
  • 网络european university;European College
  1. 欧洲大学协会(EUA)高等教育政策部门负责人迈克尔•格贝尔(MichaelGaebel)说,不存在任何法律上的障碍阻止Mooc在欧洲学分市场上立足。

    Michael Gaebel , head of the Higher Education Policy Unit at the European University Association , says there is no legal obstacle to Moocs playing a role in the European credit market .

  2. 欧洲大学图书馆对国内大学图书馆的几点启发

    Some Enlightenment of European University Libraries to University Libraries in China

  3. 尽管自治大学系统或许会扼杀美国的学分转换,但克洛珀预期,ECTS将在欧洲大学之中创造出学分联盟。

    Although autonomous university systems may stifle credit transfer in the US , Mr Kl & # 246 ; pper anticipates that the ECTS will create credit federations among European universities .

  4. 克洛珀说,ECTS为学分互认提供了法律依据,一旦欧洲大学开始向学生在Mooc中完成的学业授予学分,这些学分就能在欧洲各国得到承认。

    Should European universities start awarding students credit for attainment in Moocs , Mr Kl ö pper says that the ECTS provides a legal basis for mutual credit recognition .

  5. NickByrne:“我们发现,在英国甚至整个欧洲大学的语言中心,语言学习的气氛开始上涨。我们说的并不是为了获得语言学位的人,而是读夜校的人,尤其是参加英语学习班的人。”

    NICK BYRNE : " We found that , in our university language centers across the UK and indeed across Europe , that language learning is up . We 're not talking about people doing a whole degree in languages , but people going on evening courses -- English courses

  6. 从文章中可以了解关于欧洲大学的哪些信息?

    What do we learn about European universities from the passage ?

  7. 欧洲大学员工促进大学间合作协会

    Inter-University Association of University Staff to Promote Inter-University Cooperation in Europe

  8. 欧洲大学科研评价与拨款的相关度

    The Relationship of University Research Evaluation and Funding in European Countries

  9. 大学发展不能摆脱历史&《欧洲大学史》第一卷《中世纪大学》译介

    University Cannot Develop without History & An Introduction to Medieval European Universities

  10. 欧洲大学智力资本报告理论研究综述

    Literature review on the theory of intellectual capital report in European universities

  11. 欧洲大学校长副校长常设会议

    Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice - Chancellors of the European Universities

  12. 但是,欧洲大学的未来,终究不应该丧失在这些利益群体手里。

    The future of Europe 's universities should not be sacrificed to these interests .

  13. 中世纪大学向现代大学的过渡&文艺复兴与宗教改革时期欧洲大学的变迁

    Transition of Medieval Universities towards Modern Universities

  14. 也谈宋代书院与同时代的欧洲大学

    The Comparison between Academies of Classical Learning in Song Dynasty and European Universities in Middle Ages

  15. 美国的一流大学之所以能比欧洲大学发放更多的奖学金,是因为他们的财源更多更广。

    Top US universities offer scholarships more extensively than European ones because they are better resourced .

  16. 欧洲大学财政研究协会

    European Academic Association for Financial Research

  17. 欧洲大学的财政危机起源于他们对公共投资的全权依赖。

    The financial problems of European universities stem from their near-total reliance on the public purse .

  18. 欧洲大学社会福利研究所

    Inter-University European Institute on Social Welfare

  19. 欧洲大学毕业生协会

    Association of European University Graduates

  20. 欧洲大学协会自然与工业研究合作计划

    Association of European Universities-Cooperation Programme in Europe for Research on Nature and Industry through Coordinated University Studies

  21. 欧洲大学妇女联合会

    University Women of Europe

  22. 欧洲大学和其他研究机构在该地区进行的许多研究常常没有共享。

    A lot of research conducted on this region by European universities and other institutions is often not shared .

  23. 除了英国之外,排名领先的欧洲大学还有排名13的苏黎世联邦工业大学。

    The top European university outside Britain was the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich , in 13th place .

  24. 其中6名毕业于美国大学,4名来自印度商学院,两名毕业于欧洲大学。

    Of these , six are from US universities , four from Indian business schools and two from European schools .

  25. 位于佛罗伦萨的欧洲大学研究所经济学教授伊莱娜卡莱蒂相信部长们还有更多的工作没有开展。

    Elena carletti , Professor of economics at the European University Institute in Florence , agrees that ministers have more to do .

  26. 同时也为之后,欧洲大学的创立打下基础,位于波隆那,巴黎及牛津。

    These , in turn , became the basis of the first European universities in places like Bologna , Paris , Oxford .

  27. 12世纪是欧洲大学形成的世纪。欧洲大学科研评价与拨款的相关度

    The 12th Century is a time for the emergence of universities . The Relationship of University Research Evaluation and Funding in European Countries

  28. 2003年和2004年,在欧洲大学就读的中国学生超过10万人;而同期,在美国大学就读的中国学生数量为6万人。

    More than 100,000 Chinese students studied at European universities in 2003 and 2004 ; there were 60,000 at US universities in the same years .

  29. 大多数人都选择美国,以及一些采用英文授课的欧洲大学,澳大利亚和加拿大也是热门选项。

    Most will head to the US , with European universities - now offering courses in English - and Australia and Canada also competing destinations .

  30. 此竞赛将开放室内设计系、建筑系的学生,个人工作室或团体组织以及目前正学习中之被正式认可的欧洲大学学生进行此竞图。

    The competition is open to interior design and architectural students , working individually or as a team and currently studying at a recognised European College .