mode is described , and the core flow code is given .

  22. 采用访问者设计模式设计了空间索引接口,基于R-tree的数据结构与算法实现了空间索引,基于适配器设计模式实现了对空间数据的一体化存储。

    Based on the visitor design pattern , the spatial index interface is designed . The spatial index module is implemented using the R-tree data structure and algorithms . And based on the adapter design pattern , index structure and spatial data are accessed and persisted in the relational table .

  23. 它具有星形或雪花形的维数据库模式设计。

    It has a star or snowflake-like dimensional database schema design .

  24. 思想政治课信息化教学模式设计与实践

    Design and Practice of the Informationalization Instruction Model for the Politics

  25. 基于分层的模式设计在电力监控软件中的应用

    Application of mode design based on layers in electric power monitoring software

  26. 基于系统的图书馆网络知识服务模式设计

    The Library Net Knowledge Service Design Based on a System

  27. 基于情境认知的数学教学模式设计

    The Design of Mathematics Teaching Model Based on Situated Cognition

  28. 全景视觉处理系统显示模式设计。

    Design display mode of the panoramic vision processing system .

  29. CINRAD/SA新一代天气雷达RHI/PPI扫描模式设计

    Design of RHI / PPI Scan Mode of CINRAD / SA Radar

  30. 本文以机械类工厂辅助生产管理为例,提出了一种数据库模式设计中简化树形结构编联文件的方法。

    Based on an auxiliary production management system in machine manufacturing factory .