
  • 网络High school musical
  1. 当然了,《歌舞青春》怎么样呢?

    Of course , what about High School Musical ?

  2. 《歌舞青春》是一个励志故事,它的主题就是鼓励人勇敢追寻心中的梦想。

    High School Musical is a live-your-dreams story that inspires people to pursue their dreams .

  3. 他所演的电视剧和电影像歌舞青春,CSI,海岸情缘都是相当知名的电影电视剧。

    He played in TV shows and movies like High School Musical , CSI , Marine Food of Love are all fairly well-known films and television shows .

  4. 因迪斯尼系列电影歌舞青春一炮而红的哈金斯三月份曾经在其律师办公室与FBI探员碰面,会面的重点是她的Gmail账户被黑客入侵了。

    Miss Hudgens , a star of the High School Musical series , met with FBI agents at her lawyer 's office in March over the hacking of her Gmail account .

  5. 《歌舞青春》的女主角瓦妮莎·哈金斯出席全美青少年人气榜大奖时向影迷绽放迷人的微笑。

    " High School Musical " star Vanessa Hudgens smiles for fans at the Teen Choice Awards .

  6. 《歌舞青春》里所有的舞我都会跳

    Um , you know , I know all the dances to High School Musical , so -

  7. 导演肯尼-奥塔格(《歌舞青春》)担任本片的总导演。人们对该片的评论很正面。

    Critical reviews for the film , directed by Kenny Ortega (" High School Musical "), were quite positive .

  8. 获胜者将进入《歌舞青春》史册的一部分,而且是要真的“抛头露面”。

    The winner will become part of " High School Musical " history and will literally " Get in the Picture " .

  9. 据悉,这位《歌舞青春》的男主角在两人一月份赴日本为电影宣传造势之时提出了求婚。

    The High School Musical star is said to have popped the question to his sweetheart while they were in Japan this January .

  10. 因为一部红遍全球的《歌舞青春》走到一起22岁凡妮莎·哈金斯与23岁扎克·埃夫隆相恋四年,是外人眼中好莱坞的金童玉女。

    High School Musical lovers Hudgens , 22 today , and Efron , 23 , have been together for more than four years and were one of Hollywood 's golden couples .

  11. 这是迪士尼出品的被极度热捧但其实糟糕透顶的影片&《歌舞青春》第三部的衍生品。这个电子跳舞垫带有影片中的四首歌曲。

    Released to tie in with the third incarnation of Disney 's inexplicably popular and utterly dreadful High School Musical movies , this electronic dance mat features four of the film 's songs .

  12. 奥斯卡组织者于本周一宣布迪斯尼摇滚偶像麦莉·塞勒斯、《歌舞青春》男主角扎克·埃夫隆与《暮光之城》系列的女主角克莉丝汀·斯图亚特、“狼人”泰勒·洛特纳将在3月7日举办的奥斯卡颁奖礼上担当颁奖嘉宾。

    Oscar organizers announced Monday that " Hannah Montana " star Cyrus , Efron of " High School Musical " and Stewart and Lautner will be presenters at the awards show March 7 .

  13. 昨天,《歌舞青春》系列电影的主演瓦妮莎·哈金斯一袭飘逸白色及地长裙出席了新片《美少女特工队》的首映式,不过却没有参加电影的其它几位主演一起表演的红毯即兴舞蹈。

    Vanessa Hudgens wowed in a flowing white dress at the premiere of their new film last night but failed to join in the fun when her Sucker Punch co-stars broke out into a little impromptu dance .

  14. 排在前十名的还有宝莱坞影星沙鲁克·汗(第四位),《歌舞青春》中的万人迷扎克·埃夫隆(第六位),新英格兰爱国者队四分卫汤姆·布雷迪(第八位),以及乔治·克鲁尼(第九位)。

    The top 10 list also included Bollywood star Shah Rukh Kahn at number four , " High School Musical " heart-throb Zac Efron at six , new England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady at eight and George Clooney at number nine 。

  15. 此外,瑞茜·威瑟斯彭获评“最佳短裙奖”,《歌舞青春》女星凡妮莎·哈金斯获评“最佳嬉皮风奖”,出演奥斯卡获奖影片《贫民窟的百万富翁》的印度女星芙蕾达·平托则获“最佳色彩搭配奖”。

    People named Reese Witherspoon as having the " best short dresses , " " High School Musical " actress Vanessa Hudgens as best hippie chic , and Freida Pinto , the Indian star of Oscar-winning movie " Slumdog Millionaire , " for having the best use of color .