
zhǐ ké tánɡ jiānɡ
  • cough syrup
  1. 她把止咳糖浆给孩子们喝了。

    She dosed up the children with cough syrup .

  2. 目的建立麻杏止咳糖浆微生物限度检查法。

    Objective To establish the microbiological test for Maxing cough syrup .

  3. HPLC法测定小儿止咳糖浆中甘草酸铵的含量

    Determination of Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate in Infants Cough - Suppressing Syrup by HPLC

  4. RP-HPLC法测定感冒止咳糖浆中绿原酸的含量

    Determination of Chlorogenic Acid in Syrup for Cold and Cough by RP-HPLC

  5. 巴拿马有上百人因为服用含有DEG(二甘醇,用于防冻剂中)的止咳糖浆而死亡。

    A hundred people died in Panama from drinking cough-syrup containing DEG ( diethylene glycol , which is used in antifreeze ) .

  6. 在英国,这个具有争议的话题上周还上了电视新闻:因为止咳糖浆Benylin的制造商推出了一条新广告。广告中,一位漂亮女子早上起来发现得了感冒。

    Last week in the UK the controversial topic made it onto the televised national news because the makers of Benylin cough mixture had come up with an ad in which a nice looking woman wakes up one morning with a cold .

  7. 每天服三次这种止咳糖浆,每次服一剂量。

    One dose of this cough syrup three times a day .

  8. 这一产品被用来生产止咳糖浆和其它药品。

    The product was used to make cough syrup and other medicine .

  9. 出门前喝点止咳糖浆。

    Take some of that cough syrup before we leave .

  10. 你不该喝那么多止咳糖浆

    You shouldn 't have drank all that cough syrup .

  11. 系数倍率法测定异丙嗪止咳糖浆中愈创木酚磺酸钾的含量

    Content Determination of Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate in Promethazine Cough Syrup by K-Ratio Spectrophotometry

  12. 目的:探索杏荷止咳糖浆的最佳制备工艺。

    Objective : To explore the best preparation process of Xinghe Zhike Syrup .

  13. 复方止咳糖浆的研制及临床观察

    Preparation of Compound Cough Syrup and Its Clinical Observation

  14. 这里有止咳糖浆吗?

    Do we have any cough syrup in here ?

  15. 请问你们这儿有止咳糖浆或者含片吗?

    Do you have any cough syrup and lozenges ?

  16. 去年,二甘醇在巴拿马被错误地同止咳糖浆混在了一起。

    Last year , diethylene glycol was mistakenly mixed with cough syrup in Panama .

  17. 所有东西都尝起来像止咳糖浆

    Everything else tastes like cough syrup .

  18. 除了石油联合组织和生产止咳糖浆的巨头,几乎没有人真正喜欢冬天。

    Almost no one sincerely likes winter except the oil cartel and the cough syrup magnates .

  19. 那是我有次不小心把樱桃止咳糖浆洒在上面留下的。

    There is a small red stain on the back where I once spilled cherry cough syrup .

  20. 有没有止咳糖浆呢?

    How about cough syrup ?

  21. 无刺激性的止咳糖浆

    A bland cough syrup

  22. 不,并不严重。我给您开点儿药和止咳糖浆。

    No , it 's nothing serious . I 'll prescribe you some medicine and a cough syrup .

  23. 他烧到103度(华氏)还服了过量的止咳糖浆还神智不�

    He 's got a fever of 103 , he overdosed on cough syrup , and he 's delirious .

  24. 父母称,他们的孩子服用蜂蜜以后较服用止咳糖浆相比,活动过度会稍微更多一些。

    The parents reported slightly more hyperactivity when their kids took honey , compared with when they took cough syrup .

  25. 好的。这药一天服三次,一次一片,饭后服。止咳糖浆需要时喝一次。

    Okay . Take one pill three times a day after meals . You can take the cough syrup as needed .

  26. 如果还是感觉不舒服,试试吃一些非处方药如布洛芬、扑热息痛或止咳糖浆以减轻你的症状。

    If you still feel lousy , try some over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen , acetaminophen or cough syrup to alleviate some of your symptoms .

  27. 人们吞咽那样剂量的止咳糖浆时所获得的(症状的)立即缓解,归因于粘稠的媒介物而不是药物本身。

    The immediate relief that one experiences when swallowing that dose of cough syrup is attributable to the viscous vehicle and not the medicine itself .

  28. 结果表明麻芩止咳糖浆治疗组的总控显率为61.67%,总有效率为95.00%;

    Result : In the treated group , the command and marked curative effective rate is 61.67 % , and the total effective is 95.00 % ;

  29. 当出现这些症状时,人们的第一反应就是吃药、和止咳糖浆来将其“治愈”。

    They can be symptoms , in which case your first reaction is to try to " cure " them with all sorts of pills and syrups .

  30. 他想治咳嗽,但我找不到止咳糖浆。我就用泻药代替了,还告诉他要一次全喝下。

    He wanted something for his cough but I couldn 't find the cough syrup . I substituted Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once .