
háo mǐ
  • mm;millimeter;millimetre;millimeter of mercury;damns
毫米 [háo mǐ]
  • [millimeter] 米制长度单位,等于1/1000米--缩写mm

毫米[háo mǐ]
  1. 偏差减为一毫米。

    The deviation is reduced to one millimetre .

  2. 现在天体化学家有了新工具:阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米波天线阵(ALMA,位于智利北部)。

    Now the astrochemists have a new tool : the Atacama Large Millimetre / submillimetre Array ( ALMA ) in northern Chile .

  3. 这些轮胎磨损得已低于胎面1.6毫米的法定厚度。

    The tyres were worn below the legal limit of 1.6mm of tread .

  4. 使用至少12毫米厚的木材。

    Use wood of at least 12 mm thickness .

  5. 这些螺丝是用毫米标定大小的。

    The screws are sized in millimetres .

  6. 这块宝石高28.6毫米,重139.43克拉。

    The gemstone is 28.6 millimetres high and weighs 139.43 carats .

  7. 这辆轿车比原先的车型短了约40毫米。

    The car is some 40mm shorter than its predecessor .

  8. 利雅得在12小时内降水就达25毫米。

    Riyadh got 25 mm of rain in just 12 hours

  9. 标准的8毫米的胶片每秒放映16组镜头。

    Standard 8mm projects at 16 frames per second .

  10. 媒体报道称24小时内的降雨量达到了65毫米。

    Press reports said that 65mm of water fell in twenty four hours .

  11. 口径为120毫米的迫击炮的射程是1.8万码。

    The 120mm mortar has a range of 18,000 yards

  12. 降雨量和降雪量共达50毫米。

    The total rain and snowfall amounted to 50mm .

  13. 采用6毫米胶片是因为它的定格图像要比录像带更加清晰。

    6-millimetre film was used because it offered clearer freeze frames than video tape .

  14. 把4毫米厚的胶合板条铺在网子上,然后用镶板钉钉牢。

    Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins .

  15. 这架相机有一个32毫米的镜头,最大孔径为f/4.5,固定快门速度为1/100秒。

    The camera has a 32mm lens with a maximum aperture of f / 4.5 and a fixed shutter speed of 1 / 100sec .

  16. 这边缘必须切割到0.02毫米的精确度。

    The edge must be machined down to0.02 millimetres .

  17. 大地经纬仪的度盘直径一般为140毫米。

    Geodetic theodolites generally have circles of about140mm diameter .

  18. 一厘米等于10毫米。

    One centimeter is equal to10 millimetres .

  19. 其中包括他们会释放的所有超过5毫米的碎片,这些碎片可能会在轨道上滞留25年及以上。

    It includes accounting for any piece of debris they plan to release over 5mm that might stay in orbit for 25 years or more .

  20. 将各种药粒进行混和,装在5.56毫米的弹壳中

    These increments were mixed and looked into the 5.56mm catridge case .

  21. 每一个触手大约两毫米长。

    Each tentacle is about two millimeters long .

  22. 7月18日18时至21日0时,郑州累积平均降水量达449毫米。

    The accumulated rainfall reached 449 mm on average in Zhengzhou from 6 pm Sunday to midnight Tuesday .

  23. 河南省气象中心表示,截至7月20日17时,郑州24小时平均降雨量457.5毫米,超过有气象记录以来极值。

    Zhengzhou received average precipitation of 457.5 mm within 24 hours to 5 pm Tuesday , the highest daily rainfall since the weather record began .

  24. 湖北省应急管理局表示,截至8月12日15点,湖北有68个县降雨量均超过100毫米。

    As of 3:00 pm Thursday , 68 counties in Hubei had each seen rainfall measuring more than 100 mm , according to the provincial emergency management department .

  25. 黑龙江省气象中心的数据显示,哈尔滨、牡丹江等地的降雪达到25.8毫米,部分地区的积雪厚度达到17厘米。

    Snowfall of up to 25.8 mm was recorded in cities including Harbin and Mudanjiang , bringing a blanket of snow 17 cm deep in some places , according to the province 's meteorological center .

  26. 英国A-PΦ330毫米膜片弹簧离合器总成台架试验与探讨

    Bench Test and Discussion of English A-P Φ 330 mm Diaphragm Spring clutch Assemblage

  27. 毫米波Doppler传感器在心脏监护系统中的应用

    Application of millimeter wave Doppler sensing unit to heart supervision system

  28. 微波毫米波功率单片电路CAD

    Microwave and Millimeter Wave Power Monolithic Circuit CAD

  29. 毫米波E面混合集成电调振荡器

    Millimeter-wave E-plane Hybrid Integrated Electronically Tuning Oscillator

  30. 3毫米H面波导Y结环行器

    3-mm H-plane Y-junction Waveguide Circulator