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  • Daily Express
  1. 《每日快报》把凯里医生说成是特别难对付的家伙。

    The Daily Express describes Dr Carey as a pretty tough nut .

  2. 1925年,约翰•罗杰•贝尔德(JohnLogieBaird)想让人们相信,他最新发明的东西将大获成功。遗憾的是,当他跑去《每日快报》(DailyExpress)伦敦办公室推销,却很快就被打发了。

    In 1925 , John Logie Baird wanted toconvince the public that his latest invention would be a great success.Unfortunately , when he arrived at the London offices of the Daily Express , hissales pitch was quickly dismissed .

  3. HellyHansen的发言人对《每日快报》表示说:这很不可思议,看到这么多人仍然怀着激情,去户外迎接新的挑战。

    A spokesperson from Helly Hansen told The Daily Express : ' It is fantastic to see that so many people still have a passion for taking to the outdoors in order to experience new challenges .

  4. HellyHansen的发言人对《每日快报》表示说:“这很不可思议,看到这么多人仍然怀着激情,去户外迎接新的挑战。

    A spokesperson from Helly Hansen told The Daily Express : ' It is fantastic to see that so many people still have a passion for taking to the outdoors in order to experience new challenges 。

  5. 纷纷弃职投效《每日快报》的一些记者。

    Journalists who had deserted in droves to the daily express .

  6. 据英国每日快报报道,苏格兰的学校将设置专门的课程来指导学生如何睡觉。

    According to Daily Express , Scottish teenagers are about to receive sleep training in schools .

  7. 英国每日快报报道称,咖喱不仅好吃,还有多重治疗功效。

    The Daily Express reports that curries are not only tasty ; they are packed with medicinal benefits .

  8. 《每日快报》报道,纽卡斯尔有意将前阿森纳核心带回英超。

    The Daily Express claim that the Toon are interested in bring the former Arsenal lynchpin back to the Premiership .

  9. 英国王室的前御厨达伦·麦格雷迪告诉《每日快报》说,这一传统是向王室的德国血统致敬。

    The royal family 's former chef Darren McGrady told Express that the tradition is a nod to their German heritage .

  10. 《每日快报》的皇家记者理查德帕尔默(音译)表示:哈里已经改变了大众对他的看法。

    " Harry has changed public perceptions of himself ," said Richard Palmer , the Daily Express newspaper ` s royal reporter .

  11. 喝酒伤身的说法也不全对,据英国每日快报报道,科学家发现适量饮酒反而能够强身。

    According to the Daily Express , researchers have found an alcoholic drink a day can help keep heart disease at bay .

  12. 据英国每日快报报道,英国政府日前制定计划,提高酒类销售底价,政府相信此举能有效降低国内犯罪率。

    According to a Daily Express report , UK ministers have unveiled plans to set a minimum price for alcohol in England and Wales .

  13. 据英国每日快报报道,儿时多吃薯片,巧克力等高脂高糖食物不利于儿童智力发育。

    According to a Daily Express report , researchers have found eating chips , chocolate and cake may be damaging to a child 's intelligence .

  14. 据英国《每日快报》10月10报道,瑞典科学家已经找到了成功移植子宫的奥秘,可以让不孕妇女怀上身孕。

    According to the Dailyexpress of October 10 , Swedish scientists are on the brink of a womb transplant which will let infertile women become pregnant .

  15. 据英国每日快报报道,瑞典的一家公司近日成功将人体体温转化成了建筑供暖新能源。

    According to report in the Daily Express , a Swedish company has decided to collect human body heat as a heating source to keep down soaring energy costs .

  16. 英国每日快报报道称,德国研究人员最近研发出了一种可以给照片加保质期的软件。

    According to a Daily Express report , help is at hand for anyone who has ever forgotten about embarrassing images they posted to a social network or website .

  17. 美国科学家研究发现英国人普遍要比美国人健康,英国每日快报对其研究结果进行了即时转载。

    The Daily Express reports that according to a research published in the US , people living in England enjoy better health than Americans , despite less investment in healthcare .

  18. 据上周英国《每日快报》的消息:自从2012年走红网络后,有只猫的身价已经超过了1亿美元(约合6.19亿人民币)。

    A cat has raked in $ 100 million ( 619 million yuan ) since she became Internet famous two years ago , reported UK newspaper Daily Express last week .

  19. 来自每日快报的消息,科学家近日研究发现婴儿爱哭会增加患多动症的风险。

    According to the Daily Express , research has found that babies who cry excessively and have problems feeding and sleeping have a greater risk of serious behavioral problems later on in life .

  20. 《每日快报》的皇家记者在推特上写道:“让王室宝宝倒计时开始吧:今天,在帕丁顿圣玛丽医院的林都翼外,已经设了障碍和停车限制。

    The Daily Express ' royal reporter wrote on Twitter , " Let the royal baby countdown begin : barriers and parking restrictions have been brought in outside the Lindo Wing at St Mary 's Hospital , Paddington today in a planned move .

  21. 在接受《每日快报》的采访时,不爽猫的主人邦德森说,“它的照片亮相社交网络的几天之内我的手机一直响个不停,而我很快就有能力辞掉服务生的工作了。”

    The cat changed her owner 's life . " I was able to quit my job as a waitress within days of her first appearance on social media and the phone simply hasn 't stopped ringing since , " Bundesen tells The Daily Express .

  22. 如果有一天facebook游戏、设计师服装的每日促销快报以及用于在酒吧中定位友人的应用这些东西的市场崩溃了,应该不会有人为它们或者其他更为小众的应用感到悲伤。

    If the markets for Facebook games , daily deals on designer clothes or apps to locate our friends in bars collapsed , few would mourn them or their ever more esoteric derivations .