
  • 网络canonical momentum
  1. 发现超导电子的正则动量和空间相位的梯度有正比例的关系;

    It is found that the canonical momentum is directly proportional to the gradient of space phase .

  2. 从相空间中Green函数的生成泛函出发,对正则动量引入外源,利用最陡下降法,证明了在树图近似下,正规顶角的生成泛函等于正则作用量。

    On Starting from the generating functional of Green function in phase space and introducing exterior sources for canonical momenta , it turns out that the generating functional of proper vertices is equal to canonical action in tree approximation .

  3. 一个哈密顿系统正则动量的软模振荡

    Soft-mode oscillations of canonical momenta in a Hamiltonian system

  4. 并以此为指导对量子力学教学界长期存在的正则动量算符之争给出明确结论,同时也澄清了与量子化有关的若干重要认识问题。

    Under the guidance of this theory , the long-standing controversy about momentum operators is given a clear - cut conclusion , and certain issues related to quantization are clarified .

  5. 在均匀分布电荷情况下,导出了发射度的公式,给出了发射度和正则角动量的关系。

    In the case of uniform distribution of space charge , the relation between emittance and the canonical angular momentum of the beam is given .

  6. 采用曲轴坐标系统,导出了磁浸没透镜的宽束曲光轴理论,研究了初始正则角动量矩不为零的无束腰磁透镜系统的电子光学性质;

    A theory of wide beam curved optical axes for magnetic immersed lenses has been developed . The electronic optics properties of the magnetic lenses systems which involve nonzero initial canonical angular momentum and have no crossover were theoretically studied .

  7. 给出的水分子基态势能函数,在质心坐标系中推导了水分子的正则坐标与共轭正则动量和Hamilton正则方程,应用辛格式计算了水分子的经典轨迹和能量,并与Runge-Kutta法做了比较。

    Murrell et al , the canonical coordinates and canonical moment as well as Hamilton canonical equations in mass center coordinates have been deduced , classical trajectories and energy of H_2O molecule have been computed . The computed result is compared with the result computed by Runge-Kutta method .

  8. 将正则Ward恒等式初步应用于该系统,不作出对正则动量的路径积分,也可导出场的传播子与正规顶角之间的某些关系。

    With preliminary application of canonical Ward identities to such a system , some relationships among the vertices and propagators for the fields can be deduced without carrying out the integration for canonical momenta in phase space path integral .