
mín xīn
  • popular support;popular feelings;popular sentiments;common aspiration of the people
民心 [mín xīn]
  • [common aspirations of the people;popular feelings;popular sentiments] 人民的思想、感情、意愿等

  • 民心所向

  • 民心稍安。--《广东军务记》

民心[mín xīn]
  1. 随着我国2008年北京奥运会的筹办,奥林匹克教育更加深入民心。

    With the arrangement of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games of our country , deeper popular feelings of Olympic education .

  2. 同时宏观信息和微观信息合理配套传播,才有利于提高报道的质量,达到传播的效果,才有利于控制谣言,安定民心,稳定社会。

    At the same time macroscopical information and micro information form a complete set and spread rationally , just help to improve the quality of the report , get the result of spreading , just help to control rumours , stable popular feelings , stabilize the society .

  3. 他利用广播媒介来获得公众支持或安定民心。

    He used the medium of radio when he wanted to enlist public support or reassure the citizenry

  4. 他在担任市长的整个任期内都深得民心。

    He remained popular throughout his tenure of the office of mayor .

  5. n.民心;士气比赛失败后,这支足球队的士气非常低落。

    morale The morale of the football team was very low after its defeat .

  6. 对制裁不买账的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)继续深得民心,甚至在近几周在乌克兰变得更加咄咄逼人。

    A defiant Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to enjoy popular support , and has become even more aggressive in Ukraine in recent weeks .

  7. 伊朗总统马哈茂德艾哈迈迪-内贾德(mahmoudahmadi-nejad)是一个久经考验的意识形态倡导者,他曾借助将民粹主义、偏执和偏见混合在一起的下作手段,赢得了阿拉伯人的民心。

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad is a well-practised ideological entrepreneur , with a record of winning Arab hearts and minds through an ugly blend of populism , paranoia and prejudice .

  8. 在汽车制造之都名古屋,这位喜欢穿热带汗衫的知事河村隆之(TakashiKawamura),曾尝试削减议员的工资来弥补城市减税计划的收入,他的这一举措使他深得民心。

    In the car-manufacturing city of Nagoya , Takashi Kawamura , a mayor with a taste for tropical shirts , enjoys strong popularity for trying to halve assembly-members'salaries to pay for a city tax cut .

  9. 这样的话,日本也许就能拥有顺民意得民心的政府。

    That way , Japan might actually get some decent government .

  10. 社区、家庭地震应急预案&一项有积极意义的民心工程

    Community : Enlightenment of Family Preplan for Earthquake Emergency response

  11. 民心稳定,是反腐败斗争的基本前提;

    Stable mass feelings are one of the essential prerequisites for anti-corruption ;

  12. 你想得到民心吗?

    Did you do all this to gain their favour ?

  13. 新思想已逐渐深入民心。

    The new ideas have gradually permeated through the people .

  14. 哪一方的君主是有道明君,能得民心?

    Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law ?

  15. 这个环保工程是个“民心工程”。

    The environment-friendly project is a " popularity-winning " project .

  16. 没准儿,只是老大哥觉得这个下属太得民心,除去为妙。

    Perhaps Big Brother was merely getting rid of a too-popular subordinate .

  17. 农业是安天下、稳民心的战略产业。

    Agriculture is a strategic industry to stable nation .

  18. 党执政以来赢得民心的基本经验及其启示

    Basic Experience and Enlightenment of Winning Popular Sentiment since the Party 's Governance

  19. 优良的党风是凝聚党心民心的巨大力量

    A Fine Style is a Great Cohesive Force of the Party and People

  20. 他出任新共和国的总统总的说来颇得民心。

    His elevation to the presidency of the New Republic was generally popular .

  21. 他的父亲乔治罗姆内是60年代密西根州一位颇得民心的州长。

    His father , George Romney , was a popular governor in the1960s .

  22. 他深得民心。

    He earned the praises of all the citizens .

  23. 这些举动使他深得民心。

    These actions made him popular with the people .

  24. 你正在失去民心你听到我说的话了吗?

    You 're losing the people . Do you hear me ? The people .

  25. 美国能否改变竞选活动财务规则,或将笼络民心的政治经费和不公平的划分选区的行为减至最低?

    Can the US change campaign finance rules or minimise pork barrelling and gerrymandering ?

  26. 新的税收制度不得民心,政府不得不将其取消。

    The government had to abolish the new tax because it was so unpopular .

  27. 外面那样大吹大擂的目的无非是要鼓舞一下民心。

    The purpose of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale .

  28. 究其因,民心向背乃是决定一个政党、一个政权盛衰的根本因素。

    The basic factor to decide the party ups and downs is the public mind .

  29. 未来一年,联盟政府必将遭受民心所背的考验。

    The year ahead promises to see the coalition tested in a cauldron of unpopularity .

  30. 汤建立商朝后,减轻征赋,鼓励生产,安抚民心。

    During his reign , Tang lightened taxes and encouraged production to appease the morale .